Sunday 19 November 2023

IPPC Friday Morning Session, 17TH November 2023


I don't know if you ever read in the book of Revelation.. in heaven there are so many saints of God and angels... And we are going to be there. 
That's what this is all about. 
I'm looking forward to that. It's not too far away. 
We have to take his message to the ends of the earth so everyone has a chance to be there. 

This is the international Pastors and Partners Conference. It's all about our partnership together in the gospel. It's about how we work together putting our resources into the gospel.

There are different kinds of conferences. This is the only one that has to do with financial partnership. 
Maybe you weren't invited because of financial partnership... It's doesn't matter because you are here now. Now you can make a new decision to be a financial partner.
Without our putting our financial recources into the gospel, we cannot send it around the world even though the gospel itself is free. 
This is where we have a glorious opportunity to be involved. 
Salvation came from Jesus. No matter what we have done we would never have been able to save someone. He did everything...
But then he extends to us. 
Jesus wins you to himself and makes you his partner in winning others. 
So, you come to Christ and take up the responsibility of working with him to reach others.

Thank you for giving so much into the gospel.
In our work of the gospel, we have no lack whatsoever. We are able to do everything that we set out to do because with partners like you who believe the same way and put their hearts in the same thing and give so much...

Did you ever hear the term "giving beyond yourself?" That's exactly what some of you have done and I pray God will bless you and magnify himself in you exceedingly. 

You can find yourself always wanting to give whenever there is a call in church. But sometimes, what may be called for is more than what you can give at that time.
That's a call of the spirit. 
As much as lies within you, respond to it. 

2 Corinthians 9:7-8. KJV, AMPC 
God loves a cheerful giver.
He is ABLE to make all grace abound towards you. He wants you to be expectant of what he can do for you. 
Faith can be for anything, but you have to be specific. 
You can always have all sufficiency in all ("things") seasons.

Don't give because you are feeling pressured by your Pastor to do it. Do it joyfully.
God loves, takes pleasure in, prizes above other things...and is unwilling to do without you if you are a cheerful giver. 

Don't run away from a service because you don't want to honor the nudge from the spirit to give. If you run away he will find someone else. It's an honor to give to God. 

A cheerful giver is a joyous, prompt-to-do-ot giver..because if you give it more time, doubt and fear will come. You will start seeing other options.

Plan your giving. Don't just give your offerings carelessly. Do this and watch your financial life grow.
You can't grow your financial life seriously without the word. 
Don't build your faith on systems of this world. They are not dependable. 
Build your faith on the word. 


There are several parts of the subject that I think I'd rather discuss during YLWS because of what they cover. 

Just a few days will not be enough to discuss all there is about it. 
But until we realize that he actually brought us into a real kingdom, we cannot live the life of the kingdom. 
The Kingdom is real and we have the life of that Kingdom now.

If God's people are not taught about it, how are they going to know about it?
Your life could be focused on different things. 
You could be very busy about nice things..

Billy Graham was asked a question at 92, "do you have any regrets after these years of preaching the gospel?". He said Yes. He said two things..

"One, I should have prayed more." .. he wasn't dead, but he knew what he was talking about. He knew what prayer would have done prior to getting where he was now.
The second one was just as painful..maybe even more. He said "I should have read my Bible more". The interviewer was surprised. 
He said "I was busy preaching. I had little time to study the bible".
He was traveling from place to place. 
But until a preacher understands that you don't study the bible to preach it, you will will go through the same thing.
You've got to study the bible for your life. 
What kind of life are you living.
Ask yourself, what life do your members live when they leave your congregation?
Same way, you must also live that life. You must know more about the word than your members. 

You must know more about the kingdom and live it. It will determine the quality of your life. You will always be full of Joy. You will live the life of victory all the time.  

(Pastor has practiced this life since his teenage years)
I was amazed at what I saw in the scriptures. The things I saw were exciting and I had been taught from home to believe it. 

The Kingdom of which we are a part, is the greatest thing with God. 
We are the earthly part of it. They are in Heaven. 

The Heritage and Economy of the Kingdom:

What was Jesus like? 

1 John 4:17
As He is, so are we in this world.
It's not going to be enough to read Matthew Mark Luke and John to know how he WAS. those are HISTORY...
but the word says "As he is"... "So are we..." Now!
So how is he? These are the scriptures. They cannot lie. 
We are as He is, not when we get to heaven, but in this world.
These truths cannot be changed. 
As he is...THE GLORIFIED CHRIST...that's how we are in this world.

Matthew Mark and Luke didn't see the glorified Christ. Only John saw a little bit of the glorified Christ. 
He says "NOW are we the Sons of God"
"What manner of love has the Father lavished upon us that we should be called THE SONS OF GOD"
Same term.
So where do struggles come from?
I refuse to struggle. 
Remember he is coming for a victorious church.

The world we live in today, Satan thinks he has an advantage through political leaders and world leaders of thought. But Satan knows that he's got masters and he is scared. He is not as successful as the world give him credit for. 

In 2020, they were controlling the economy. 
In Isaiah, the prince of Assyria boasts that he took over the whole world. No one moved and he took their wealth.
Right now we have to realize that there is so much more going on that meets the eye. 
They are planning. Having sleepless nights. The devil won't let them sleep because they need to control the world. The scripture shows us what kind of a world they are planning. 

In the US, they plan to put a device in every car so that the government and agencies can stop your car wherever it is by themselves. They can decide how far you can go.  They passed that bill. 
This is why they wanted the electric cars.
What a world!
They have to keep telling us about terrorists so that we can allow the control systems that they recommend and then shout about misinformation. 

What is the meaning of misinformation and when did it become a crime to give someone wrong information?
They want full control of online communication.  They determine was it truth.
How can men who have no truth in them, police the truth?

