Sunday, 1 December 2024


Dan 4:13-17
This was Nebechadnezzar's dream which Daniel gave an interpretation of.
It was more than a dream.
17: This is the decree of the watchers
24: This is the decree of the Most high.
25-26: Who is the "They"? It must be the same because of consistency in language. It must be the watchers. 
The lesson was for him to know that the Heavens were in charge. 
(Isaiah 44:24-27... So, those watchers were his angels/messengers).
God performs the counsel of his messangers

Matthew 3:2
"The Kingdom of Heaven" ... In the Greek it says "The Kingdom of THE HEAVENS". 

Eph 1:20
The word "Places" is not in the Greek. It just says "in the heavenly". 
So it means "In the heavenly realms or dominions"
In the heaven lies, there are different realms and domains. 
Jesus is set in one of these realms. 
Eph 1:21- Far above ALL principality ...
Jesus is in the highest realm possible in the heavenlies. 

Ephesians 3:8
The church is to demonstrate to these principalities and powers, the multi sided wisdom of God. 
Colossians 1:16
By him were all things created that are in THE HEAVENS and in the earth....

Eph 1:22- Eph 6:12
There is a Kingdom of darkness functioning with what's happing in this earth. 

Jesus came to this world to set up a Kingdom which is functioning right now here in this earth.
At the same time, His seat is in the heavenlies in the highest seat of authority possible.
The forces of evil are the same in their structure. 
The highest level of their forces function in the heavenly realms, but they run with rulers, commanders who control affairs of men in this world. 

We have nations and governments in the earth realm and there is both the kingdom of darkness and the kingdom of Christ set up in this world. 

Something happened when Jesus died on the Cross. He descended to Hell and overcame the forces of darkness. He defeated them.
He won! All the spirit forces were watching and Jesus defeated Satan before all the angelic host.
And then He resurrected and came back to the earth and arose a victor in his body. 
So this kingdom that he has set up is victorious over the darkness of this world.  

We belong in this Heavenly places. But where are we? 
Ephesians 2:4-6
We are seated in the highest place possible. That's where our authority and power comes from; from the highest seat of the heavenlies.

Revelation 12:7-11
He is referring to a particular realm in the heavens. (Not God's heaven)
These wicked spirits were kicked out of the heavenly realms. (Meaning they had been there)

Now we are seated together with him and watchers and as Heavenly men.

1 Cor 15:45-48 (Douay Version)
When you are born again, you are not born of the first Adam. Don't talk that way. You are born of the second and last Adam. The Adam of God with the life giving spirit.
You are heavenly. 
The earth lies are the same as the first Adam. 
The Heavenly are the same as the second Adam.
So bear the image of the Heavenly everywhere you go.

December is the month of Thanksgiving. 
You give thanks according as how God has blessed you. 
In giving thanks, He told us to take our thanksgiving offering to the house of God. 
There is no thanksgiving without the thanksgiving offering. That offering is significant
 You prepare what your offering is going to be.  You are giving it to God..
Remember, he set up the office of the priesthood to receive the offerings. Then, among his people, the church, he also set up a structure. And the structure in the local church is headed by the Pastor to receive the offerings. So when you're giving you're not giving the offering to the Pastor. Don't use your brain to reason out the work of God. Use the scriptures to understand him. What did he say? What does he want? What is his will?
The thanksgiving offering is form your heart as God has blessed you. 

If you say "I can't give this to God, it's too big for God". It means you want God to make it small. 
Give BIG for God. It means a lot that you are able to do big things for God. Don't do small things. Grow and keep growing
 Be excited to do big things for God. 
Never give according to what you think the church needs. Give according to the Faith that God has given you. You don't give to God because He is in need. You give to him from your heart. Be happy to give in the house of God. The house of God ought to have abundance..not trying to meet a need. 
Think the way God wants you to think.
Let your offering be an offering that excites you. 
Distinguish yourself. 
Give to God like nobody has ever done. 
Set your goal. 
That's the way Solomon was. He planned to do for God what nobody had ever done. 


(DOCUMENTARY ON FLOURIDE: THE LETHAL KILLER) Several years ago, programs that promoted divine healing had problems with government . For a l...