Sunday 19 November 2023



There's something that stirs up in my heart in this IPPC. It is the urgency of the time

We are here to celebrate God's goodness as a church and we have received more grace for the work.
We are running the last leg of a relay race and the last leg is usually the strongest.
We will not disappoint God.
We are here to celebrate what God has done with us in 2023.

When we consider the ROR in every known language
Consider the healing streams
Consider the inner-city missions and every ministry department's achievements,
I am HE that has come back to say THANK YOU LORD

Romans 1:16-17
There are higher levels and we have been launched into this higher level this morning.
This grace manifests itself in us as increased wisdom, clarity of vision and a drive/motivation that's unquenchable.

The word of God shows forth God's wisdom and by the spirit, He caused us to agree with God's wisdom.
Paul says. ..."It seemed good to us and to the holy spirit"... That means "we arrived at the same conclusion".

Proverbs 8:9-
The light shows the path. The Lord holds your hand as you walk the path

Silver and Gold, your prosperity is in the instruction.

V12: Creative Inventions. Creativity.

My prosperity promotes the cause of the Kingdom.
One of the synonyms for verse 21 is ... 'that I may cause them that love me to have/acquire testimonies'.

The word of God is my equipping unto my testimonies.
The location is immaterial.
Take a snapshot of where you are right now in terms of finances. Because you have moved

Money is an amplifier and as God trusts you with more money, he trusts you with the expansion of his kingdom because you are kingdom minded.

Phil 2:13
It is God that is at work in you to start, continue and accomplish your goals for his good pleasure.

In the decisions you make for the Gospel's sake, what is the revelation that fuels it?
This is something you personalize.
When you make your targets for the year, consider nobody. You will find that you will do much more than you ever did in previous years.

It is YOU, Not the environment. It's  according to your faith.
God has made all grace to abound towards you.

This increased grace received has given us a brighter purpose and a motivation.

Your giving must have a planned orientation. You must plan your giving according to your faith not what you have in the bank account.
Once it is real to you, it is yours.

God has made you a minister of finance to the Kingdom. Recognize that the entirety of it belongs to the Kingdom.
Everything about me and my resources belong to the Kingdom.
So plan your giving. Don't wait till January.
Make your pronouncements based on the grace given you.

He that has possessed me, has possessed all that pertains to me.

Be grateful that your resources are available for the Kingdom
Since these resources are in your trust DO NOT ALLOW WASTE IN YOUR RESOURCES.

You are accountable for the resources that God has placed in your hands.
Do you know that It is a sin for money to finish in your hands?

As for you, in your businesses, THERE IS NO LOSS
It's from glory to glory!!!

Proverbs 8:1-2
In your interactions in business, ensure you have the guidance of the spirit
He is there to guide you in the choices that you make, that there may be no loss.
You are in the centre of God's will, so there is a definitiveness about your life. You live in a house, and in a city.
You have grace to start, continue and to finish.
It's a new level.
During times of prayer, clarity about what next steps to take will come to you.
You are the address of the operations headquarters of the monarch of the Universe.

One of the things our Man of God has taught us is Continued prayer.
This new ministry year, you are a man/woman of prayer.
Through prayers we allocate resources, we position men at the right place and hold them there to do things for our right cause.
You activate this grace through your prayers, because you are God's minister of finance.

The urge in you to do much more for the gospel on the next ministry year is of God.
You will hear his instructions.
The system will not put you under pressure to do the wrong thing.
In His instruction is safety.

Giving must be planned for. 
Decide to multiply your giving every quarter.

Finance Convention Day 5 With Pastor Chris, Christ Embassy Lagos Zone 5, 12/09/2024.

Phil. 4:6, John 1:1. All of God's plans, thought, response, speech, message he was all of God and he became flesh and dwell amongst us. ...