Friday, 13 December 2024


Opening prayers by Highly Esteemed Pastor Kay Adeshina

Documentary: The Cholesterol Fraud.


Welcome to today's program
 I hoped you learned something from that documentary. 
It's important for us to know that those that had been trusted for so long with healthcare actually betrayed that trust and they are not repentant. They are still doubling down on the need to cut down cholesterol. They are not thinking of slowing down. It's making them a lot of money so they'd rather continue with the fear mongering. 
You don't die from having too much cholesterol, you die from having too little of it. Remember,the original reason for the founding of the WHO was population control. It hasn't changed. 
They entrench thselves into power in such a way they control all around the world. 
The world believes they arewant to help you with your health, but NO, they are not there for your health. They practically swindled their way into controlling many countries and entrenched themselves into United Nations Organization which has gone rogue. 
These are people who want to control your health to death. 

They are also responsible for food and water shortage around the world. That's what they are doing. 

The New sec Gen of NATO made a speech recently and it's quite interesting what he said. When you listen to them, read in between the lines because their language is usually not very straight
(Video play out)
"It's time to shift to a war time mindset"

He is calling for Emergency government and emergency rule, because war time governance is that way. He has begun the rhetoric. 
What in the world is this guy, the former PM of Netherlands, whom his people didn't want and voted out, doing in NATO with Klaus schwab's help. Here is a failed politician at home, who is going to destroy NATO.

So you understand why we pray. Praying the right way is very potent. Jesus said WATCH AND PRAY. 
When you pray, remember to pray for NATO. They are being led by someone who is not a good thinker. He is telling them to prepare for war. War with who? When NATO is the aggressor? 

But we will tame them through the power of the holy Spirit because we don't want the war. There is no need for the war. They can have discussions and settle these issues. 

The Future of the Nations..cont'd

Isaiah 66:19 KJV
The sense of this translation is wrong. It gives the impression that this is the gathering of the nations against Jerusalem that comes at the Armageddon... And several other translations say the same thing but they are all wrong. There language is actually confusing. 
Isaiah talked about what they assumed in Isaiah 11:12. 

Put/Pul: Refers to an African region beginning from the northern part of Afarica...
Lud: Lydia

'That draw the bow'... Is the translation of a name
Read Isaiah 66:19 in the Douay-Rheims American Bible.
It was prophesied that the gospel would come to Africa.

Ezekiel 38:1-3
The word "chief" in that verse, is "Rosh", so it should not have been translated to Chief. 
Read in AMPC. Isa 66:19 too

This verse just talks about a message of Salvation that will spread from Israel to the whole world

Acts 2:1-10
There were dark skinned people from Africa there. 
Acts 11:19-20, 26
There were men of Cyprus(the Mediterranean) and Cyrene (Africa). They came to Antioch. 
Antioch was in Syria
We were named Christians from Syria!
That's the church where Paul and Barnabas were commissioned to take the message to other nations
I told you, Satan cannot have Syria! That's where we got our name "Christianos"

Acts 13:1
Niger, means Black. Lucious of Cyrene was a Niger too. Some are darker than others. 
The actual construction in verse 1, is Simeon and Lucious of Cyrene. They had to break it to show that Simeon had a nickname 
This Simeon was well known in church history.
He was the Simeon who was asked to carry the cross of Jesus.
Mark specially recognized him in his writings. He was the father of Alexander and Rufus. 
Matthew 27:32, Mark 15:21,

This gospel was designed by the Master to go around the world. Isaiah 66:18
He recognized their individual tongues.

Matt 24:14. These are the words of the Master
You can see that even in the we early church, the gospel was taken everywhere. 
But the world continued to grow and multiply faster than the church, then persecution came and slowed down the church, then came the dark ages where people wondered "where is the church". 
But the words of Jesus stand firm... ,"this gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness.."
In our day, we are moving faster than population. We are moving so fast with technology
Matthew 28:19, Mark 13:1-3, Luke 24:46-47, Galatians 3:8, Revelation 7:9, Revelation 12:5

God's plan was that through Abraham, ALL NATIONS would be blessed. 
This gospel of Jesus Christ is for everybody. Every country..Every nation. It's the message of Salvation for everyone

We have a few more days to the end of 2024 and it's so important that you win souls for Christ
.it's not going to happen without you making a plan. Plan it. Have a strategy. How are you going to get your friends or family to hear about Jesus? There is no other way to get Salvation. John 14:6, Acts 4:12.
Man needs Salvation. 
Whatvare you going to do? Are you going to just keep quiet and let them go to hell?
Many do a lot to live a good life on earth, but eternity is forever
 Your spirit is an eternal being
Where you are going to live eternally after this earth.. is it hell? Or with Jesus? Think about your soul. 
It's either a man would die in this world and come to terms with his eternal soul or when Christ comes at the rapture of the church...whichever way, life on earth has a terminal point.
At that terminal point, where are you going to go? To Christ? Or to hell? 
You don't get to choose how you meet him. 
Acts 17:24-31; God has appointed a day of Judgement and he will judge by one man , Jesus Christ. 
Romans 1:3-4
You have to plan and arrange for others to receive salvation.  You've got to have a strategy..
Remember no matter how successful you are in your profession in this world, if you are not successful with Christ, you are a Failure. 
Read your history.. Nebuchadnezzar, Cyrus of Persia, The Pharaohs, the Caesars ...these men controlled the whole world. But the world continued after them, and where they are, they cannot control the whole world.
There are people who have refused to engage this reality. But they have to, and it's about time.

Call to Salvation. 


(DOCUMENTARY ON FLOURIDE: THE LETHAL KILLER) Several years ago, programs that promoted divine healing had problems with government . For a l...