Sunday 17 September 2023


Rev Chris Oyakhilome DSc DSc DD

I want to welcome you to this beautiful session tonight.

Your life is only the outworking of all you imbibed in words, your life is a product of words, human beings were created with words, always remember that.
The physical body was formed from the dust of the ground, but the human person was created with words, so the real you a spirit being is created with words. And to be born again, a man is recreated with words.

To live the God life can only be done with words, how important words are!
Words are the most important things in the earth, the whole universe was created with words.

God doesn't do anything else, He just talks, that shows you how important words are. Your life and circumstances are a product of words and if they are created for you by others, the only way you can change the circumstances is by words.

You have to understand that it's God's plan for His children to have abundant supply, it is not only His will, it is His way.
Unless one opens himself to that possibility, it can't come, you have to live beyond your country.

The word church means the called out.
A synagogue is also an assembly.

To some called out means from the world but that isn't so.
In Christianity, we are not called out of the world to God, we are called from home out, we are not called from the world into the home church but from home out....

When we gather, we come to praise Him for the purpose of going to do what He told us to do.
Christianity begins with the resurrection of Jesus not His death, remember the prayer of salvation. But we know there will be no resurrection if there was no death, so the death is important, but the resurrection is the key.

Jesus Christ is the first to come out of spiritual death, he died two deaths on the cross, spiritually first and then physically. He was a righteous man who bought the sins of others, who came to pay the price for others.
The rebirth at the resurrection meant that there was no sin, no condemnation, all the debts have been paid. Jesus was the propitiation for sins of the whole world.

Continued from yesterday

Darkness is not the absence of light, it's a spiritual substance.
Ephesians 1:15-17, 4:18
Satan blinded them, he imposed the blindness on them.

Isaiah 60:1-2,
Darkness - death, ignorance, destruction, sorrow, wickedness, obscurity.
We are sent to turn them from darkness to light, but how can we do that?

Ephesians 1:18
You were born in His presence, you are not journeying to Christ, that's where you live.

Your life of prosperity shouldn't be a miracle, it is a miracle at the babyhood stage but God wants you to go beyond that.
Growth shouldn't be a miracle.
When you're born again, you're born right into the kingdom of God, so if you were in need, in the kingdom there is no need. You have to grow in the things of God until you have no consciousness of need. It is the life He has given us.

God knows you, that's what's important, He knows your name, knows your address and He knows how to reach you.
Don't think about who know you or who doesn't know you, as long as Papa God knows you.

The Spiritual life is for training, you have to learn it. You have to come to a place in your life where you control money and the forces of the world. As long as they seem intimidating to you, then you haven't understood the Kingdom.

What was Jesus like?

Say I am Different, the world is mine. Practice the spiritual life else you can't come to perfection.

When we speak in tongues, there is a part where we are speaking mysteries to God that God understands and getting our spirit edited, there is another part that is incantation, when you're saying them, they're codes and those codes are fixing things in the Spirit.

There are no bad surprises for those who speak in tongues.

Don't be satisfied with little and I have more than enough when there is super abundance.
There is enough, more than enough, abundance and super abundance.

I live in Super Abundance. In the Name of Jesus, money is coming to me from everywhere.


If you don't pluck money from trees before now, start now.

Don't let the devil tell you otherwise.
Don't forget, we are tress of righteousness.

I am a Tree of Righteousness and i am bearing fruits for God.

Romans 7:4
I am bringing forth fruits for God, become productive for God.
I am bearing fruits all the time and part of it is Money Fruits.

Ephesians 3:9
There is an economic plan in Christ but how many Christians know it and there is a true administration of the economy in Christ Jesus.

Ephesians 3:8-9 AMPC

Who are those that plan the economy in your country? We are members of the general Assembly, part of those who decide what happens in the economy.

You have to start learning how to get the money... I believe in continual supply; I don't need to have a financial miracle.

We are the seeds of Abraham; the nations belong to God and we are here in His name.
I was raised for these days: God knew you were coming, He planned for you, He planned your days.
You're here because God wanted you, you're here on God's term and you're going to live on God's term, not on the devil's terms.

Say The world is mine, I am the seed of Abraham.

As God's church, we are born in His house, He called us out to service.
Hebrews 13:13-14

Don't just make a home, the whole world is waiting.
Hebrews 13:11-14 NIV

Speaks in tongues

Even though through the ministry of the Spirit of God we are illuminated, that's just one part, the second part is through the ministry of the Word by the Spirit.

The Spirit through the ministry enlightens us through the Word, then the Spirit carries out another work through the Word and this happens in meditation, we become LAMBENT.

We become luminous
It is one thing to be illuminated and it's another thing to be Luminous.... You become a Light because you were born to be.

Without the Word, your light is dim, but Jesus said let your light so shine that they may see your good works.

Say, I am a Light to the Nations
With the Word inside you, the fire burns, you become incandescent and you light up everywhere.
You're not a light to your family, you're a light to your family and nation.

It shall be said concerning me, Glory be to God. My life is for the glory of God.


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Phil. 4:6, John 1:1. All of God's plans, thought, response, speech, message he was all of God and he became flesh and dwell amongst us. ...