Saturday 23 September 2023


Opening Prayers by H.E Pastor Yemisi Kudehinbu

Documentary: The Push for Digital Identity


I hope that you gave some attention to the thing that we've been discussing in past few days. 
We've been discussing several things and tonight I hope that some of the points that we raised yesterday, we'll be able to complete today.

If you were watching the documentary we just showed to you closely, there's a part of it where a lady said they are not even aware of the effect the vaccine would have on children.
Just last month a peer reviewed report was published where they stated clearly that Covid 19 vaccine is damaging to Children's immune system. A child vaccinated is in danger. His immunity is depleted severely especially 28 days after a second shot. How sad that they are telling children to get vaccinated.

These perpetrators are unrepentant and they seek to do it again. They heavily invested into Covid and sought to change the world forever. They went very far including building isolation centres; there were extermination centres and those buildings have not been destroyed. They still have them because they plan to use them.

When you hear them saying that they should be prepared for another! They should be prepared for another lie. The first pandemic was a lie.
I asked 'Who isolated the virus?", but no one has owned up to isolating the virus.
Yet they gave us a treatment for it when they never isolated it.

They are unrepentant because these are the se people who say they want to investigate and look into what they created. 

They don't even say "there may be", they say "there will be another pandemic".
You have to be prepared for another lie. 
They are going to come from several fronts. 
The Covid one is there. (That's why Joe Biden could Invest $600m into test kits because as far as he is concerned, it's a finalized deal)
Then you have the climate one...
Then there is a push for digital ID.

Why do we require this ID in the first place? Why do we need to prove that we are human? Because they have another lie to perpetrate. 

Just last week, the US Congress started having hearings about "Aliens" and UFOs. They are now saying that our world is being invaded by aliens and that we really need special identification because those Aliens have the capacity to look like us and join the population. 

An activist "secterian" general in the UN is promoting his secterian ideology with the UN. He can invite his activist friends to come and address heads of state. 
This guy is over staying his welcome at the United nations because he is turning it into what it's not supposed to be.
Now you have activist Judges in serveral countries on the bench, and activist leaders as the Chairs in WHO.
We are dealing with these imposters who have taken over these organizations to further their satanic ideologies.
We have to be very careful because many children who had the vaccines are suffering from vaccine acquired immune deficiency syndrome. 

Then you have the wildfires caused by arsonist governments in the United States and Canada. They are the managers of the forests, they pretend they don't know the cause of the fires but they know. They caused the fires to further their trickery on the people to make them support the Satanic green new deal. That's what it's about. 
They craft these evil policies that are based on the green new deal.
They want us to believe the fires are caused by climate change.
They are cleaning out the records of fires apart from what their narratives give us;
So that we can't compare the past to the present to show that there has been no change.

The Lord Jesus said "Watch and Pray". 
We are watching. We are seeing the perpetrators and we are praying according to his Word. By God's grace, their agenda will fail. This is not their time.

Satan will do worse than all he is doing now...but at the appointed time. Jesus said the days would be shortened to three and half years. So what he wants to do is start earlier. But to start earlier is to encroach into the Church's time. 
But we will not let him! By the power of the Holy Ghost, we disallow him in the Name of the Lord Jesus, he will not run the nations or control the governments because this is not his time.

The scriptures were not written with man's language or understanding. The scriptures were written in God's language and in God's understanding.
So to read and understand them, you can only do that through the spirit. You need the spirit to guide you to understand the scriptures.

1 Corinthians 2:6-7 KJV, NIV
Colossians 1:9 ESV, KJV
There is such a thing as spiritual wisdom and understanding. 

7 MAJOR EVENTS...Continued. 
1, The Investiture of Jesus and The marriage supper of the Lamb
2, The Tribulation 
3, The return of the Son of Man

The return of Jesus will be right in the midst of the Armageddon. He will be the one to bring an end to the Armageddon. The world will be greatly polarized. There will be those that will really go against Israel. 
Zechariah 14:1-2
"The day of the Lord" is a day of wrathband Judgement.
But in the end, he will deliver them 

4, The Judgement of the Nations: 
This is different from the individual judgement of sinners. 
Daniel 7:24-26 
Talking about the Antichrist. The Antichrist's dominion will be taken away. He is showing us the end of the antichrist which will be at the end of the tribulation. 
This definitely is not the great white throne Judgement. 

