Sunday 6 October 2024


Ps Johan
As a leader we must follow God's instructions completely without choosing and picking what to obey.
Can you be trusted with the responsibility God has given
Compliance is a reflection of your faithfulness.
It's not just about results but faithfully carrying out what God has entrusted to you, if you do that, the results will come.
What is Reporting?
It's a responsibility of every leader to give account of work that has been given.
Sunday and Wednesday services
- Attendance
- Testimonies
- Areas for improvements
Cell meeting reports on celf portal.
Four key importance of reportinq
- Accountability
- Tracking growth and progress
- Informed decision making - Honouring God
How to Follow instructions
Use ministry apps
Excellent report
Follow the Cell ministry structure
Att3nd Leadership Training
Consistence use of Bible study outline
Encouragement on leading with humility & reverence: - Not wanting to have your own way but submitting to the structure given to follow.
- Aligning in your heart to follow instructions given by the ministry
- Put your own ideas aside and go hard with the structure in place and you'll see grace work in your life. More Grace comes from following instructions.
The honour that comes form God, is the only honour that matters.
Be faithful, accountable and consistent.
Importance of Cell structure or system
The cell system is not a tool to bring people to church.
It is part of the pastoral ministry.
2 corinthians 5:19
God is doing the ministry reconciliation through us.
As we go out there we save & win soul to send them out and keep repeating the process.
Structures and systems Meeting structure:
1 . Prayer & Planning=> You plan what you want to achieve in the month soul winning and partnership target, crusades, etc...
2. Bible study=> This is done for week 2 & 3 where we delve into the study given us by our Man of God Ps Chris.
3. Outreach meeting => This is fuelled by the planning at the beginning of the month.
You cannot choose what you want to do as a cell leader. You need to follow these structure .
Benefit of following the structure & systems
- Producing results
- Growth
You don't need to invent a new way, follow the pattern already given us and you'll definitely come back with a testimony and results.
Ps Chris Oyakilome
God had only one son, Jesus christ and He made him a soul winner.
He is the one we should emulate and copy.
The cell system is not a beautiful idea thought up through human ingenuity.
It is in the bible.
It's important for us to understand that in the New testament we find two words we translate imto church in the English versions. While they are synonymous they actually mean two different things.
1. Synagogue => a place of assembly
2. Church => Ecclesia, the called out ones to gather
Acts 1:1-4
Jesus began both to do and teach what the apostles continued to do.
God wants those who are faithful, can you be trusted?
Mark 1:14-21
14 Jesus began preaching the gospel
17 He is winning souls
21 He is teaching
Every true cell leader is a soul winner
Mark 1:27-
Mark 2:13-15
Vs 14 Jesus is preaching to large crowds now but it didn't stop him form preaching to individuals: Levi also known as Matthew.
1 5 Levi and his friends followed him
When will you get your cell members invite you to come have an outreach in their home or neighbourhood?
When you have a cell functional like that, there will be growth.
Levi had first class and first hand example of Jesus Christ. Levi knew his friends will not come to the large crowd Jesus was preaching to so he invited them to his house. And their souls were won. Mark 3:7-15
Vs 10=> His healing ministry brought the crowds

Vs 12=> Jesus didn't want the testimony of demons.
Don't use the voice of demons to prove that you're something. Vs 14=> He picked 12 of them. He seperated them from the multitudes to become preachers and have power to cast out devils and heal sicknesses. (Luke 9:1-2)
Luke 8:1-4
Vs 2=> Jesus included women now. Women of substance.
Vs 4=> When the women got involved, much people came in
Simon praised God for seeing Baby Jesus
Anna praised God and said she was going to tell everyone who needed salvation. When you involve only men it stays within. When you involve women many come in.
At Jesus's Resurrection, the male disciples kept to themselves but the ladies went to spread the news.
Luke 9:49-50
John and the others tried to stop others
Luke 10:1-3, 8-9
Vs8-9 => The 70 also recieved same power as the 12.
What happened after this?
Luke 1 1 •.29
Luke 12:1
More and more uncountable people came in.
Then He warned them to beware of the "Corruption of the Pharisees" => Deception
Warn your members not to take the vaccines not to believe the pharmaceutical companies.
These organisations are full of and controlled by deception. Just as Jesus talked to His disciples, you also need to talk to your members about deception.
  As a cell leader God expected to be growing spiritually. How can you grow spiritually if you're not feeding right spiritually. 2 Peter 3:17-18
God want us to grow so we can help others grow
2 Timothy 2:1-4
Vs 3 => Be tough. Sometimes there are experiences God allows you to go through to make you tough.
You're a soldier, Jesus expect you to act like one. You maybe soft spoken and r3served but you're tough, don't cower, don't give up no matter how tough it becomes.
Vs 4 => Don't be entagled with certain relationships that weaken you. Don't enter it to relationships with people who don't accept our teaching or love some activities we do like praying and studying. It'll affect you.
Refuse to be entangled, the most Important thing in life is our relationship with Jesus Christ.
  Learn to prepare your members for church services and ministry programmes
It's Important to get your members to join services and programs. Adopt the following steps: [I.R.P] - Inform
  Persuade => Do what you can to get them there.
Because you may just be saving their life.
We never serve God and loose.
If you have to miss something to be at church, God will find something else
  Drawing closer to God with a very busy schedule
Colossians 1:9
Don't be overloaded with work.
- Cell offerings
Ans: All cell offering should have detail records of offerings by each member.
Each members offering detail should be stated in the report.
And all offerings should be handed over to the church. Don't use it.
- How do you prepare for cell meeting in a short time when you've been busy all week?
Ans: Prayerful preparation prevent poor performance Ask for forgiveness from members and tell them you're not prepared and pray with them in the ,meeting.
Make the preparations part of the busy week else you're likely to perform badly.
Study & prepare for the future.
- How do you get members who think others do things to be recognised/recieve award so they dont get involve in cell activities? Do you pray them away? Since you don't want them polluting new members.
Ans: Jesus said let your light so shine that they may see your good works and glorify God.
So it's important to recognise people who's work inspire us.
Those who think that way is because they are doing nothing.
Jesus said we will be rewarded in heaven for our works of Faith in Heaven. What we do is a micro copy of what is going to happen in heaven. There a whole lot more who are inspired by it than those who complain. Don't listen to them, don't be distracted.

- How do you manage members who Partner but don't show up for meetings?
Ans: Find out if the time is convenient.
Timing could be a major factor, check your schedule and locations.
Also the time spent desiring those meetings may be long which can be discouraging. Stay within designated time. Start on time even if they haven't showed up.
Teaching Continued:
Romans 1 6:5-6,14-1 5
Vs 5 => House churches were the cells
Vs 14 => Here they may have been hiring a venue to meet
Paul was addressing the church and specific groups within
the church
1 corinthians 16:19
House church of Priscilla and Acquila
Colossians 4:1 5
Philemon 1:2
1 corinthians 1:1-2
Vs 2 => This is the whole church of Corinth 1 6:19 was a house cell
2 Corinthians 1 :1-
In Mark 2:14, Jesus began the house church in Levi's home and the disciples and apostles continued and that is what we will also continue to do because Jesus is who we emulate and copy.
God bless you.


REV CHRIS OYAKHILOME DSC DSC DD 3 John 1:2 John writes to the church by the spirit.  He says "I wish above all things that you prosper ...