Sunday 3 December 2023



God's Word was given to us to inform us, enlighten us, instruct us, build us, culture us because we have a kingdom, we belong in His kingdom and in His kingdom there's a way to live. 

During the last GDOP, we looked through a particular verse that was enlightening, so I am going to open with that verse

Isaiah 59:15 -KJV, TLB,  ASV

When you think about the cancel culture of today, when you disagree with the popular narrative or the narrative of a certain group, they don't like it so they attack you for it. 

What God wants to do in our world today is to stand in the gap, to intercede, to pray. 

Remember the Lord said to us to watch and pray, you have to watch as a Watchman so that you can take actions when and where necessary. God expects us to take actions, we are not here for nothing

Romans 12:1-

Our minds must be influenced my God's Word and not the world, we are not to think like them, we have to think with the thoughts inspired in us by the Holy Spirit and by His Word. 
God is saying don't just allow whatever comes to you go through and just happen, you have a responsibility to decide what to to allow, and you measure it, is it consistent with God's good, acceptable and perfect will? 

With the authority of Christ that has been bestowed on us, we decide. We are not victims of circumstances or push alongs, we are His ambassadors, He has given us Word that we should know His will and to use His name to keep things in consistency and consonance with His will. 

There are several things that happen in our would that isn't inspired by God but by satan. Don't just look at things from the ordinary plane, use the mind of God. 
Through the Holy Ghost we can discern what is from God and what isn't from God. 


Two things God is expecting us to do 
1. Pray
2. Propagate
We must pray and we must propagate,; pray everywhere, propagate everywhere. 

1Timothy 2:1-4
In spiritual warfare, He let's you know the first thing, 

Acts 19:1-20
We prevail through prayer, we prevail through propagation. As we spread, the Word spreads because it spreads through us, it goes everywhere we go. 

We are praying and propagating everywhere no man stopping us, no force powerful enough to stop us. 

1Timothy 2:1-2

Giving of thanks means blessing. 
So you are blessing them, giving thanks on their behalf and thanking God. 
So you're going go be blessing the president and the vice president, and the speaker of the house, they don't have to be in your party. 
This is another dimension of prayer. 

The Lord wanted us to take actions that's why He talked to me about this, He said we haven't done nearly enough. 

Genesis 30:27-28

God blessed the wicked Laban because of Jacob, it is a testimony and God wants in these last days to show this testimony of His children, He wants to bear this testimony of us in every family, institution, community, city, country and every Nation. 
He wants to bless because of you and He wants them to know He is blessing them because of you; and if you want that to happen you're going to bless, you're going to pray for them. 

Genesis 30:29- 30, Genesis 39:1-

Prosperity begins in the Spirit. Everywhere you go, you say I am a prosperous man because that's who you are. 
There's a blessing in your mouth and you're going to bring it out and pour it upon the head of the government of your country, speak forth those blessings in the Name of Jesus; you bless them and their families, bless them with health, soundness of mind. 
This is going to change things in an extraordinary fashion. 

Jeremiah 29:7

You begin by praying for your country and the Nations of the world, then pray for the leaders of your country and be specific that God will bless them, pray for their families, pray about their health that God blesses everything that concerns them. 

Prayer Sessions led by Esteemed Pastor Deola Philips and Pastor Lane Alabi

Call to Salvation

Prayer Session led by Highly Esteemed Rev Tom Amenkhienan

1 Corinthians 14:1-2, 13-15
He prioritizes praying in the Spirit over praying in the understanding, he is letting you know how importance praying in the Spirit is. 

Prayer Session

Do you realize that Christians who pray in tongues consistently cannot be defeated, it's impossible to defeat them. 

I told you several weeks ago when Isreal was invaded, I explained to you what was going on, these are plans to bring chaos to the world and make no mistake about it there are satanic devises we need to be aware of. 

It is so important that we know the times, we understand the times from God's perspective and not man's perspective. How does God see it??

Revelation 16:13-16

There are different kinds of demons and evil spirits. The term unclean spirit particularly refers to those demons that came from the relationship between fallen angels and human beings; they produced unclean spirit that inhabited those beings they gave birth to that became giants. When these giants die, their spirit continue on, they not only were born themselves as unclean spirit, they also mated with other human beings and corrupted those ones and produced many unclean spirits. 

They are different from the original fallen spirit, these are the ones who were created by God and sinned against God. 
Fallen angels have spiritual bodies because they are angelic beings but unclean spirits don't have. 

A third world war is coming, the Armageddon, it's going to be the most devastating war this world has ever seen. 

We've got to preach the Gospel, the whole world need to know there is only one way for salvation and it's Jesus Christ. 
Things we need to realize is the fake war against misinformation and disinformation and hate speech. 

If your neighbour is troubling you, you got to pray for him, don't pray bad for him, pray well, peace and blessing for him. 
When he is blessed, he'll be at rest and you'll be happy; the frustration will be gone from him. 

HSLHS Video Highlights

Finance Convention Day 5 With Pastor Chris, Christ Embassy Lagos Zone 5, 12/09/2024.

Phil. 4:6, John 1:1. All of God's plans, thought, response, speech, message he was all of God and he became flesh and dwell amongst us. ...