Monday 18 September 2023


Rev Chris Oyakhilome DSc DD

It's been a beautiful week. 
We've been on since Wednesday night and it's just been amazing. 
Wonderful exhortations, testimonies, time of fellowship with Gods word and beautiful times of prayer and praise.
And all these have a lot to do with the conditioning and development of our spirits. 
There are things that the human spirit requires for real spiritual growth and development.
For most of the world, their life is based on what they were taught in school, and of course, newspapers.
But you can't live that way. 

(October, Friday 27th to Sunday 29th, we will have the HLSLHS.)

Everytime you want a better result than previously, you review what you prepared before and improve on it. 
The future belongs to those who prepare for it. If you let it just come, it will come with all the 'weeds' (unwanted events).

Jesus said "Ask and it shall be given to you...."
Don't let things just happen.
The forces of nature will not work in your interest without control.
That's why when God created everything, he brought Man as the last and He told man to "Subdue the earth" . Control it. Because it won't just do things nicely for you. 
You have your own world.
How things run the way it affects you... in the midst of all that, you can prosper. 

Remember the prophetic word given to the Messiah "Sit at my right hand. Rule in the midst of thine enemies" .
Jesus said he sent us out as sheep in the midst of wolves but " I am with you always".
It is not a promise. 
He is with you till the end of the age. 
There is no day that you wake up and think "where are you Lord?"
He is there all the time. 

This is a very special time in the kingdom/calendar of God. I hope you realize it? 
In the spirit, there's so much that's happening. The angels are doing a lot of work in the realm of the spirit. They have their work cut out for them; we have ours cut out for us.

The messiah was told after his resurrection where he is seated by the right of God, He was told by the Father "Rule in the midst of your enemies" .. How will he do that?
Through us!

(Remember that little guy during the French Revolution who was given to a witch who was to teach him how to curse before they killed him so that his mind would be polluted. He responded that he couldn't say those things because he was born to be King. He was already taught. He knew what kings were supposed to say)

You were born to rule!
The earth was willed to Abraham and his seed. If you belong to Christ, you are Abraham's seed and an heir according to the promise. 
(Imagine if you've been ruling all these years)

There are several accounts of those who were raised from the dead just from the use of ROR. 
If Rhapsody can be used in performing these things, what do you think is God's plan?
If the Shadow of Peter could get the sick healed.... what do you think of Peter himself? Where was the power coming from? It was coming Peter him.
The power of Rhapsody is not the paper. 
It is the spirit of the word that's inside. That's what makes it different. 

A second thing that's very important is called mandate.
Remember John the Baptist was filled with the Holy Ghost from his mother's womb. 
Jesus was also filled with the holy ghost but not from his mother's womb.
John's mother was filled the Holy ghost when she was pregnant with John. 
The Holy Ghost entered into you and filled all of your body. If a woman was pregnant when she got filled with the Holy Ghost, the baby would be filled with the Holy Ghost. 

Most Christian women were never taught that their children are filled with the holy ghost right from the womb. Knowledge is important. 

Mary didn't receive the Holy Ghost when she was pregnant with Jesus; but when Jesus was baptized by John, the Holy Spirit came upon him and he was filled with the Holy Ghost.

Those two, were filled with the Holy Ghost in their ministries. 
But John did not heal the sick. He performed no miracles. It was a matter of mandate.
Jesus had a mandate. ...
 "How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power, who went about doing good..... "

"The spirit of the Lord is upon me for he has anointed me to heal the sick and..... "

There is a mandate behind ROR. 
There are not many testimonies of people using the bible to raise the dead.... why? Who mandated it? The letter killeth but the spirit giveth life. 

There are other devotionals too... but what's their mandate. 

For the mandate, the Spirit has the purpose. He decides. He distributes according to His purpose. He decides the administrations and distributions. 

It's about the mandate. It's about what we were sent to do. So don't be surprised. 
It's the call of the ministry, that's why the same thing happens with the Healing to the Nations magazine. Same stories. It's the mandate. 

