Sunday, 17 November 2024

IPPC 2024 DAY FOUR EVENING SESSION -14TH NOVEMBER  2024 International Pastors and Partners conference

Pastor TT Temisan

Topic : Diligence


The ingredients of Diligence

2 Peter 1 vs 5 10 MSG

This are what will follow you naturally when you are diligent

2 Cor 8 vs 6- 7

Diligence is called grace also

With diligence we will achieve that the Lord has told us to do, Amen.


Reach out world day mandate workshop

1 Peter 

The reach out world day will happen and you have to gring it home by making your mind that won't need someone to rescue you

1. Your conviction

2. Know your numbers by being in pursuit of which You have your numbers.

Make up uour numbers of print copies, have you enmassed your workforce and putting people tomwork

3. Your strategies.. By enlistment and engagements.. Of a 100 to 1000 people and they replicate it to others.. Every member is engaged in the enlisting, by recording them as accountability, as it's tracked at the back-end. 

4. Mobilise for prayers. 


A man of faith demonstrated in words and in actions

The words with birth a corresponding action

Strategise your numbers by putting orders for your copiesmand say yes to kids csmpaign 

Know your numbers and take your slice.

Your attitude is your way of your attitude.

Gala 2 vs 21

Don't frustrate the grace of God.

I will never frustrate the grace of God and on this reach out world day,  my number.

Psalm 103 vs 20

Do the commandment ofmour man of God and harken to his words.

I am leaving here with angels ghat excelmin strength, Amen.

I will break all records from Sunday 24th November for next 30days of supernatural redemption and sponsorship

it will be 30days of blessings, miracles and overflowing abundance.

I am blessed and chosen tonbe a part of these, God will give me the how to visualise all we have been sent to achieve.

Rhapsody resource portal

There is request to set up a real time monitoring team a to upload what's happening all around the world.

Team will create social media content, so we go viral everyday.

Social media managers to engage the people 

Data analyst and reporters to report the numbers against their targets.

Create a workload for the media team with a workflow that's deployed to display day to day work.

Engage the people through social media, who will comment on all the post.

Data collection and reporting training will be done for accountable manner of data collation and accountability.


Judges 7 vs 8-10

When we get back tomour city, God will sent Phurah - Men and Women that God has put in my way to help me actualize my sponsorship targets in record time in Jesus name, Amen.

Exodus 38 vs 7

Follow the pattern, the process and the strategies will provide the provision to overdo your targets.

Joel 3 vs 14

Great harvest for me in people, abilities, and multitude of people and helpers. Grace is at work in you, recieve this grace and let it work for you.

God create and changes destiny.. As Moses wrought miracles of parting the sea. God in God's Gods abilities and nomlimitations in Jesus name, Amen.

The grace of God at workmin me will be producing resukts with you in Jesus Name, Amen.

I can do and I am strengthened by the spirit of God.

You need to step out and be daring and bold in your faith level.

Be bold in your spirit and put your faith to work, as faith never fails.

30days is done and dusted 

Ezra 6  vs 22

everyday wake up with joy thatbyou are achieving your target of Rhapsody enlistment and sponsorship


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