Thursday, 12 December 2024


Documentary: Legalizing Euthanasia

Welcome to today's program. Jesus said whatever we bind on earth is bound in heaven 
What you just saw is part of Klaus schwab's diabolical reset, the WEFs elicist agenda. All they want is power at any cost to carry out their satanic agenda. It doesn't take anyone so long to know that this is a devilish work. 
These are the works of demons and Jesus gave us authority over demons and devils of darkness to cast them out. Let us not spare them. We have to act. Because if we do nothing, the that means we are doing the wrong thing.
Make no mistakes about it, this thing about Euthanasia is about population control... It is the government assuming the power to Kill. That's what it means.
Look beyond those in office right now.

Jesus gave us power, and we must use it. 
We are the only ones who can change the situation. When we pray in the realm of the spirit, things start working in the earth. Legal processes fail when we control them in the realm of the spirit. 
When we pray, God controls the hearts of leaders. 

Ahithophel was one of David's advisers. His words were highly Esteemed. During the rebellion of Absalom, He joined Absalom against David. When David was informed of this, he knew things were bad. So he prayed "Lord turn the counsel of Ahithophel to foolishness". And that's exactly what God did. 
Ahithophel gave strategic advice but it was not accepted. 
And because he wasn't used to being turned down, his pride was too much and he couldn't take it, so he killed himself..

When we pray, those evil counsels will be turned down.

Numbers 24:14-24
Balaam was talking to King Balak, telling him what's going to happen in the future. 
Balak was the King of Moab
Seir and Edom are the same
 Balaam was asked to curse Israel but blessings kept coming out of his mouth. 
Amalek doesn't make it into the future.

V21: The Kenites were a nomadic people
V24: Eber is historically taken as the Father of the Hebrews. So here again, it's referring to Israel. 
The Chittim people perish too. That place is where you have Cyprus. 

What's the future of Balaks people?
Jeremiah 48: 46-47
Moab will survive in the latter days. God is saying, I will save Moab.
Moab is today's Jordan.
Jordan covers Moab, Edom...
When the antichrist moves into Israel from Europe, the Jews will flee...and many will flee to Jordan and be protected there. 
At the time that he moves his headquarters, he will destroy many nations.
(Daniel 11:41-43. Edom, Moab, Ammon...all that is in Jordan today).
Egypt will not escape. 
Ethiopia here includes part of what we call Sudan today.

Jere 49:38-39
Elam is Iran. Iran belongs to Jesus Christ. 
All those leaders who say Jesus Christ is not allowed in Iran will be done for. 
God says He has a throne in Iran. 
There is going to be massive salvation in Iran like the world has never seen

Some people say the Elamites are not connected to Iranians but they are wrong. The Bible shows that's the place. 
In the book of Acts, there were Elamites who came to Jerusalem to worship. 
(Acts 2:9)
In the latter days, Iran will be saved. Iran is going to go the way of the gospel..infact, it's now set on that journey.
This is the future of Iran
The gospel is going to thrive in Iran like never before

(Video on Season 5, Phase 2, Day 1)
Ezekiel 38:2- who is Gog? He is the Chief Prince of Magog, Meshach and Tubal.
In NASB, the word Magog is replaced with Rosh. People believe that Rosh refers to Russia. So they believe Gog is the leader of Russia and the places represented. 
That area is presently covered by today's Russia. 
Magog is covered by central Asian countries. Former Soviet, Islamic countries. (E.g. Khazakstan)
Meshach and Tubal are in Modern Turkey.

To understand a message, one must understand the one behind the message. If you know the Lord, it is easy to understand his message
 Jesus said "my sheep hear my voice...a strangers voice they will not follow.."
In the Bible, when it comes to prophetic revelation, sometimes there are issues because of this. 

Isaiah wrote about the gospel like no other prophet did. He tells us about the Saviours birth, life,death, his return and his Kingdom being established in the earth. 

Isaiah 66:18-19, 21 TLB
"Soso" means "save" not "escape"
With the Armageddon,Jesus comes and destroys Israels enemies. 
From the Armageddon, they don't go as missionaries to the nations. 
Rather than the word "escaped", it should read "I will send those who are saved as missionaries to the nations..."
This verse is not coming as a result of Judgement but as a result of Salvation.
V21: These gentiles, many of them will become ministers. 

There are only two occasions that God says he is bringing the nations to Jerusalem.
1. Is what's being recorded here prophetically. That's what took place in Acts 2:1-10. He doesn't mention tongues when it has to do with the war. From the day of Pentecost till now, Christians have loved the Jewish people.

2.  He puts a hook on their Jaws and brings them for Judgement. 
The Millennial reign is about the Kingdom being given to the Jews to rule the nations.
We who return with Christ will carry out angelic ministries. 

Isaiah 66:20-21
The gentiles who have seen the glory of God, will favor the Jews. Today, many Christian organizations are helping Jews to go back to Israel. The antisemitism going on in the world today is causing many Jews to want to relocate back. 

So, Russia is among the nations mentioned which will have many missionaries. 
Those countries that used to be in the Soviet Republic...even today, a lot of them are having Christian missionaries just like Isaiah said. 

Yesterday we prayed for Syria.
When Jesus was in Israel, many went from Syria to see Jesus. The syrians have always loved Jesus. 
Matthew 4:23-24
Jesus healed the Syrians. He still loves them today. The gospel of Jesus will spread throughout all Syria. They are loving Jesus again all over Syria. 
His throne is in Iran, and the leaders of Iran cannot stop it 
Now that we are speaking it out in the realm of the spirit, it is established. 


(DOCUMENTARY ON FLOURIDE: THE LETHAL KILLER) Several years ago, programs that promoted divine healing had problems with government . For a l...