Monday 20 November 2023

IPPC2023 Day-4 Morning Session with Pastor Chris

Continuation of day-3

πŸ”΄Everything about you as a minister of God is very important to God. He cares.

πŸ”΄When you send yourself, you will not question the call in your life. Why? because your heart won't be after the things of God.

πŸ”΄You have to set your focus on God's word. Turn not from it to the right or to the left. You don't listen to any other voice.

πŸ”΄There's a distraction of human wisdom when your reasoning is brought into God's word. it is dangerous.

πŸ”΄You cannot use natural mind in explaining the scriptures. The scripture is not logic or science.

πŸ”΄The ministry which we have been called into is spiritual. And that is why your prayer life is very important.

πŸ”΄There are minister who don't have time to pray. Anytime they want to pray, the fall asleep. 

πŸ”΄There has to be that personal development of your spirit as a minister. That true and rich fellowship with the Holy Spirit.

πŸ”΄Without that fellowship, you'll move to the realms of sense knowledge in explaining the scriptures.

πŸ”΄God cares about you ministers.He knows about everything. There's  nothing you want to tell Him that He doesn't know. Even the struggles.

πŸ”΄You may say God knows about my struggle and He isn't doing anything?  Yes he wouldn't do anything. So what should you do? Just stop struggling.

πŸ”΄Don't be too serious carrying too much care, having anxiety or being anxious about things.

πŸ”΄But God said in His word "Be anxious for nothing ". Don't be anxious, just say what you want. (Philippians 4:6)

πŸ”΄Everything comes from the spirit. The Bible that you hold is a compendium of extraordinary stories of the Miraculous.

πŸ”΄You have to come to a point where even in your laughter, the Spirit of God moves through you.

⭕PROPHEY FOE YOU>>God will stand up tall in me..He has granted you more strength..Follow me, I called you before you where born. I protected you,  I kept you from what other guys keeps doing... Because of what I wants to do with you. I  already made you an answer. When trouble comes you just laugh.<<⭕

πŸ”΄You can not allow the experience of others control your relationship with God. What's important in your life is what God has planned for you. Remember the word of David in (Psalm 23)

πŸ”΄The Love of Jesus is all the assets you have.

πŸ”΄There's a trajectory of a mans life of which he can not turn from. It comes from his parenting, his environment and other things of which he can't turn from. But for you to be another man, it can happen only by the Holy Ghost. We saw about Saul how God turned him into another man.  (1 Samuel 10:6)

πŸ”΄In the spirit, words are like pictures. When He (God) speaks, you see what Be is talking about in pictures.

πŸ”΄(Isaiah 61:3,1 peter 2:9AMPC)  I was called for the display of His splendor. These are not mare words, this I truth. Meditate on this truth.

πŸ”΄You can't work to become what you are. Don't work to become what you are because it will be come a waste of effort/in vain.

πŸ”΄What is your personal service of God? How do you serve God?


πŸ”΄The kingdom has a structure.                            (Hebrews 12:23) The church of the first born is the head of the body which is Jesus.

πŸ”΄Living in this world, there has to be a deep consciousness that you are not from here.
We are born into the kingdome.

πŸ”΄Each one of us in Christ is described as the miracle worker. You have to be conscious and believe it. 

πŸ”΄Never forget who you are. You are a woman or a man of dignity. Don't let anybody rob you of who He has made you.

πŸ”΄Believe in the honor that Jesus gave you. If you don't believe in his own, at least believe in His own honor.

πŸ”΄Those who have no regards for the name of the of Jesus, demons also don't have regards for such people. But its different with those who honors His name. The tremble before you.


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Click on the link below to join the Man of God Pastor Chris as he Prays for you and leads you in THE PRAYER OF SALVATION today..

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Finance Convention Day 5 With Pastor Chris, Christ Embassy Lagos Zone 5, 12/09/2024.

Phil. 4:6, John 1:1. All of God's plans, thought, response, speech, message he was all of God and he became flesh and dwell amongst us. ...