Saturday 16 September 2023


Rev Chris Oyakhilome DSc DSc DD

I want to welcome you from around the world.
Soul winning is God's number one job.

This is Rhapathon and I want to thank you for using Rhapsody of realities and special appreciation to our translators all around the world.

Remember if there is no interpretation, you'll be a barbarian to the one you are talking to and he will be a barbarian to you, but with a translation it becomes possible to have the true interpretation of the message to your own heart, translators make that happen.

With Rhapsody, we are seeing something that has never happened in this world, this is one of the wonders of the world, one material in every known language of the world, there is nothing like it.

We are not merely digitizing it, even at that you have to know the languages to make that happen.

Today's governmental system is quite a problem because the politicians spend all the trying to remain in office, they fight so much to remain in office that they don't have time to think about their people.

So who is going to be thinking about putting a message in a language they don't think matters, all they care about is the one with which they communicate for the next term.

So you can't look to government to help OR is it our educational system that would have done it? Absolutely not, they're too busy creating some other materials to mislead the world, present new ideas for man to live on their terms.

It had to take a miracle, it had to take a supernatural work of God to make it happen. So, it's a great great work.

I want to thank all of you, many who give into Rhapsody in an unusual way.

Things like this happen there are those who are dedicated, who put their whole hearts into it and because they're that dedicated, God blesses.

God isn't looking at how much it is, He is looking at it as a seed, He just wants you to do it to give Him the right to respond. All He is looking for is an opportunity, so when God says I want you to do this, He is just looking for an opportunity for a him to act.

How big is God? What can God do?

We have to understand the message God has given to us, the message is real and true. The message is TRUTH.

When we say Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever, it isn't a religious cliche, it's more than that.

Rhapsody is an extension, a vehicle for the message, because the master hasn't changed, He is the same.

I want you to understand, it's not just about a copy of the book, I love the way many of you have understood it when you talk about an angel.. When we say there is an angel with Rhapsody of Realities, it is not a speculation or conjecture, you need to realize that it isn't an assumption, we are not just saying it like that sounds nice, no it's not because it sounds nice, it's true.

When God spoke to Moses, He said to Him, I will send my angels to go before you to bring you in the land I promise you.

There was the angel of God who was to bring the children of Israel into the promised land.

God said to me, you will take my children and lead them into their inheritance. If Moses needed that angel to bring him in, what do you think about God's people?

God has myriad of angels and he assigns angels for different purposes.

When you see these things, they are not ordered by themselves, God ordered them so to be because they authenticate His message.

It's about the message that He sent.

With ROR, we bring a revelation of Christ to men.

Why is God showing you himself, why are you discovering more about Jesus? When we give Rhapsody to people, as they read it, they discover and get to know more about Jesus.

The biggest and greatest thing ever happened to you and with you is your revelation and understanding of who Jesus is.
Acts 26:14-18

1. To make you a Minister (official, executive assistant)
2Cor 5:18
When the doctor helps a sick person and the person gets well, the doctor feels so good and wants more patients.

He has given us a ministry of reconciliation and he's changed your life, now you're a minister.
I am not an ordinary person, I am an unretiring executive assistant to Jesus Christ.

2. To make you a Witness - proof producers
Acts 1:8, 2Corinthians 5:19

Your message is letting others know God was in Christ. With your hands, you produce signs and wonders, I am a witness.

You have received power, the Holy Ghost has come upon you, now you're a witness.

3. To open blind eyes
2Cor 4:3-4

The god of this world blinded their minds, our Gospel is a glorious gospel, nothing to be ashamed of.

Never be ashamed to testify of Jesus and the Gospel.
Hebrews 1:3

Satan blinded them so they won't see the light of the glorious gospel but here you are with the power to open their eyes.

I was sent to open their eyes: satan blinded them but when I come their eyes open, they why I am in that city and country, to open their eyes.

I know mny calling and I understand it.