Psalm 9:17-19
Understand prophetic language.
He said "after 2 days, he will revive us and we shall live in his sight".
Here he says "Let the heathen be judged in thy sight". 
They will be judged when he comes to establish the millennium
This presupposes that the actual Judgement will not be done by Jesus but by those who he appoints with his authority. 

While we are dealing with the Eschatological part of these revelations, these words are true even now. They are words with which to be blessed, that go forth in the spirit and we can use them even now

Matthew 25:31-34
Nations are represented. Not human beings. 
When NATO attacked Iraq, how many soldiers went? Few. But they represent the nations under NATO. 
Same way in this verse. 
V 32 He shall separate the nations one from another...
This judgement is taking place in the earth when Jesus arrives.
V34- Jesus is the King here. By what standard does he decide who are the goat nations and the sheep nations? It's interesting that he doesn't use the standard for individual salvation. 
V35-36: The standard for the good guys.
V40- Everything he just said, anybody can do that and still not be a christian. He is talking to nations who helped Israel in their time of need. In those 7 years, they will be persecuted as those who believe in Jesus will be persecuted. 

Remember there will be several raptures: The christians, tribulation saints, the 144,000 
By the time Jesus is coming, there will be NOT ONE CHRISTIAN left on the earth. 
The earth will be full of people who don't believe in Jesus both Jews and Gentiles. 

The Jewish nation, irrespective of the sins and wickedness they comitted are still the seed of Abraham. (Genesis 12:1-3)
In the process of time, God said to Abraham "In Isaac shall thy seed be called.."
God was specific. That's the lineage of Salvation. 

Now in their desperate need for a savior with nations against them they will cry for deliverance. Their nuclear weapons will not suffice. Prior to this time, they would have received a fake leader. They might have even list their nuclear weapons, because the Antichrist would have moved into Jerusalem and disarmed them.
They will be deceived by the antichrist.
See how they were deceived by Covid and they all marched out to be vaccinated for a virus that didn't exist in nature. 
They didn't know that Jesus was the Messiah. The leaders challenged him. So don't think that Israel knows everything.

Matt 25:41-45 The goat nations are being addressed on the left hand. 
Jesus identified himself with the Jews because he was a Jew. They are the ones he is referring to as his brethren.

At that time, they are in a terrible predicament. As they cry out, Jesus descends and saves them.

Zechariah 12:10-12 (study into chapter 13 on your own)
Jesus will now show himself to them. Just like Joseph showed himself to his brethren and they sold him to the Gentiles. 
The Messiah is among the gentiles today. The revelation is with the Gentile nations today. 
Joseph was in Egypt and had become ruler under Pharaoh. His family came for food from Canaan and they met Joseph. 
In their second visit, he unveils himself to them and shows them he is Joseph who they thought was dead and they wept and mourned.
Same way, Jesus will reveal himself to Israel and they will mourn in bitterness because of what they did to him.
The story of Joseph continues.
But he will receive them.
We will be nursed in his sight. 

Revelation 20:1-4
This scripture doesn't refer to the final Judgement even though the final Judgement will take the same shape.
Jesus will be in Jerusalem for 1000 years while Satan is bound and sealed. 
V4- This Judgement was prior to living with Christ for a thousand years. This is the judgement of the nations. 
The disciples will judge the 12 tribes of Israel. The rest of us judge all the other nations. 
There is the Judgement of the nations, and then The judgement continues in terms of Rulership
We rule and reign with Christ.

Daniel 7:21-22, 27
This is the antichrist. 
He prevailed against the tribulation saints until Judgement was given to the saints.

What was the Judgement of the nations for?
When we arrive, they will be judged according to theie dealings with Israel. Some nations will be extinct

Matthew 25:41 
Leaders of these nations and their representatives go straight to hell. 
Remember, in the earth at that time, there will be a lot of people that are not human. 

Jesus sets up with us an eternal kingdom but it begins with the millennial reign for 1000 years. 

