Monday, 18 November 2024



Today's thanksgiving service was determined by the direction of the spirit.
I only hold meetings as directed by the spirit.
I would rather not go for a meeting. I would rather sit in my room. I can do a lot by not going out.
So, it matters to me what the purpose of a meeting that I'm going to be attending is.
Why must we have it? Why does God want it?
A thanksgiving service is designed differently.

Pastors, always remember that when we have a "service"(when God's people come together), we are not doing it to ourselves. Our satisfaction is not part of the deal. It's always "What did He want? Did we do what HE wanted?"
That's what matters. It's not how the people loved it, or how it blessed them. We can bless people with anything God has given us, but I'm dealing here with purpose.
I live a life of purpose. It's my Absolute conviction.

Part of the service today is also an ordination service. Which also means that the thanksgiving is designed in that purpose.

I want to read to you a couple of scriptures so you get yourselves ready.

Nehemiah 11:17. KJV, CJB
This Levite was given an assignment to lead the thanksgiving prayer.

Psalm 50:14-15
Vows are very important to God.
*A vow is to God like a promise of commitment that can be taken as delivered. You can count it done*.
There are many things that would not have happened to certain individuals in the Bible had they not made a vow. They had to make a vow. This is a different kind of vow from making pledges in church. This is a vow often made from a heart of thanksgiving and love to God or even from a place of dire need, trouble or pain.
It's called a promise. Your heart is so connected to it that you joyfully give it.
In times of Thanksgiving, you are praising (offering thanks and prayers of thanksgiving in songs, confessions of his love, greatness, deliverances). You look at your life and say to the Lord "if it had not been the Lord, who am I amongst so many". You remember where God picked you. Maybe, it may not even be you. You look back and see your trajectory. You see where God brought you from; how much honor God has given you.
That is the heart of thanksgiving.
God told the children of Israel "Remember you were slaves in Egypt and I brought you out".
What will you remember?
Where was your Father or Grandfather going? Maybe they didn't know God. That's where you would have been going
But look at you .. the clothes you are wearing... The children you have, would you have had them?
The family you have, would you have them?

When we start praising, pour out your heart to the Lord. That's the point where the real thanksgiving begins.
While the choir is singing praises we will be praying prayers of thanksgiving
At different times as we praise, give an offering.
Don't give just once.
Give an offering. Make a vow.

What did Jacob ask? "oh God if you will be with me in this direction of my life and make it possible for me to return to the land of promise, not only will the Lord be my God, of everything that you give me, I will give a tithe unto you".

You have been born into the land of promise You have arrived there. Live the vow. Then you will enjoy the Heritage of Jacob.
You not only inherit the blessings, you inherit the vow.

Thanksgiving segment

The doctrine of Apostolic Succession

Right from Abraham, Abraham laid hands on Isaac and confirmed the blessings upon him. Remember the blessing was to Abraham and his seed.
Isaac laid hands on Jacob and Esau. But the confirmation was to  Jacob.
The Patriarchs and prophets did so all the way to Jesus Christ. For Jesus Christ, John the Baptist laid hands on Him..
It was the confirmation through the laying on of hands.
There has to be a connection all the way back.

It is God's plan and Orchestration when it comes to the ordination of Apostolic Succession.
Apostolic Succession doesn't mean making someone an apostle
It's the confirmation of that ordination through the sent ones. They distribute it
It has a pure lineage through which he distributes it. NOT EVERYONE SHOULD LAY HANDS ON YOU.
Of course anyone can bless you but, When it comes to Ordination, it matters the lineage.
That's why Paul told Timothy " lay hands suddenly on No man".
Don't lay hands on someone just because He wants you to lay hands on him.



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