Thursday 23 November 2023


It’s a huge honour, indescribable blessings been given to us, what’s been given us is huge. Never let it become too common. Never take it lightly. Pastor hopes we understand what Pastor Biodun message on pulling water from the rock means. 
Cause sometimes we may not realize that we are actually speaking truth. The scripture he read at the beginning should give us clearly the reality of what he said. 
1 Corinthians 10:1-4 KJV
He’s telling you that though they drank water from that rock that it was a spiritual rock. What they were doing  . J.     6hyuwas only symbolic of the real truth. 

So, when they brought water of that rock it was only telling of the reality that was to come. That in the mind of God that rock was Christ, that reality is what we are living 
today. So, each one of us should be bringing water out of the rock. 

We are those who bring water out of the rock. The problem is not many have been taught the life of the supernatural. It can and should be taught. 
This is one reason the children need to be brought into the adult church. As long as they are kept from knowing what we do in the service, they cannot learn by example. There’s a whole lot you can’t theorize and teach them by talking. They’ve got to see. It’s the only way to bring them up speedily. They need to participate in your major 
services or programs. 
Before your words can have power, you must be someone who put premium on words. Train children to place a premium on words. Train them to know truth and the power of truth. If you don’t train them, it won’t come naturally. And as true as that is, training Gods people to know the truth and walk in the truth, is just as important. 
2 Corinthians 3:7-9 KJV
2 Corinthians 4:1-2 KJV
I have a ministry of righteousness so I carry out the ministration of righteousness. The ministration of the spirit. 
Telling the truth is more than what you just said being factual. 
We have to train Gods people in the manifestation of the truth. But how can they be trained if they don’t know the truth. They have to know the truth. 
They have to know we have eternal life. You cant live it, until you know it.
1 John 5:12
1 John 1:1-3 KJV
When you believe in Jesus Christ, there has to be a oneness. His truth isn’t given to us to debate but to accept as his only truth. 
Everything you’d ever know about or from God is in Jesus. Because he is the embodiment, the totality of divinity. In him is encapsulated all of the Godhead in flesh. It has to become your truth. Your personal message. Conviction is important. 
I am in fellowship with god, I am not an ordinary person.
He was eternal life made flesh. Eternal life manifested unto us. 
Have you come to that point that you bear witness of eternal life? 
Many are trained to share testimonies when they experience a change - something happened. How about being a witness of eternal life?
Do you live eternal life?
🗣️I have eternal life. 
When this gets into your consciousness, it will be the end of sickness, failure, diseases. 
Train them about truth. Learning the truth. 
Never be afraid of anything, the life in you will destroy what comes against you.
1 John 5:12-13 NIV
By manifestation of the truth, we have a ministry of righteousness
John 20:30-31 KJV
If you can believe, you have eternal life, first it’s a fountain of life. Meaning that from your body it will spread. Then he said the Holy Spirit himself will come live in you and this out of you will flow gushers of living water from you to the earth. 
The babies get healed, but when you grow up you don’t get healed, you heal.

An important thing you should never forget: When you read from Romans 10:9 into the principles of salvation, you’d understand Gods word and how to apply 
So, the law was given so that those to whom the law was given would live by the law. That was for them so much so Moses said they had to obey the law cause this was 
their life. 
Romans 10:3-10 KJV
“So, then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.”
Romans 8:8 KJV
- if you want to please God in your life then you cannot be dominated by your senses. 
Romans 8:9-11 KJV
Those of the law shall live by the law. But we are of the spirit. We are different. 
Romans 8:1-2 KJV
🗣️I live by the law of life. 
From the moment a child is born, death sets in. And from then on, it’s a fight against death. 
We are children of light. We belong in the kingdom of light, so we are light. 
We are his living tabernacle. His tabernacle of life. 

Ephesians 3:8 AMPC
The word translated unsearchable in vs 8 is not very well captured in the English.
Something could be incalculable but if well spent could become exhausted.
The word unending is not enough because it doesn’t tell you about quantity. So, he had to give us more words. 
Incalculable - blows the mind. 
Riches of Christ - Christ riches. 
Heavenly riches. Riches that are connected to Christ. 
Wealth which no human being could have searched out. 
How do you determine this? If Christ is God, then the riches are truly unsearchable.
FELLOWSHIP of the mystery: This refers to that which is associated with the mystery in terms of its economy or dispensation, that is the mystery of Christ which the 
gentiles were to be brought into the gospel. 
It refers to all that the mystery embodies in provisions, rights, privileges and the judicial assignments and writes of application accorded. 
Eph 3:10 God is teaching supernatural beings using his church. We have become his spiritual lecturers. 
No matter how powerful angels are, they won’t understand "Christ in you the hope of glory"; they will not understand that we are the righteousness of God in Christ 
Isaiah 65:1-
Follow the details because it’d tell you some things about prophecy and prophecy interpretation. 
Romans 10:20-21 KJV
- he just told us that prophecy wasn’t to the same people. One part was for the people, the other for different people. 

