I am praying for you specially at this moment;
In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, your protection, the guidance of God in your spirit, no evil shall befall you, no power of darkness shall overwhelm you and every where you go, the Lord’s presence with you will be strong and mighty. He will defend you everywhere, you will walk in health in the name of the Lord Jesus.
Everything you put your hands into to do will turn to success, it will prosper in the name of the Lord Jesus, divine favour goes with you in the name of the Lord Jesus.
Divine favour, divine favour, you are operating in divine grace by the power of the Holyghost. (Speaking in tongues)
For you, for your family, in the name of the Lord Jesus and all that are connected with you by the power of the Holyghost. (Speaking in tongues)
Satan shall have no part with that which belongs to you, the power of the Holyghost at work in you, your home, finances and business, the power of the Holyghost in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ
*Thank you Lord, Thank you Lord, Thank you Lord* !
I decree you are walking in absolute blessing’s this whole month of October in the Mighty name of Lord Jesus.
*Thank you Lord, Thank you Lord Thank you Lord!*
Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah!!
Monday, 7 October 2024
(DOCUMENTARY ON FLOURIDE: THE LETHAL KILLER) Several years ago, programs that promoted divine healing had problems with government . For a l...
Rev Chris OYAKHILOME Dsc DSC DD Today's thanksgiving service was determined by the direction of the spirit. I only hold meetings as dire...
How to structure your finances for generous partnership Hosea 2:21-22(NIV) Seven Steps to success Proverbs 21:5 With strong desire create a ...
IPPC 2024 DAY FOUR EVENING SESSION -14TH NOVEMBER 2024 International Pastors and Partners conferencePastor TT Temisan Topic : Diligence ?? The ingredients of Diligence 2 Peter 1 vs 5 10 MSG This are what will follow you naturally when you a...