Sunday 19 November 2023

IPPC 2023 FRIDAY EVENING SUPER SESSION 2, 17th November 2023


The Lord Said concerning King solomon "In his reign i will bring peace",  same way,  the reign of the CEO can be a reign of a different kind of grace. 


2 Peter 1:1-9
V8: For if those things that we read about are in you and abound,  they MAKE YOU...  You will  not be unfruitful in the epignosis of our Lord. 
These things are already in you

In the new testament we are never asked to have Faith.
Christianity is a life of faith.
Add to your faith excellence, virtue. 
We are products of divine excellence. 
God wants us to do excellent things.
We are talking about raising the dyke and upping our game
Ministry is our life and ministry is spiritual.
We live this life of excellence. We do excellent things we speak excellent words. 
This life of excellence is what brings out our exceptionalism. We go all out. No half measures. 

Same thing, in our partnership.
Everyone who is here is a financier of the gospel. 
By next year, every church should not have less than a thousand members. 

These things should matter to you. What pastor says..
Your grace and promotion is in your mouth.

If these things be in you, they make you effective. 
Christianity is a life of effectiveness. You become the light wherever you are. That's who you are and who you are called to be. 

We are seeing miracles in new dimensions as we get close to the rapture. This lends credence to the fact that we are associates of the god-kind. 
So what kind of life are we living? The God life. 

In the OT, when it was time to leave Egypt, God raised Moses. God told him to stretch out his hands and part the waters. That was a huge miracle
But in the days of Jesus Christ, He didn't have to part water, He just walked on water.
When Peter asked, Jesus just told him to come...
No rules and regulations. Peter also walked on water till he doubted. 
Then the Lord was on water, rescuing Peter from Water.b

That means any one who is not in the world can sink around you but you will be standing. You are standing on the solid rock. Everywhere you are is solid rock. Theirs is sinking sand. 

In Acts, Peter's shadow was anointed to heal sick people.
Then came Paul, Aprons from His body were taken to heal people...
Then came the last Healing streams... Nine people were on stretchers. He only took count, then he stepped backwards, stood and commanded them to get up. They got up at the same time and started running.
Those in wheelchairs suddenly got up. They were amazed that their legs could carry them.

1 Corinthians 12:1-5
Their are diversities of gifts but the same Lord.
The Lord says " a quick work will I do". Because the work is quick, the man of God tells the sick person "Healed" or "Out". One word is enough. No sentences. No time for interviews.
He doesn't give notice to any devil with questions. 

We are talking about new levels of ministry.
The man of God stands in one place and someone in Mongolia gets healed. 
Sometimes when we watch and the camera starts wobbling, you need to understand that the camera could not carry all that anointing...but in the midst of all that, the person gets healed.
There is no distance with cancer anymore. 
We have been born into a ministry of miracles.
We have seen so many miracles that we must ensure that these things don't become too common to us.
The way we are seeing miracles is not common in every place, but it is indicative that God has a great llam for the love world nation.

After this time, ensure that your grace grows like never before. Every millionaire, get ready to become a Billionaire. The same anointing that heals the migraine heals blindness and deafness. 
That same anointing makes you a Billionaire.

It's not normal. 
When we call for financial conferences, only a few come.but now, everywhere is packed out. People are rushing into an atmosphere of wealth. They know that it will make a difference.

To be alive and not know what you are living for is the greatest chaos in the life of a man. To be misplaced in a world of 8 billion is heart breaking. 
But in this ministry, we give lives a ministry.

You hardly hear the Man of God call people his sons.but for the first time yesterday, he said " Pastor Chris is everywhere. These are my children". It means your sonship has finally been endorsed 

Jesus told his disciples that he no longer called them servants but friends. When he said that, their status changed. 
When God changed Abram to Abraham, it changed everything about sterility in his life. 

Jesus could not call them sons because he had not died. But after his ressurection, he was now called the first begotten from the dead. He raised sons unto God. He didn't have to say it. He birthed it.
You say it and get catapulted into the reality of it. 
Now we are sons.
We are children of the kingdom now.
Live the kingdom and talk the kingdom.
Mind your language. Your language is the vehicle that keeps you in or takes you out. You ostracize yourself by using the wrong language. 
As kingdom sons, we talk like our Father. 
We are custodians of the virtues of God. 
We are agents of change.
We carry our own cloud.

Peter, James and John follow Jesus for the Transfiguration. When we come to the loveworld grounds, we are not looking at the physical grounds, this is where Gods headquarters is now.
 UN has been deposed. When they come out with laws from WHO and they are not consistent with the word, we paralyze it and decree what it should be. 
We are not going to live their world. They will live in our world. 
They are like people in a training arguing but we are the drivers of the train.

There are some matters that the man of God tells to pray about. There are others that he dismiss with one word. He was the one that announced that Covid is dead. They tried to resuscitate it but it is dead!

This is home! I've found my place
The greatest thing for a child of God is to find your place and stay there. 
Next, find your role.
In a home, children learn to take up responsibilities. You can make mistakes but you are not killed in it. 
Find your role. Your role is clear. 
Kids copy the firstborns. 
So do what we, the CEC members, do. Because we are seeing what we see our Father, Pastor Chris, do.

Paul said ' you are partakers of my grace'. When we come into a place like this, there is so much that you receive that is encapsulated in words.
Just like a showerhead, each hole could represent different graces. Financial, protection, etc
No weapon of any kind can prosper against you. 

The man of God has told us to pray for nations of the world. To pray for those who don't like us.
It's no longer about how you feel. It's about what he likes. 
Your role is partnership 
Partnership protects you.

Unbelievers do the things you do. Eat the food, work on the same place, but when an unbeliever gets a sack letter or goes through a situation, his response is different.... But we have a different attitude. Our giving doesn't make us sink.
Only men are cast down
We are gods. 
What you don't like, you change. 
You rearrange what you don't like and change it. 
Whatever situation you find yourself your authority is your mouth. 
Keep saying it continuously. You are the one who changes things. Nothing should change you. You are like the wind. 
You cannot be stopped. 
You are the stopper and preventer. 
You have been declared a winner right from time.

Finance Convention Day 5 With Pastor Chris, Christ Embassy Lagos Zone 5, 12/09/2024.

Phil. 4:6, John 1:1. All of God's plans, thought, response, speech, message he was all of God and he became flesh and dwell amongst us. ...