So back to Isaiah. 
Isaiah 65:1-2 KJV
Hosea 1:10 KJV
Romans 9:24-26 KJV
- here’s we just read in Hosea. 
Let’s go to Moses. 
Deuteronomy 32:21 KJV
Romans 10:19 KJV
Isaiah 61:1-11 KJV
There is a contemplation of Christ that causes us to pray in a certain way. You have to consciously meditate on the word until it gets into your spirit. That’s when it becomes like food like you’re actually digesting something in your system. 

Colossians 1:9-10 KJV
- every leader must pray for those under him like this. 
Some people become fruitful in some good work then stop increasing in the knowledge of God. 
Cause there’s so much demand, everyone’s after them. But God wants you to be fruitful in every good work. And along with that increase in the knowledge of God. 
He didn’t just say knowledge by picking a very general word. No, he used a word that wasn’t very commonly used in their daily conversations. No one else used that word in all of the New Testament except Peter in his 2nd epistle in which he tells us about Paul’s epistles meaning he might have come across it from Paul. 
He used the word epiglottis - precise, exact knowledge. 
But that’s not the power of epignosis. Its power is that it is a knowledge that relates with that which is known. 
He introduced this kind of knowledge into the relationship with diving things, divine truths. Which generally others didn’t know because they came from a Jewish background where they crammed the law. 
It’s a knowledge that includes a fellowship with that which is known. 
So, you come to the point where it’s not just scripture. You actually live with this thing. You walk with it. 
The church is so important in the kingdom of God that it is used as a standard. It is the topmost class of the kingdom. 
The church is not all the kingdom of God. It’s a part of the kingdom of God. 
Ephesians 5:22-32 KJV
As you dress yourself nicely dress your wife nicely. Order two suits. Get your money and get her own too. If it is only one it can have, then it is hers. 
Verse 30-
Hallelujah! We are members of His body, flesh and bones. The body of Jesus does not have blood. It is the power of the Holy Ghost. The entire blood drained out on the cross. 
You cannot be a sickler if you have the Holy Ghost. 
No cancer can grow in my body. 
I live by the Holy Ghost.
The first Adam said to Eve "you are the flesh of my flesh and bone of my bones". 
The second Adam, same thing It is the man that leaves father and mother. The wife 
doesn’t leave father and mother. This is a mystery. 
Galatians 4:22-26, 31 KJV
- so, there are two Jerusalem. One on earth and one above. 
Hebrews 12:22 KJV
🗣️ We belong to the heavenly Jerusalem. 
Revelation 19:1-9 KJV
‼️ Get ready for the rapture. Prepare cause it will happen 
soon. Don’t miss the 1st flight‼️
The 2nd flight is for those who will be persecuted and face hardship. The bible refers to it as the greatest tribulations the world every saw. DON'T BE HERE. 
Revelation 21:1-14 KJV
Who is the bride of Christ? The new Jerusalem. 
Hebrews 11:10-16 KJV
- which people? - the Old Testament saints. He prepared a city for them. 
- The city is, are you of all the righteous Old Testament people because he promised them a city. 
- But for us he built us A City. 
Revelation 14:1
The width is long and the height is as long. The distance is likened to from Lagos to London.
The great tribulation saints would be killed for their testimony in Christ. 
While the marriage supper of the lamb on, then the Armageddon would be going on. This is the 3rd world war. 
The Lord s return will put a stop to that war. They will face us with Christ in the sky with all their missiles and fire but we shall be descending... And just one Angel will 
arrest satan and throw the devil into the bottomless pit where he will descend for 1000 years. 
Another angel arrests the anti-christ and another angel will arrest the false prophet and both would be cast alive into the lake of fire.
Then Jesus summons all the nations of the world. 
All those who treated Israel good or bad would be placed to the right or left. The goat nations and sheep nations would be separated. 
The goat nations would be sent to hell not lake of fire. 
King David will get back to the throne in Israel while Christ will rule over all nations and we will rule with him. 
Men will live for 1000 years. 
The last enemy to be arrested will be death so men will still die. 
We will punish disobedient people. 
At the end of 1000 years when satan is released and he will deceive many again. 
He will gather the deceived nations and peoples who all would want to invade the camp of the saints in Jerusalem. 
But a fire from God would destroy Satan and the deceived people and Satan would be thrown into the lake of fire.

LIVE YOUR LIFE as someone who is waiting for the Lord. 
There will be no warning. There would be no such thing as "it looks as if will be next week".
I did not send anyone to exaggerate on the date of rapture. 
All I say, I say publicly. 
If I want to tell you how near it is I will tell you publicly. 
Let no one deceive you. But it is near. 
Make sure you are not taken unawares. 
Live your life according to the Word then you will know. 
With that mind win souls. With that mind give into the gospel.

Finance Convention Day 5 With Pastor Chris, Christ Embassy Lagos Zone 5, 12/09/2024.

Phil. 4:6, John 1:1. All of God's plans, thought, response, speech, message he was all of God and he became flesh and dwell amongst us. ...