Wednesday, 11 December 2024


Opening Prayers led by Highly Esteemed Pastor Deola Philips


I'd like to welcome you to today's program. It's a very special one. This is the closing month of the year. There's so much to thank the Lord for. It's the month of Thanksgiving. 

(Documentary: Sickened to Death)

Romans 8:11
Here is your secret of divine health.
He is writing to saints of God hence the use of the word 'bodies'. He is giving you the secret to divine health. 
Practice this for just seven days. Make sure that you pray in tongues until your whole body vibrates with the presence of God. Pray vigorously from your spirit until your body is literally impacted. 

In the Bible we are taught different kinds of meditations. 
The first level is when you are very quiet. Someone next to you would hear when you are saying. You just mutter those words under your voice. 

There is another level, where you are talking. You can be heard. You are speaking out. 

The third level is called Roaring. 'Hagar'! In that level, you are speaking loud. Your whole body shakes with the words that you are speaking. It's like when a lion is roaring at his prey. 

You've got to do it. As long as you are doing the quiet one, there are some things that will not change. 
When Jesus got to the grave of Lazarus, He called with a loud voice even with lots of people there. 
But he didn't do that in every case. 
For the little girl, he just said little girl arise. 
For the young man at Nain, he just touched the bier. 
But at the grave of Lazarus who had been dead for four days, the conditions were different from the conditions of the other corpses. This time, Jesus called with a loud voice. 
There is a time to speak calmly..
But if that thing has been resistant, it's time to shout. 
Don't keep it there, nursing the disease. 
I don't know what case you may be dealing with in your personal life, but don't take it lightly. 
Use what God has given us. Divine wisdom is higher than human wisdom. 
Imagine if Moses had to wait for Engineers to calculate how to cross the red sea ..
God said 'stretch your hand over the sea and divide it'. 
What science was that?
What science could have raise Lazarus after four days? 
Let's take God at his word. We are Christians. We believe and act on the word of God. 
His word is not like the word of men.
His word has power. It is divine wisdom.
The holy ghost that raised Jesus from the dead who lives in you, will make alive your death doomed body. 
We must put the word to work in these last days so that we will not be victims of their failures and trickery. Act on the word today. 

There are many things happening in our world today. A lot of them are distractions. 
While we deal with the obvious ones, we must not be distracted by them.
Be sober, be vigilant, your adversary moves about like a roaring lion seeking whom to devour. 

During the communion service I told you about the Satanic plan to make nations ungovernable and then come up with emergency government/rule which is a euphemism for Martial law. 

By Tuesday, in South Korea, the president of the country declared Martial law. 
Thank God we prayed. I told you those things would fail when we prayed on Sunday. 
Well, his Martial law lasted for six hours. 
The army said they would only listen to the instructions of the president.
So if he had not been moved to reverse it, they would have stayed. 
How do you declare martial law on your country?
At such times, all rights are suspended. No free speech. No press freedom. 
This was a Satanic ploy. 
Who would have thought it would happen in South Korea? 

Syria had an interesting situation. Assad was overthrown. It's interesting that the way it is presented that he was overthrown by Alquaeda and isis. But he was actually overthrown by NATO forces... Plus Turkey. 

If you listened to the Israeli's PMs speech and Bidens speech, they were taking credit. 
So they were the ones that actually overthrew Assad. 
While they are all happy that He has been overthrown, what happens in Syria?
Take a look at Iraq, Lybia... They've destroyed those countries. 
What are we seeing in Damascus?
When they destroyed Libya, the church was not so awakened. The church didn't know much of what was going on. Same thing with when they destroyed Iraq. 
But the church is more awake and aware today. 
We have a lot of God's people in Syria. 
We are going to be interceding and praying for the, so Syria will not become a war zone or a fighting spot for everybody like what they did to Ukraine. 
Ulraines case is pathetic because what the devil did was to attack the Christians there first. Many saints of God there took their eyes of the ball and started attacking other ministers of God. They lost focus and Satan moved in and destroyed their work and their country. All the work of many years, completely destroyed 
We are God's watchmen and guardsmen
He expects us to watch and pray.

God said "if my people who are called by my name would humble themselves and pray..."
He likes to hear his people pray. 
In the NT, the most recurrent title, is the God of Peace. That tells you how much he is for peace
 And because he is for peace, he expects us to call for peace and proclaim peace.

Wherever you are, understand that God has placed you there to be a watchman. Don't let the devil take over your city. Don't let the devil take over your country. Don't let it
There are so many things that can be settled peacefully. 

