Understanding this will make a difference, we always try to remind some people that you're not of the world, you're in the kingdom, and that means God's people have not behaved in a way that makes them to represent the kingdom of God
Matt 3:1-2, 4
Kingdom is territory/domain that is ruled by a king or queen, it is also used in the bible to refer to the reign of Christ the Messiah.
If you don't understand where you are, you won't know how to function and behave.
Matt 21:43
This means we must keep bearing fruits.
You have to understand the message of God to the nation of Israel isn't the same to the church, to get the full understanding of Christianity and the place of the church and the life we are called to live, you have to study the book of Acts.
You also have to study the Millienial scriptures, the Millienial scriptures reveals what Israel will enjoy in that time that is the period of the millienium.
Gal 3:29
Luke 19:11
He obtained the kingdom by
1. By Obedience
The first Adam lost the kingdom by disobedience, the second and last Adam gained it by Obedience, so obedience is a great blessing in the realm of the Spirit.
As a child of God, you must walk in accordance with the Word of God.
Phillipians 2:8-11,
- He paid for the kingdom.
Matt 13:38-44, Heb 2:9-10
- He got it by suffering, He paid the price with His own blood
Acts 20:28
- He got the kingdom by his conquest, He fought and got it
Heb 2:11-15, Col 2:15, Ps 68:18, Eph 4
The church is a spiritual kingdom of Christ and it is operational now and we're in the kingdom now.
Say I am in the kingdom now.
Col 1:13
1Sam 10:25 MSG
Samuel documented the manner/custom of the kingdom.
- To speed up the spread of the Gospel. Code Rabah, S.E.E.D Daily, Healing Streams, HS magazine
- To bring about the unity of the body by the Spirit of God.
This has to do with effective collaboration, putting all our efforts together and working by the leading of the Holy Spirit.
- To bring the church age into a glorious conclusion as stated in the scriptures.
Matt 24:14
There will be no other church age, this is the church age.
Kingdom Songs
If you're not singing these songs, that means you're not kingdom compliant.
-Unending Prayer and Praise
-Our Kingdom Spreading
Like yeast and dough, our spreading is unstoppable. As members of this kingdom, we're spreading and proliferating into every man's world.
- Kingdom Finances
We give our first fruits no matter who has come up to say they no longer believe in it as long as it is in the Word of God.
We don't okay with our first fruits, tithes, offerings, seeds and partnership.
Kingdom mentality when it comes to finances is my money is kingdom money. What do you do with your money?
We must put our resources in the kingdom, this destroys selfishness. If you're in the kingdom and your money isn't in the kingdom then you're not in the kingdom.
A kingdom minded man will bring his whole family into the kingdom.
You can't think any other way or you won't be functioning with the understanding of the kingdom in which we belong.
Through our structures (cell ministry, foundation School) we are giving orientation to everyone that comes here.
There is kingdom orientation.
As we serve the Lord, our kingdom lifestyle is to conduct ourselves in Royalty, in discipline and in dignity of the Spirit of God.
There is a way we don't talk, there is a way we don't think. You can tell a Prince from a commoner, there is a decorum, discipline, comportment, gait, a carriage of royalty. It's not just about dressing, it's a spiritual carriage, you carry yourself that way.
As Cell Leaders, you're the orientation instructors for those that come into the ministry, so every body that comes to the cell must receive that orientation.
Every where we go, let people recognize us and know the Nation that we come from.
If you don't talk, they will soak those wrong things in your mind.