Saturday 30 December 2023



This is our second day of the fasting and prayer program that we have, just leading up to the coming year.
Tomorrow will be 31st of December. 

Ephesians 6:10-12
The word translated "wrestle" in verse 12 is very informative. It's the only place the word is used in the New Testament. 
Meaning to vibrate, to throw... 
In some translations, the word "struggle" is used. 
This is connected to what he began to tell you in verse 10. 

Since yesterday and some other previous occasions you would have heard us say "Pray against the influence of Satan on the leaders of nations". Someone once thought "Is the Devil that powerful that we have to pray against him all the time?" 
I want to explain to you why you do this.

Luke 11:14
A dumb spirit makes his host dumb.
V15-16: They were saying that Jesus had a devil 
V17- "a house divided against a house falleth"
That means that the division is within the house. 
(When He talked about the signs of the end, he said there would be rumors of war, and "nation against nation". It means fightings within the nation. Like a house divided against itself. He isn't referring to multiple nations fighting).

V18-20. What a sign! Casting out of devils is a very important sign of the Kingdom of God. 
None of the prophets before Jesus cast out devils until Jesus came. 

V21-23. He is so far dealing with casting out demons. 
Take these things I tell you seriously. They are not things you find easily. They are rare to come by in books. Many don't even know what Unclean spirits are. They are not defined in any book. 
An unclean spirit is a spirit that came from the relations between fallen angels and human beings. 
In Genesis from Chapter 6, it informs you that the offsprings became Giants, the nephilims. 
The spirits that were reproduced (remember human beings are not mere animals. They have a spirit. A child has a human spirit that occupies a human body)... They produced Children who had these unclean spirits. They were not pure human spirits. 
When that person dies, they would need a body to possess. Normal human spirits would either go to Heaven or hell. But these impure spirits could not go to Heaven and could not be taken to hell because they are not yet judged. 
They are impure and they do evil things because of the satanic nature of these fallen angels. These fallen angels themselves are being reserved for judgement, but these unclean spirits cannot function without a body.... That's what Jesus was referring to.

When you cast an unclean spirit out of a man, that spirit looks for where to go and when he doesn't find, his first option to return to the place from where you cast it out.
He comes back to more spirits that are more wicked than him to possess that man. 

When we rebuke evil spirits and cast them out , the people that we are praying for don't necessarily become Christians just because we cast the devil out. The fellow has a right to invite the demons back because he isn't under your authority. 
So it's a struggle. We cast them out and then He brings them back. ..Until we exercise authority over that place and seize the grounds. We really have to take over. 
This struggle continues until we successfully bring the word into that place and have dominion. 

It's just like healing the sick. We can heal you but we can't keep you healed. You have to keep the word in you. 
We can lead you to salvation but we can't keep you saved. It's up to you to live the life that Christ got for you. 

So it's a struggle until we win. 

How does Christ come into your heart? How do you receive the Holy Spirit? THROUGH WORDS .
How do demons enter into people? THROUGH WORDS.

We are going to pray and as we do, we will use God's word. 
Let the nations look beautiful to you. 
Satan wants to have dominion over these nations but NOT YET. Not while we are here. We have the dominion.

Prayers for the nations

Tomorrow's service is going to be a very special one.  
I'm  really looking forward to sharing with you the message of the year 2024.
I believe the Lord's going to do amazing things throughout the world in 2024.
And i must tell you,  the coming of the Lord is close.  
The bible tells us that the delay (what some of us might call delay) is really about God's not wanting people to perish,  to see if they only do what he said.  

2 Peter 3:2-15
The Longsuffering of our Lord is Salvation.  He wants people saved. The bible tells us that there is a full number from among the Gentiles that must come in (the fullness of the gentiles).  And he also gave himself the amount of time it should  take for that number to come in...  Its all in the book. 
Thats going to happen soon. 
Things are moving real fast. 
What's going  to happen in 2024 will surpass all we have seen before.  It's  going to  be huge. 
I pray that God will use you to accomplish his plans. 
May God use you! 
May God work through you! 

So tomorrow is going to be a big night!  The biggest thing in the  whole world. 

But before then,  earlier in the day,  we are fasting and praying for the nations. Christ died for all men.  We are not just praying that things will be nice and fine,  but also for salvation of souls.

Finance Convention Day 5 With Pastor Chris, Christ Embassy Lagos Zone 5, 12/09/2024.

Phil. 4:6, John 1:1. All of God's plans, thought, response, speech, message he was all of God and he became flesh and dwell amongst us. ...