The NATO people still want war. Peace does not help their cause. But the escalation that they had been preparing for has failed and will continue to fail...because we are taking them by the power of the holy ghost. 
This world doesn't belong to them as they think.
Jesus said "cheer up, I have overcome the world".
He overce the world and gave US the authority to run the world from the realm of the spirit. And we have to do it. 
For a long time, the church didn't know how to do it,  They believed the press so much. But many have realized that sometimes the Press fabricated the news... That's how come the term FAKE NEWS came about. Many of them belong to the organizations of the perpetrators of evil. So they can't be trusted. 
How come they are congratulating those that they called Terrorists? They knew it wasn't them that actually did it. They should congratulate Netenyahu, Biden etc. they should congratulate themselves instead of the islamist fundamentalists. 

Today, we will begin to discuss THE FUTURE OF THE NATIONS

What's the future of Syria, Turkey, Russia?
If one doesn't understand the scriptures,  then Christ wouldn't be real to you. You would just have a simularcrom of Jesus, not the real life of Christ.  Understanding the scriptures of so important. Everything is dealt with on the word. 

Deuteronomy 32:28-29
When you want to do anything, what's the future of your endeavor? 
These nations have a future, the Bible tells us
 And that helps us to understand them and interprete them.

Numbers 24:14-25
This is a prophecy from Balaam before he made a detour. He is revealing the future of nations here. 

Isaiah 2:2, Micah 4:1-2, 
Jeremiah 48:47, 49:39, Ezekiel 38:16, 
Daniel 10:12-14, 2 Tim 3:1-, 1 Tim 4:1
"In the latter days" has to do with the distant future/the coming of the Lord. So Moab is going to be there. What country is Moab?
Remember Gog and Magog war..
Daniel was shown the future.
The Bible reveals the future. Perilous/difficult times will come .
1 Tim 4:1
There are doctrines of demons. There are seducing spirits that lure men into the wrong things. 
2 Peter 3:3- Scoffers in the last days..
 Jude 1:18- Mockers in the last days...

These are things to understand in God's word. It shows us the milestones, so that we can understand where we are. 

Luke 21:28, 31,33-36... How are you going to escape all these things? Only one way... Rapture. Jesus just said one thing there in a a coded language. There is no escaping unless you are out of the earth..

These scriptures are to put you in rememberance of the words of the master; He is coming back. 

A gentleman once said that Jesus will not come back for another hundred years. 
Whoa! No problem, we will keep doing Big things for God...
But what if he comes earlier? You don't want Him to find you Not ready. I'd rather be ready. 
He is sovereign. He makes his choice. Time doesn't control him. He controls time. 
But I'm going to follow him and be  prepared
When the trumpet sounds, I'm out. 
If he chooses not to come as early as expected, then more time to do bigger things and shake up this world.

(Prayer for Syria)

For a long time, Christianity was hampered in Syria. But what has happened now will not hamper the gospel in Syria. Christianity will explode in Syria. There is freedom for tht gospel and the saints of God in the name of Jesus. The demons of darkness that have been frustrating the gospel work in Syria have been overthrown.
Damascus for Christ! So shall it be!

When Jesus was tempted of the devil, His response to Satan was remarkable. 
Matthew 4:1-4
3 times, Jesus answered the devil "it is written,". He put a premium on written words. He said "in the volume of the book it is written, I come to do your will".
Jesus came to manifest that which had been written of him. The word has been written of us. The eternal life that we have received, the spirit of God lives in us and gives us help, strength, perfection and the glory of God is manifested in us
 We become the manifestation of the truth...the unveiling of the Fathers truth. That's who you are. 
Declare it concerning yourself, your nation. Because you are in that nation, peace and prosperity stands. Satan cannot have his way.
As we pray, declare those words that have been written concerning your health, your life, your country and your future. 

Prayer session.

Hebrews 10:6-7, 14-
(In the volume of the book is in Parenthesis). You can read without it. 
This will of God that He was coming to do, was written concerning him. He was just entering into that which was written about him.
Do you know that's the life he wants us to live? That's the reason for the scriptures. He wrote it so that we may live it. 
Make up your mind to live the life Christ gave you to live. 
By his offering, he has perfected me. I'm cool, I'm perfect. I'm excellent and full of Glory. Everything that's happening with you right now that's making you feel like you're not perfect, is a mirage. Make the choice that you will live this life that he has given you. He has perfected you in Jesus Christ. I am perfect, complete. No sickness no disease. No heart condition no blood condition. I'm sanctified in Christ. I'm perfected in Christ Jesus. My whole spirit, soul and body is perfect. The work of the devil cannot thrive in my body. 


(DOCUMENTARY ON FLOURIDE: THE LETHAL KILLER) Several years ago, programs that promoted divine healing had problems with government . For a l...