Thursday 21 September 2023


Rev Dr Chris Oyakhilome DSc. D.D

I want to welcome you to today's program. This is season 8, PHASE 1 and day 1
Season 8 is going to be wonderful.

I believe that the Lord orchestrated this program for this time. It's his plan and that which has been planned, and the purpose for it will be accomplished by the power of the Holy Ghost.
The whole world belongs to him
The Holy Spirit was sent by the Father to help us fulfil God's will.
He said 'I will not leave you comfortless....' knowing fully well that the days would come when the world would have so much unbelief and deception. He said the father will send you the Spirit of truth.

(Documentary on Climate Lockdown)

So, you can see the wickedness in the hearts of these psychopaths.
In Hawaii, so many killed because some people were interested in their land. Same in Canada. These elitist technocrats are planning to set up cities in those places and know that those lands will not be sold to them.
Reminds us of Naboth in the bible who wouldn't sell his vineyard to Ahab. So He got Jezebel to help. She got some politicians and sons of Belial to falsely accuse Naboth. Then they stoned him to death. Then Ahab went and took possession.
Those spirits have not changed. They are doing the same today.

What should get you concerned is the fact that there is much deception that goes with all of this.
Earlier this month, at the association of south east Asian nations, Klaus Schwab was there to sell his idea of Public private partnership. I told you before that when you hear of this, it's not the way you think.
He shared with them his vision of merging state power with business power.
That's to put it in the acceptable way. So no side understands what's going on. It's called Sugar coating. Makes it sweet.
They were interested in listening to him.
Then he came up with the idea of 'replacing'
'Capitalism will be replaced with Talentism'.
'Shareholder capitalism will be replaced with stakeholder capitalism with social responsibility'.
Klaus Schwab assumes most of his audience to be ignorant.
But he's for this spiritual power to it, that's why they don't understand it. He's not just the ordinary technocrat or general intellectual.
They don't understand what he's selling to them.
These are all coded words.
You have to understand the spiritual mind of this elitist gaslighter.
Understand the future he is building in their minds.
The WEF are the perpetrators of COVID-19.

Firstly when he tells you about replacement of
Capitalism....That's the systematic overthrow of democratic capitalism and he is addressing western nations and their allies.
He is saying 'the days of elections are over because people like him cannot win elections. He is telling them that the only way they can win elections is by coming into private partnership.
It's an overthrow of democracy, replaced by Technocracy fathered by him.

The replacement of shareholder capitalism with stakeholder capitalism...that is the dismantling and complete erosion of private property.

Shareholder capitalism is private business with private property/ownership.
He says it will be replaced with stakeholder capitalism...that is his dress code for a reconstructed neosocialism.

So, who is a stakeholder?
Shareholders put money into a business so they own the business.
Now he is saying "the stakeholders are all of us" but that's a lie. There's a caveat. It must be coupled with social responsibility.
To Klaus Schwab and WEF, social responsibility means public subjugation.
To them, it means the public becomes responsible to them because the dictators are here
Remember the days when the Emperors owned the land

The real issue here is that Europ is very broke. That's why they have commandeered their child nations and allies to sell the idea of globalization. They've got nothing. So they say "let's share what you got and we share what we got". Lies.

If sharing was so nice, why aren't all the nations sharing what's in the IMF and World bank? After all, most of what's with them belongs to Africa and Asia...yet they are the poorest nations even though they have the most resources.

They don't like us to talk like this because it doesn't help them. This is the real cause of poverty on the world.
So when I call on you for us to pray, it's because, without prayer, these nations cannot free themselves from these psychopaths. It will take a miracle to deliver them from their wicked captors.

What you saw in 2020 was state capture and with that, they've tried to resuscitate their lockdowns.
For example, just a week ago Jill Biden came out to say that she tested positive again for covid after her several vaccinations and boosters. Then they come back and say, there is a new reliable vaccine and everyone should get it.
Who is fooling who?
This is just in preparation for the next elections. They want a lockdown so that they can have mail in ballots.
Klaus Schwab is trying to come up with an idea where they don't need to have elections to stay in power.
They are causing a crisis in Canada to ensure Trudeau stays in power.
Who ever taught they would do what they are doing to Trump now? They are desperate and so they are going to do everything they can to stay in office. They are fighting for their lives. They know what they've done; so much evil throughout the world.
That's why prayer is necessary.
Take what I'm telling you seriously.

Matthew 28:18
Power: Exousia- Authority!
Jesus said this. all authority in Heaven and in earth. We are in the earth right now. The nations of the world are in the earth...and Jesus says all authority in heaven and in earth is given to him.
There is a term that Jesus most frequently on reference to himself. He called himself "The son of man".

What's the difference between "Son of man" and "Son of God"?
You have to understand the application.

