Sunday, 17 November 2024


We have many protagonist here as Pastors and Deacons. We have special advocates. We have financial partners. Our work of the gospel must be understood. The strategic nature of this work must be understood.
Ministry is not a game, why we have several others called to specific office it is to help others accomplish their calling in the Ministry of reconciliation. We are first called to be saints of God. So He created a  structure for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry. Our focus should be on the work of the saints.
How does He see the work and what does He want?
Are you serving God the way you want or the way He wants you to serve Him. In reading the scriptures there were many who missed the mark, even the apostles at a time thought that it was only the Jews that should receive salvation. Eventually they saw the truth in the scriptures but how did they miss it? What does God want? The answer. God's word is truth. If you will stay with you will be victorious. The gospel that was brought to us is eternal life at work in us. Look in the word and stop believing those things that are not consistent with the life of Christ. Mortality has been abolished but immortality has been brought to light. If you don't study the scriptures how will you know what is written in it. Do you know what it means to have Christ dwelling in you? Jesus is the divine essence. Jesus is eternal life encapsulated in human flesh.
It is difficult to discribe light. You can only describe light by a greater light. See Paul's description of light. The power of Jesus Christ is indescribable. He created all things. He is the eternal. Life. He is the divine essence. When you worship Him. There are spiritual truth that needs to be unveiled. The church must recapture the truth about the Lord Jesus and address Him accordingly.
When you discover the Lordship of Jesus, your life will be transformed. Your power for submission to authority will only be evident in the foundation
If you want to experience in
If you want to see many things in life. Fulfil what the Lord assigned to you. Learn to address Him correctly. Your salvation is tied to the Lordship of Jesus. I kneel because He is Lord. I bow to His Lordship.
2. Prayer : through prayer we invoke the powers of heaven. We take advantage of our spiritual power. As a leader you are a watch man. Have you considered your office as a watch man.
1Corinthians 14:13
The primary way the spiritual man prays is in other tongues.
Ephesians 6:18-
Praying in the spirit is the primary way a spiritual man prays. Teach your brethren to pray. Make the house of God a house of prayer.
Isaiah 62:6-9
Ezekiel 3:27
Jude 1:20
Romans 8:26


(DOCUMENTARY ON FLOURIDE: THE LETHAL KILLER) Several years ago, programs that promoted divine healing had problems with government . For a l...