Saturday 18 November 2023

*IPPC 2023**Thursday Evening Super Session - 16th November, 2023*




• The Earth is the expression of the kingdom of God.
• Pastor reminded us through the CEO to pray as a kingdom and not as an organization. 
• As financial partners, it is God's plan for you to experience unending financial capacity.
• God doesn't want you to give just because somebody wants you to give. 
• As you give into the kingdom of God for you to ... 
(Recommended books - The Holy Spirit & You, 7 Things The Holy Spirit will do for you)

1. His birth -  Matthew 1:18 buttress that nothing was done without the Holy Ghost. It was the Holy Spirit who orchestrated the birth of our Lord Jesus.
2. His Ministry - Also in His ministry on earth, you will see the workings of the Spirit. Acts 10:38, Romans 1:4-5
3. His death, resurrection and consummation of His ministry. 1 Peter 3:18, 

Romans 8:11-17

There is no fear in what we are involved with. We don't give out partnership and think "what if?"
There are no "What ifs" with God. 

You have RECEIVED the spirit of adoption with the Father. We are the Children of God. It doesn't how you feel or how your bank account is looking... There is a witness that you have in your spirit .... You are a bonafide child of the most high God. And our God is so good!

We are heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ. 

When you look at the life of the Lord Jesus and you relate yourself with him who paid that price that you may be one with him...
He went around doing good for the Holy Ghost was with him.
You see our Man of God doing things with the spirit
Wherever you are, there is a ministry of the spirit going on
There is a ministry/service that the Holy Ghost does to us.
Same way, we also have a service to render to him.
He is a person
He proceeds from the Father
He is coequal with Jesus Christ
He is God 

Without the Holy Spirit, your chirtsinaity is going to be substandard. With the spirit in your life, you become a blessing.
He lives inside of you. It would be erroneous to call you a man because of the presence of the spirit.

God loves you and needs you. 

Colossians 2:9-10
Jesus was God in bodily form and the Holy Ghost empowered him while on earth. 

Isaiah 61:7
While you give with good intention, it's good to listen to the word of God. 
You are unstoppable
That business you are connected with, is unstoppable.

Take a cue from Shedrach Meshach and Abednego (ROR for Tuesday)
Your job may be taken away from you but they can't take away the joy of the Lord in your spirit. 
They may liquidate your company, but they cannot liquidate your spirit!!!
They can take your shoes and you walk barefooted but you will still be talking in tongues. 

The bible says all things work together for your good 
You are born of the spirit. 
You've got fire in your spirit. 

The man of God brought us here to prepare us for a mighty event happening soon.
This presence is distributed everywhere you go. 
You don't need to beg for anything.
You are rich! Whatever you desire will become reality. 

God is greater than any government, institution or power. He is the monarch of the universe. This is your Father!!! No matter where you are, you can never be intimidated. 
He can manipulate time for your benefit. 

You can just bring out your finger and say REBOOT!!!! 

You've got to encourage the ministry of the spirit by having fellowship with him often. Ask him anything!
Ask him for everything...
What does he want you to wear? Anything!!!

John 14:15-16 AMPC
You are in Jesus day.
You are the Jesus in this world today. 
He has placed in you everything that you require.
Get the stress off. Nobody brought you here to be stressed. 
Never diminish. Expand all the time.
Ask the Holy ghost what to do. He will tell you as your legal counsel.
He is your helper and intercessor. 
Don't give up praying. 
Just close your eyes and keep being connected with the spirit. Have a close relationship with him.

People around you are not your problem. The devil is your problem so put him in his place. 

Mind your language: 
Never be afraid to say what God says about you. This is the principle of the kingdom we now live in. If you don't say it, it will not work even though you believe it.

Doors of Increase, promotion, success, victory on every side have been opened unto you in the name of Jesus.

Finance Convention Day 5 With Pastor Chris, Christ Embassy Lagos Zone 5, 12/09/2024.

Phil. 4:6, John 1:1. All of God's plans, thought, response, speech, message he was all of God and he became flesh and dwell amongst us. ...