Numbers 23:19
Here you have the first expression of the term.
"Man" stands for "Male" in the hebrew. It's the general term for a man. He is saying God is not a man.
Then...neither the son of man...the son of Mankind. He is not descended from Man.
He is not of the human nature.

Then you have another expression in Psalm 8:4
This time, the word for man is "Enosh" meaning "Mortal". Then son of man is the same expression as we have in Numbers.

Daniel, Ezekiel etc were refered to as "Son of Man".
But Jesus use is not in the general term.
He used it with the definite article.
Many translators of the bible from the Hebrew/Greek to English, and a lot of commentators make some mistakes.
They look at it from the general idea.

Daniel 7:13-14
This is remarkable because when Jesus referred to himself as the Son of Man, this is what he is talking about. He is referring to Daniel's prophetic revelation. He was referring to Daniel's use of that term.

John 12: 23-34
The people understood. They knew when he called himself The son of man, that he was saying he was the Christ.
(Christians are not supposed to sing that song "Lift Jesus higher", Jesus meant when he said if he would be lifted up, that he would be crucified.)
Jesus used the definite article when he called himself The Son Of Man.

Jesus connected his words with the prophetic words of Daniel.
The Jewish congregation there knew he was referring to himself as the Christ.
They felt the Christ/messiah was not supposed to die.

Daniel 7:13-14, Matthew 26:62-65
V64: That's what Daniel saw
Jesus was saying 'I'm the one that Daniel saw'.

'The Son of Man' is a direct claim to being the Son of God.

Matthew 28:18-20
V19- On the basis of the authority that I have, GO and teach all nations....
He said "I am with you always even to the end of the age". 
It's not a promise. It's a statement of Faith.
The reason he said that is for us to have confidence in life and to never be intimidated by our adversaries.

There is no enchantment against Jacob. There is no wisdom against the Lord.
There is nothing that Satan can put together against the church.
We are guided by the Lord and we are full of glory.
Our light shines in the darkness and the darkness cannot comprehend it.

They have the General assembly of the UN going on and usually when they do this, a lot of ackward deals are signed.. especially by African nations that don't read the documents. I don't mean by that to play down on our intelligence. But a lot of them are lured into these things and they sign away their rights.

And tonight while we are gathered together, we pray that God will guide their minds away from being misled and from foolishness.

Sometimes they think that they have allies. What kind of friends are they that want to take away everything you have and destroy your economy? Those are not friends.

Psalm 74: 20-21
See this beautiful prayer. You can read the whole Psalm for yourself.
This is witten by Prophet Asaph.
With the heart that knows God, you find that you share this kindred spirit with the prophet.
He prays, as we should, for the oppressed.

For example, what did those in Maui do when these fires were set and their homes and families were destroyed? They had only few minutes. They were given no chance to escape the massacre. How can they resist the perpetrators? The perpetrators used the power of the media and government power to silence them
These are now the oppressed, poor and needy. Only people like us should be thinking about praying for people like these.

During Covid, who were those that were dying because of the lockdowns? The poor and needy.
When you have these riots that are called protests, organized by the leftists, who are those they lose? Young uneducated people. They weaponize their youths.

We have to help the poor because poverty is man-made. Helping the poor with money is not enough. They need to be given an education, training in life and most importantly, we need to pray for them.
That their eyes may be open to see God's opportunities given to them and they will be empowered. Poverty is not from God.

Luke 4:18
The Gospel to the poor was first, before healing.
That's why everywhere we go, when we bring the gospel, the poor is poor no more. It changes their lives.

That's why we send Rhapsody of realities around the world. It empowers them. Knowledge comes to them and the grace of God is extended to them.

Don't only pray for the good leaders. Pray for the bad ones too. Not because of them but because of the people that they lead. Whatever actions they take will affect the people they lead.
As leaders meet at the UN general assembly, they will not come back with bad news.
They are planning another lockdown but it has nothing to do with health.
They are rehearsing but it is a failed rehearsal.
We are not permitting another lockdown whether they like it or not.
A deception a second time is unacceptable.
We have a lot of information to show on the vaccine injuries. It's very painful that they did this to the world.
Their foot soldiers are the mendacious media who protect them by hiding the truth.
On who are the 'Improved vaccines' tested?

We know how to move the forces of heaven.
We know how to use the Name of Jesus.
And when we use that name, no force in the world or in the heavens can put us under subjugation or manipulate our minds.

Pray now.

(Prayer for the nations and their leaders)

Finance Convention Day 5 With Pastor Chris, Christ Embassy Lagos Zone 5, 12/09/2024.

Phil. 4:6, John 1:1. All of God's plans, thought, response, speech, message he was all of God and he became flesh and dwell amongst us. ...