Sunday 6 October 2024



3 John 1:2
John writes to the church by the spirit. 
He says "I wish above all things that you prosper and be in health".
God wants you to prosper and be healthy. 
He expects you to prosper spiritually, but also financially and physically.

(Video play out)
We must use what we have.
We have the name of Jesus, we have the word of God and we have myriads of Angels serving on our behalf. As we pray, the holy Spirit reveals to us secrets in the spirit and things we need to deal with.
Recently the holy Spirit began to tell me about a certain plan to destroy a major city in the world. The plan is for millions of people to die. (To be discussed during YLWS)
The plan is to use cloud seeding, create rains, nano weapons/bombs, that will cause extreme devastation. 
People are going to think it's Climate change. 
They are doing it for two reasons. 
1. To test their abilities at a larger scale. 2. To send it as a great warning to the world that they mean business about Climate change. 
It would be very difficult to know who's responsible for it, but it would be very destructive 

You have to pray for your city. When we pray, that evil is moved away. 
When I give you Prophetic information it is to prevent you from suffering the consequences of ignorance. 

I'm excited about this months message. Because of what the holy ghost is doing in our lives. 
(November ROR)

1 Peter 2:9
Peters beautiful words help us to understand Christianity. 
We have been born into God's marvelous (wondrous light).
The term 'darkness" means Obscurity in the scripture. 
He brings out of obscurity, of being unrecognized, where nobody knows or cares about you. He brought you out of obscurity into the limelight. 
The light is the light of Jesus Christ. 
His wonderful light does two things. 
It illuminates you and then makes you lambent. 
You transform into a light source itself. The light is so dazzling and strong that it turns it's subjects into light 
You have been brought into this light. Now you are Lambent. 

Although you had been forsaken and hated, I will make you and eternal excellency  isa 60:15 NIV, CJB
He said to Israel "I will make you"
Like Jesus said in Mark 1:17 "I will make you fishers of men"
You don't have to struggle to become. He makes you. 
This is God's plan. 
It means we are the pride of the ages. 
You are the Joy of many generations. 
This is His purpose for your life. 
Affirm and say what He says you are. 

Colossians 3:9-10
You have put off the old nature with its deeds. 
Now that you're born again, you have put on the new man. 
This renewal is the kind of renewal that you have in growth; Cell division ,  cell replacement in the body.
Spiritually it refers to the same thing. 
There are constant changes in your life growing from a child to an adolescent and to an adult 

2 Corinthians 4:16, Eph 4:24 KJV,  NIV
The inner you.. the real person.. is renewed day by day. It doesn't matter that the human body is being battered and bruised; If you stay in God's word, you are renewed day by day. 
This new nature is created in righteousness and true holiness. Your new self was created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. 

In Daniel, there is a description of Daniel from the perspective of a Queen mother. (Beltshazar's mother) Daniel 5:11-12
He was described as the son of God. 
They knew his kind of wisdom could only be with gods, not ordinary beings. 
Light and understanding and wisdom was found in Him. 

The holy ghost did that for Daniel. 
And that's the ministry of the holy Spirit in your life today.
I have an excellent spirit. 
I explain hard sentences and I dissolve doubts. 

1 Peter 2:9 KJV, AMPC
Elektos: You are an elect breed; an elect stock. A special type. Separated by God.
You are peculiar. 
You are to show forth the praises (display the virtues and perfections) of him who brought you out of obscurity into his wondrous light which illuminates and makes luminous. 
This work of the spirit will bring you out of Obscurity. You become lambent. 

This month of October is the Month of Excellence.
You're going to work in excellence. 

Proverbs 8:6
There are people who use their lips for foolishness. Refuse! You have an excellent spirit. 
There are some things that God never planned to be in your Aion. Don't give vent to them. Learn to live in time and eternity at the same time. You have to learn and practice it. 
Discover your purpose in life. Discover who you are. Discover God's plan for you and don't let Those things that are inconsistent for God's plan for you in your Aion. 
Excellence is our calling in Christ .
This month practice walking in excellence. 

Ephesians 4:17- 5:
Don't live like none Christians who don't know the Lord. In Christ, we have a different life. We have an excellent life. Be renewed in the Character of your mind.. don't have the same old mind that had dirt and wickedness. you can be angry about something but don't sin by letting your anger continue. You give place to the devil that way. If you used to steal, Stop. Become a giver. 
Your character is the quality of your spirit and your personality. What happens to people when they hear from you? What happens when you talk? Do they get a lift? Is Grace ministered to them?
There are people who live in a way that's grieving to the holy Spirit. Are you living that way? In the old testament when they grieved the spirits, He turned to fight against them. That's a fight you can never win. 
You can't have bitterness, malice, evil speaking in your life and walk in excellence. 
You've got to practice it this mont of October. 
Be forgiving. 

Ephesians 5:1-8
Copy God as his dearly beloved Children
Fornication, uncleanness, covetousness are for those that are not children of God, not you. 
Don't jest. Stop foolish talking... Instead Give thanks. 
Don't let anybody tell you that these things don't matter. 
You used to be darkness. But now you are light in the Lord. Walk as Children of light. 

I am light in the Lord. 
I am Lambent, Luminous. 


REV CHRIS OYAKHILOME DSC DSC DD 3 John 1:2 John writes to the church by the spirit.  He says "I wish above all things that you prosper ...