In 1981, the Spirit said "I am beautifying my church". Sometimes God talks to you in pictires. Right away I understood everything. I understood what to do and how to do it. 
I found that as I bring the word to God's people, they become beautiful.
I told you in 2020, God's churches are the most beautiful things in all the world. 
I had seen it in the spirit. 
You are looking at a congregation of people that you know... to you that's all you see... but if the Lord would open your eyes to see the beauty that emanates from these... 
The most beautiful thing in the world are God's congregations. 
There is such glory! Such beauty! 
So when I say to you "You are beautiful", it's true!
Satan wanted those congregations shut down, but the beauty is all to his glory. The angels see the beauty and they worship.
God gets glory out of his beauty and when you stop those congregations, he can't get it. 
When we gather, each one of us goes with a glory.
When you stop those congratulations, Ichabod happens. The glory departs. 

Yesterday I was telling you about the Ecclesia (the church). The term church is used in different ways. Just like the way Synagogue was used. It was the place where they gathered, but it was also the assembly of the people. 
So church is somewhat a variant of synagogue. It's an assembly with a special difference. 

In one case, we go for a meeting.
In another case, we are called out and so we gather because we're called out to this gathering for a purpose. 

An example is when Paul was using a school for teaching... they had been using the Jewish Synagogue, but when there was trouble, he had to separate the brethren to a hired school facility. He separated the Christians from the general group that met in that place. So they were the "Ecclesia".
In a general sense, we are called out of the world even though we are in the world. 

You can say "I used to be in the world.." because you remember your past, but the spiritual truth is that that person that was a sinner died and became a new being. 
You have a new life. A new species. 
James 1:18. You are not the man that was lying or stealing...
That man died! 
Any sinner who believes, his spiritual death is connected to the man on the cross. 
Your belief in the resurrection is what gives you a new life. You are a  new person. 
In the mind of God, your past, that you're remembering and talking about, does not exist. 
Old things are passed away. 
You are not a sickler anymore
You are not poor anymore
You are in Christ Jesus.

This is the spiritual truth. This is the reality 
And until can accepts this reality, he will be merely a religious man who likes God, but is living in the outside. He will never have the true satisfaction of the dominion in Christ Jesus. His confidence before God will be fleshly. 

ACTS 26:16
To make you a minister
To make you a witness
To open blind eyes
To turn men from darkness to light (illuminating you and making you luminous)

5. To turn them from Satan's dominion to God. Satan had dominion over them but now I'm sent to turn them from the power of Satan to God. (Acts 10:38)- He went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil. It was the devil that oppressed them.
Mark 16:17- In my name shall they cast out devils. 
I cast out devils in the name of Jesus. 
Actually do it. It's just like we don't say "I greet you". You actually greet. 
Or like you saying "I pray". 
Or "I worship you Lord". So where is the prayer? Where is the worship?
There are actions! There are things you do and say that will be described as worship. 
There are things you say that will be described as prayer.
There are things you say that are described as a rebuke. Not just by saying 'i rebuke you fever". You talk to it harshly and order it out. 
Colossians 1:13- 14
God delivered us from the domain/power/authority of darkness/death/destruction/gloominess/obscurity. And he has transfered/translated us into the kingdom of his dear son. 
I live NOW in the kingdom of his dear love son. 
The Kingdom is real. It's here now. He already transported us here. 
He sent us to open their eyes so we can't live the life of an ordinary man. Decide you are going to live the kingdom life. 
Those who are ignorant look for deliverance... but we have been delivered from the power of darkness and translated into the Kingdom of God's love son. 
In Christ we have redemption.

Romans 6:14. It doesn't matter what bad habit you have. Say "In the name of Jesus, Sin shall not have dominion over me".
Real Christianity is God's word in manifestation. 
The word given to us is not only to say but to act. But you cannot act it without saying it. 
"I am the delivered. I am the transported into The Kingdom of God's love son. I have the dominion. I have the inheritance in the now of my life."
Jesus was the Word made flesh. 
He was God's thoughts, opinions and expressions.
Who are you in Christ? You are God's thoughts, opinions and expressions.
That's why you meditate on the Word so you can have it in your spirit. 
Your spirit becomes replete with the word such that it's the only thinking you have. 
You have to learn to think God's thoughts and his words. 
I am a conduit of blessings. God wants to bless the world through me.
With that thinking, the atmosphere in your home changes. The mentality of lack or shortage will cease. That's how the world revolves. On the news all the time, they talk about the world's economy so that people can tighten their belts.   
But who in the world determines this stuff?
They decide the currency, fashion etc.
Some people rose in influence to be able to do that... but no body determines the child of God's life of his wealth.