We always want to trust government institutions: the police, the courts etc. 
Satan wants the trust in our systems to be completely erorded so that we have nowhere to turn and no hope for justice. 
Imagine if you lose faith in the whole system. It will be grounded.  That opens the door for dictatorship. 
The world will receive and welcome the Antichrist.

The former president of the US called for "Security for the Jews and for the State of Palestine". He made the most recent call for the sign which the bible says is of the antichrist. 
The bible says when we see that man who is to guarantee the security of Israel, Mark that man.

So, do the work, finish it and let's check out of here. 
We will leave this world in a moment. It will happen suddenly. 
Train your spirit to think like that and to be expectant like that. Train your spirit to wait for the Master. 
To live in doubt would make you like a man who has one leg in the world. 

Isaiah 60:1-22

V2: The glory already is inside you. We have this treasure in earthen vessels....
God who commanded the light to shine in darkness has shined in our hearts...

What we are reading here is about prosperity. 
V11: Good things are coming in all the time

Say "I open up my mind. I receive these in the name of Jesus"

V21- Imagine a nation where everyone is righteous. We already got it. I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.
V22- Take this LITERALLY
My cell is headed for a thousand. 
Declare it! Say it! The Lord will hasten it. 

Some people were trying to give me the Impression that Jews don't believe the gospel and that preaching to them is hard. 
But I told them " Look at the bible, all the apostles were Jews. The first time Peter preached, 3000 men were saved. 
If Jews had the Holy Ghost as Peter or John did, they wouldn't say the things they were saying. Thank God there are many more Christians there. 
If you would preach the gospel being filled with the spirit, nothing can stop you.
Make the ministry of the spirit your priority. 
You'll become fearless and strategic. 

When you win souls, invite them straight to your meeting place. If you are in a city where you can't have a meeting with more than 50 people without permission, then open more centers. 
If you work with the Holy Ghost, he will give you ideas. 
You can't restrict the Holy Spirit. He knows the strategies in every city. 

The question is about our commitment to make him real all around the world.
Jesus is coming soon
 Don't allow distractions. Satan's startegy is always to distract you 
Pray often for the law givers. It will take more than a few outbursts in tongues to synchronize with the spirit. 
Give time to prayer. Don't just be quiet in your prayer. Speak in tongues. Get to the deep sighs of the spirit. Then come to Incantations through your spirit. The Holy Ghost will have to use those incantations to program things in the spirit. (Spiritual programming)
There are some things that will not happen in your life until you use those incantations.
Some are words, but some are just sounds.

If we understand prayer and praying right, there is nothing that we can't do.

I will always be a success,
always and in every situation.
Nothing on this earth or in the spirit realm can ever defeat me
I'm a victor forever!

This is more than a confession. It should be your mentality. 
(If you listen to Pastor Long enough, you can't think any other way)

I'm always bubbling and full of Joy. 
I'm always in control.

God wants us to know that we have a Job. We have a responsibility. 
TL Osborn said "Without God, I can't do anything. Without me, He can't do anything". 
He needs me as much as I need him. We are partners. 

2 Corinthians 6:1a  KJV, NIV, AMPC, TLB
We are God's partners. He is the senior Partner so He decides what We are going to do.
He has all the wisdom
He knows what's right. He is all knowing.
How wouldn't you want to trust a partner who is all knowing, doesn't guess or speculate. 

God and I are Partners! So I'll always be successful. We are a team. We work together. 

You are the only one that can limit him. 
You decide how far this unbeatable team can go. 

Ephesians 3: 8
The Jews were already given a message of the unsearchable riches of Christ. The mystery was, the gentiles were not meant to be a part of it. 
Now Paul gets this amazing ministry to bring the gentiles into this Mystery of Christ. 

When Jesus came, some Jews thought, this might be the one they were expecting. They called him 'Son of David'. Blind eyes were opened... Like the prophecy had said. 
Luke 7:21-22 These are the credentials.

Jesus has not changed
 He is the same yesterday today and forever.
The church is the avenue of miracles. 
Even now, Materials from us are raising the dead. How can you explain it? It's happening on different countries. Old and young. How can you explain this? With lots of witnesses
 It must be that this Jesus is alive!
That's the only way.  The message must be true because when it's preached on TV during healing streams, the blind see, the lame walk, the dead are raised. 

This message is true. That's why He gave all those credentials so that the world would know that this message is true. There is no way to explain the consistency. It the same stories everywhere

At this conference, the Spirit of God is doing certain things with some individuals

Ezekiel 2:1-2
The prophet did not just get the instruction to get up, something supernatural happened to him. The Spirit entered into him and set him on his feet.

There are some instructions that the spirit gives that only he can set you up on your feet to do 

A man may know what to do but it takes the ministry of the spirit to do it .
The spirit came in the word. 

The good thing with you is that you have this holy spirit, but he will set you on your feet. He must cause you to do. 

There are things you will not do except God shows them to you. And one of the ways to have them shown to you is when you are praying and undistracted. 

If you are distracted in prayer, you can't hear God. 

There is a level of grace that is being distributed. 

This grace will cause you to see and *when you see it, don't doubt*. 

It's a Grace...and the spirit will cause you to do what you didn't think you'd be able to do. 

Thank him for his grace.

Each one of us will give account, not to men, but to God. 
One day we will stand before the Judgement seat of Christ.
You will see that what we were doing was not for the applause of men but for the recognition of Christ..
One Day, we will joyfully stand before him.

Finance Convention Day 5 With Pastor Chris, Christ Embassy Lagos Zone 5, 12/09/2024.

Phil. 4:6, John 1:1. All of God's plans, thought, response, speech, message he was all of God and he became flesh and dwell amongst us. ...