Matthew 19:27-28
"The regeneration": the rebirth/new birth of a nation. (Titus 3:5) Those who followed him in the rebirth....
A recreation of something that didn't exist before. 
We have been with Jesus in his project of setting up a spiritual kingdom. But there is also a physical Israel... at the end of the 2000 years, their contract is restored which ends in the 70th year of Daniel's prophecy.

Rev 2:26, 3:21
In the 1000 years of peace, there is a restoration of the Davidic order/Davidic Throne.

Acts 1:6- 7(referring to the restoration, not the regeneration)
Acts 3:20-21.
"Restitution": Restoration of the kingdom to Israel. When he comes, he restores all things. 

Revelation 20:7
In these 1000 years of peace, people are born...and they would have to have their chance. Some individuals too may not be destroyed. Everyone's heart may not be right...That's why when a man dies at 100 years, they will say he is a child. 
That's why the devil will be released briefly after the 1000 years. 

5, The millennial Kingdom is set up right after that Judgement. We reign with him for 1000 years. Now we reign THROUGH CHRIST..but then, we will reign WITH him..
We reign through Christ by using his Name. 

E.g. When the UK Queen died, the heir apparent was immediately proclaimed the King. He became the head of the government. He was proclaimed King but hadn't had the Investiture. So they fixed a date for the coronation.

When Jesus arose and went to Heaven, at the Garden..he went and presented his blood. Mary wanted to touch him but he wouldn't let her. He was the High Priest taking his blood to the most holy place in Heaven. 
He ascended and was proclaimed King, then he arrives in Galilee and announces "All hail!" He was with them 40 days teaching them...
Afterwards when he ascended, he gave us the authority which he had received at the first ascension
Now we will go for his coronation in Heaven.

6, The final Judgement. 
Rev 20:7-8
Where did Satan get all these people from? He deceived people again after 1000 years of peace. 
That's why we have to be careful and pray because, inspite of what they learned in 2020, they can still be deceived again.
Satan will deceive a lot of people and will gather them to war. They would surround the saints ...but fire will come from heaven and devour them.
They didn't stand a chance, couldn't fire a shot no matter what kind of missiles they got, but fire came out of heaven and devoured them.

V10- This time, the devil isn't coming out. 
The antichrist and the false prophet would have been in the lake of fire for the 1000 years. 

What happens with everyone else?
V11- 12. These are individuals now, not nations. 
Daniel 7:9-10. In the Judgement of the nations, the books were not opened. 

1 Corinthians 6:2-3
We shall judge the world and we shall judge angels.

Rev 20v12 The books contained records of their works. 
The other book is the book of life. 
V13- Even those who had gone to hell long ago will be brought out of hell to face Judgement.
V14- The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death. Death was always an enemy of God. 
V15- Anyone not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. 

2 Peter 2:4, Jude 1:6, 

7, The Holy City: The Heavenly Jerusalem that descends from the throne of God 
Revelation 21:1-
(read these verses into chapter 22)
V10-26 describing the holy city. The heavenly Jerusalem 
This city is for saints of us who have been citizens of the Heavenly Jerusalem.
We are the ones in this city. 
God's original plan is now being fulfilled. 
There will be other natural men outside the city populating the earth.
We are always forever with the King.
This is a new earth. The old earth is burnt up.
This heavenly Jerusalem comes into this new earth.

We are coming up with a book
Rhapsody of Realities; City of God series. 
Life in the City. 

Get ready for it. It's going to be coming out. 
We will release it once every four months. 
We've got so much to share with you.

GDOP: Friday 29th to Saturday 30th September.

These teachings are not orchestrated by my thinking but by the Holy Spirit. 
By the teachings, the Holy Spirit is re-echoing his prophetic timeline. 
I'm not only enlightening you with God's Word, I'm also speaking into the spirit about the timeline. 
We are preparing for His coronation and we don't have time to waste. 
We are walking in the light of God's program and we are not giving the devil on bit of the time.

Pray for the nations of the world. .
They are all falling in line with this timeline.
It shall be so!

Finance Convention Day 5 With Pastor Chris, Christ Embassy Lagos Zone 5, 12/09/2024.

Phil. 4:6, John 1:1. All of God's plans, thought, response, speech, message he was all of God and he became flesh and dwell amongst us. ...