Say from today I enslave money. I do what I want with the money. Money is flowing through me. 

Feed your faith strong!
Get the messages on Faith. Play them again and again to grow your faith. 
In the world there is unbelief and deception but you've got to have faith.
The Word says...By Faith, they subdued kingdoms.

If you belong in God's one-city Country, you subdue countries and kingdoms. You live with the mentality of the kingdom. 
By the grace of God I am who I am. 
I am running things. I'm ruling with Christ. 
They are afraid of figures but I am not. 
I am not dominated by figures. .I'm not scared of figures. I control figures. 

What do you need? What do you want? 
The seed of Abraham walks in blessings. 
"Blessed shall thou be in the field... in the country..."
Jesus came! The total package of the blessings! He was the blessing!
Now he says ... this is the mystery that was his for ages now revealed... Christ in you, the hope of glory.
Caiaphas asked Jesus "Are you the son of the blessed"? Jesus said "I am".
This meant he was the Blessed in Human flesh.

All had sinned and come short of the glory of God, but in Christ, Glory has come!
I am not under figures. 
My blessings are beyond the figures of men. 

6. To receive remission of Sins. 
This is so powerful and important. In Christ, what you have is the remission of Sins. It didn't exist in the OT. They had an atonement for a year and by the next year they had to offer sacrifice. But in Christ, there is the blotting of sin
John 1:29. 1John 3:5, Isa 53:4, Matt 8:17
He took away/carried our sin. There is no hope that you can take it back again. You can't find them anymore. 
He was manifested to take away your sins. 
Forgiveness in Christ is a remission. 
1John 2:1- 2. 'If' any man sins... we have an advocate with the Father. Jesus who died for your sins. He is the appeasement for our sins. 
Luke 24:45-47
There is remission of Sins. We can tell the whole world. They don't have to live in their sins. 
In no religion of the world is there remission of sin. 

7. To receive their inheritance in Christ.
Colossians 1:12
You're a partaker. You didn't qualify by yourself. He qualified you to be a partaker of the inheritance

As we praised God during the praise night, I was in the spirit seeing the saints looking beautiful with white, with hands raised. And I thought "Just to be in this place is the most amazing thing ever". 
One day, we are all going to be in this glorious assembly before the Lord.
Don't miss it. Prepare your life for it. It's going to be glorious. It's going to happen. 

Do you know there is an inheritance?
Acts 20:32 , Ephesians 3:8
The Word of God's grace is able to deliver your inheritance to you. 
Just like a lawyer delivering documents to you and asking you sign to collect your inheritance which you didn't know about.
The Word of God is same way...  through it you receive the inheritance given to you by God in Christ Jesus. 
You have to sign it.
He said, that we might boldly say. .
When you say it, you have signed it. 

'i don't live from hand to mouth anymore. I'm in superabundance form this day'.

Eph 3:8.  The unsearchable riches of Christ... 'unending, boundless, fathomless, incalculable, exhaustless riches of Christ. Wealth which no human being could have searched out)

Mark 10:28-30
Jesus interrupted Peter to respond... .
You will receive a hundred fold NOW In time..
You're going to be so rich, they will hate you for it. 
There is a life for eternity but there is also something for this time. 
He knows what you left to follow him.
When you come to Christ, you find you have new brothers and sisters.  
You have incalculable wealth ..
Refuse to be bound or intimidated by figures. 

No matter the number of copies of Rhapsody you want to do, THE MONEY WILL COME. 
Be concerned about "what you want to do".
Children done care about how the food is being cooked. They just know it's on the table.

The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want...

Finance Convention Day 5 With Pastor Chris, Christ Embassy Lagos Zone 5, 12/09/2024.

Phil. 4:6, John 1:1. All of God's plans, thought, response, speech, message he was all of God and he became flesh and dwell amongst us. ...