Those who were consistent with Rhapsody have no fear.
Anyone who has been listening and is using Rhapsody were prepared for this day:

We don't live to defend the law and government, country and city, we live to establish the righteousness of God, it's about His righteousness.

4. To turn them from darkness to light
Ephesians 4:18

Only the Spirit of God can reveal the things of God.

Ephesians 3:8-9 AMPC
Jesus was different, His words were powerful and gracious, that's why people take Rhapsody and not live the way they didn't find it earlier.

In your knowledge of Christ, it doesn't matter how much they try to steal from you, you can't get broke, that's why Jesus said if someone borrows from you and doesn't bring it back, don't go after him. You're too big to be going after him. You've got a lot of wealth.

Forbes magazine is the lining of the poor.

You come to the point in your life where you understand that you're not of this world.

Say, In Christ Jesus, I AM BIG.

When they're taking about prices are going up, if you're reading Rhapsody, you will not be moved, because inside Rhapsody, He lets you know that problem is for the world.

We were sent to save them.

When you read Rhapsody, you will see where God wants you to be, you'll understand it, once you understand it and align yourself, everything else aligns itself and starts relating with you as who you are.

The moment you recognize and understand the truth and position yourself correctly everything else in life aligns itself in the way they are supposed to relate to you.

God can do so much more, don't look at your country, look at His country, your new country.

The country where you live is your field of evangelism, you're not from there, you're the seed of Abraham, you don't belong in the economy of this world.

You're God's ambassador for Jesus Christ in that country where you serve, don't level yourself with what happens there, you're not of this world, think differently. You came to save them; God raised you up to save them.

We are changing the world and we have to do even more now than ever, because we can see that the satanic forces are aggressive in pushing their agenda and message to the nations.

The Lord is raising labourers all over the world. God is giving to use me to do big things, bigger than you have done, more that you have seen.

There is so much to be done.

I can tell you that there are so many Christians who don't know because they have never been raised, many know how to serve the Lord in a generic sense but there is so much more about Christianity.

Christianity is the life of the Sons of God; the church needs to be brought to a certain level and it has to be done quickly. How fast can we go?

What does the Gospel mean, why is it called the glorious gospel of Christ? What is the daily life of a Christian like, what is the mind of the Christian like, what do you do with you mind, how do you influence your world?

What's radiating from your mind? What is your everyday life like?

I can imagine throughout the world the level of maturity that many will attain because of the increased knowledge and the grace of God, because God's grace will be put together to make men experience the reality of His word and Kingdom in the now, living in real time with God.

Time is an interruption of eternity, it's a segment of eternity. When you catch a segment of eternity, that time. So when you move with God and act with Him, time passes. One of the things that God wants us to experience is the super imposition of eternity on time, that's the power of miracles and supernatural

If you're now in the life of righteousness, it means you're functioning in the mentality of God, the activity and judgement of God.

The Word of God is a beautifier.
2Corinthians 4:5

Every time when we speak in tongues and pray in the Holy Ghost, did you know there is a transfiguration, this is why he said be filled with the Spirit because the Spirit impart our physical bodies, that is why no Christian needs to have no diabetes, pain in the back and heart trouble. If you're speaking in tongues that will not happen to you.

Speak in tongues, don't be quiet. Then more we speak in tongues, the more you experience the strength of God in your body. You're full of life, strength, power and health by the power of the Holy Ghost.

We have something that the world doesn't know about.

We don't get sick.

When Pastors catch a hold of this, and you start seeing a church where no one gets sick, churches where no poor, no sick, no weak and as others join us, they become part of the heritage. Then you realize people start talking about it in the city, they say let's go and join those people.

Song Ministrations

Call to Salvation

Finance Convention Day 5 With Pastor Chris, Christ Embassy Lagos Zone 5, 12/09/2024.

Phil. 4:6, John 1:1. All of God's plans, thought, response, speech, message he was all of God and he became flesh and dwell amongst us. ...