Tuesday, 31 December 2024



I want to share with you an important message that's going to take you into the year 2025.
It's very significant. It means a lot. 
I perceive that we might as well begin our countdown to the Lord's soon return and I'm very serious. 
In the weeks and months ahead, I'm going to be sharing some very important things with you that will help you on your way. So, as we learn of what the Lord has in mind, you understand the significance of this. 

James 1:4
Several versions were trying to explain this verse in the course of their translation but King James captures it the best from Greek.
Observe two Key words; 'Perfect' and 'Entire'. 
"Perfect" means "Complete". That's another synonym for the same word. 
"Entire" is also very significant. It means "complete in every part". Nothing that is needed is missing. It is hope.

Colossians 4:12
PLEROMA means to be full. To be replete. That is very significant. 
Question is: Full of what? Replete with what?

This year that we are entering, you will need to be much more conscious of who you are in Christ, who Christ is to you, what Christ means to you... I have said a number of times Christianity is not a religion. 
Only those who don't understand Christianity think it's a religion. 
It's a relationship. 
Your relationship with your Dad is not a religion. 
It is the description of the life of Christ in a human being. It is Christ at work in a Human body. When you say that you received Christ into you, you are not making a religious statement
 It is reality. But not many even know what Christ means. 
Christ actually is what in the Hebrew is called Messiah, the anointed one (in the OT).
What the Jews Understood by Messiah was Daniels son of man. The one described by the Prophet Daniel as the Son of man. 

Remember when Jesus called himself Son of Man, the Jewish leaders asked him "who is his Son of Man?"
Jesus, in his teaching, made references to the prophecies of Daniel the prophet. He corroborated Daniels prophecy. The Son of Man is the description of Son of God. 
Son of God means God in human flesh. 
That's why when Jesus said he was the son of God, they wanted to kill.him for Blasphemy. 
The Messiah is God manifested in flesh.
That is the meaning of Christ. 

When you say JESUS IS THE CHRIST you means Jesus is God manifested in the flesh: that's why he crucified; for declaring he was Christ. 
He was condemned to death but it turns out he was right. 

When you receive Christ into your life, His life is manifested in you. 

There are many who don't go to church... Start now! That's where you will learn the word of God. There is so much information now competing for your attention. Don't assume you will just know. You have to study and meditate on the word. You have to know it. 

This year, 2025, the Lord said is the year of Completeness!

Do you remember the year of Perfection?
Colossians 4:12... Perfect and COMPLETE 
PLEROMA in all the will of God. 
PLEROMA also means Fulfilment; to accomplish a purpose. To bring it to the full. 

Philemon 1:6
This year, First thing is to acknowledge and walk in the fullness of the blessings of the gospel. 
To not do this is to shortchange your personal life.
This faith in Christ that you are a part of becomes effectual throught acknowledgement. There are certain good things in you that he wants you to take knowledge of (epignosis- the precise and accurate/correct knowledge in which the knower relates with that which is known). You can't get that except from the word of God and through the ministry of the holy Spirit

Romans 15:29, Colossians 1:9-10
Know what that acknowledgment brings to you. If you walk in this dimension, you will be fruitful in every good work and at the same time Increasing in the knowledge of God. 

Ephesians 4:13
We can come to perfection...not when we get to heaven 
In 2025, the church is coming there... The Lord is bringing the church into that state of maturity. He is dealing with the 'nationhood of the body of Christ'. That will be the sum total of our understanding. The consciousness of the church. 

Ephesians 4:24 NIV
Sink into the new self. Live that way. Created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. You were Created to be like God. You have to discover this and walk in this understanding. 
"If I was created to be like God, no more headaches colds and fevers. No failures.. victory only".
Live the life of the new self. Created to be like God. 

1 John 4:17. As he is, so are we in this world...not when we get to heaven. As He is..not as He was!!!! Not as he was before he was Crucified, but as He is, the Glorified Christ! 

Number 2: You're going to walk in the fullness of Him-  Ephesians 3:19
That you may be filled with all the fullness of God. Nothing left out. Colossians 2:10
You are replete with him
 Every fibre of your being; every bone of your body, completely inundated with Christ.
Christ in me the hope of Glory!
Ephesians 1:21- 22
The church is his body. The church is the fullness of Christ who fills everything.
Ephesians 5:30
We are members of his body, his flesh and his bones 
Have this consciousness 24 hours a day. 
We are one with him where will sickness or Cancer come from when we are replete with Christ?

Number 3, This year, we will complete the full preaching of the gospel in all nations
 You better believe it!
 He said it's a year of Completeness. 
Romans 15:19-22
 Paul was able to tell when he had completed the whole preaching. 
"Fully preached": Plerome. He knew he had fully preached the gospel. 
This year, we will fully preach the gospel to all the world. 
Paul had so preached that there was no place left for him to preach in those parts. 

In December 2nd, we distributed ROR to 5bn around the world. And this is the year of Completeness. 
Matthew 24:14, Romans 11:25-26 NIV
There is a definite number that the Lord is waiting for.
Israel as a nation hasn't yet embraced the gospel, but as a nation they will do so later. They are currently blinded in part so that the full number of the gentiles can come in.

Number 4, we must now be expecting the Lord. Set your heart and begin a countdown from this year to begin expecting the Lord. Think like Paul. 2 Tim 4:7-8
We are going to preach the gospel, we will know that we have done it, like Paul did. Then we will begin to say, I have fought a good fight, like Paul did.
1 Corinthians 15:51-52, 1 Thess 4:16-17

We are lighting up our world with God's glory!
2025 is our Year of COMPLETENESS!!!!

2025 belongs to us. 
Be bold in Christ
Be bold about the gospel
Let us take the gospel of Jesus Christ to all the world. This year, we will do it..as a witness to all nations
We are rightly positioned to do it. We have been given the grace to accomplish it and the time is now 
There is not enough power hatched out of hell to hinder us. 
The power that it with us is too much, it will crush anything in front of it. 
All The Satanic agendas are under suspension. They are as nothing. Globalist agendas are under suspension. 
The church of Christ is advancing throughout the world with power and glory.
He has put before us an open door and no man can shut it. Every nation, city and community is open to us. Wherever  humans are is open to us. 
We have obtained divine favor, multiplied grace. Grace in surplus. For this whole year, we have obtained Surplus grace. And we will be strong in this grace and we will stand in the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free. Grace everywhere! 
In our going out, Grace
Coming in, Grace!
Everywhere we go, Grace
On the road Grace
In the air, In the water... It doesn't matter where we go... GRACE! GRACE! GRACE!!
When you enter anywhere, you say "I come with Grace in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ" 


(DOCUMENTARY ON FLOURIDE: THE LETHAL KILLER) Several years ago, programs that promoted divine healing had problems with government . For a l...