Phil. 4:6, John 1:1. All of God's plans, thought, response, speech, message he was all of God and he became flesh and dwell amongst us. Col 1: 19. Jesus was the full content of God. 1John 4:17 as he is so are we in this world. John 3:16. You have the same life with God. We didn't make it happen, that why Jesus came, he came to give us his kind of life. 1Cor 12:27 we have specific identity of him. Ephesians 5:30 we are members of his totality. Romans 8:14-17. All that belongs to Jesus Christ belongs to us the same way as joint-heirs. Joint heirs don't share, you own it together. Equal rights 100% together. In those days the scriptures were not available for all, maybe just a copy for a congregation and sometimes they just had that opportunity to read the scriptures once in a month. We should be glad we have the Bibles in our days. As a joint heir with Christ you have access to everything.
You make your choice in life, don't compare with anybody, it is between you and God. Make your claims. Suddenly it will happen with you. 1Peter 1:23 if you are the offspring of God you are god. You are born of the word of God you are the word of God.
2Cor 3:2-3 you are Christ message, you are Christ logos. Jesus was the message of God. I am Christ opinion, I am Christ message, I am Christ revelation, I am God's word, I am Christ letters. You are the fulfillment of God's word. The one that is fulfilling only makes declarations. I will always be a success, I will always be victorious. Christianity is not a religion, it is a nature with God. We are the associate of the God kind. God's word becomes your food. You are what you eat, let the word of God dwells in you richly. Don't believe deception, believe what God's word say. Act like what God's word says and believe everything it says. 1Cor 2:11-13 I speak wisdom, I speak faith, I speak the word of God, remember words are thoughts clothed in vocabularies. Your words are the clothing of your dreams. Create everything you need, start living and enjoy them, you will see them come to fulfillment.
Meditation: 1 Tim.4:15. Let your progress appear to all by meditating on God's word. That your progress spread abroad. That your progress may shine everywhere.
Hagah means to imagine, to create,.to talk under your voice. Roar: roaring like a lion.
1. Pondering: see those pictures. God showed Abraham those pictures for him to believe.
2. Talking level. You have seen it now you are talking it. While others are busy with things you get busy doing the talking. Proverbs 4:23. Set the pictures in front of you with one direction only. Refused to be distracted, no time for negativity. What are you going to be like in the next few months and years. Proverbs 4:24-25. Forward mouth, avoid them, they are always in opposition. Perverse lips, bad language, always speaking evil, they speak badly of people. Don't go with them.
Romans.12:2 don't conformed to the things of this word but be renewed daily with the word. The word of God doesn't fail. Believe on the word of God, it works. Serve the Lord with all that you have, distinguish yourself. Don't be everybody's girl, distinguish yourself. How are you going to preach the gospel and they take you seriously. God has distinguished you. When you meditate like this it is called 3. Incubation.
Genesis 1:2-3. The pondering and talking session is the incubating time. It will mature and brings forth those things you have within. Convenant confessions. Hebrews 13:5-6. Romans 10:9-10. Homologia, Haga, confession, incantation, declarations. Acts 27:34. With the mouth confession is made unto health. Speak in agreement with God.
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