Friday 22 December 2023


Sudden change of your state and estate, but these thing are not things that would happen accidentally, no, no, no they've been in the works by the Spirit and the time of fulfillment just happened to arrive then suddenly you find yourself in a new state and estate. Glory be to God! Glory be to God!

We are looking at supernatural changes by the Holy Ghost. Supernatural changes by the Holy Ghost, supernatural changes and the Lord will increase your greatness. That's what He's going to do for you. Can I hear an Amen! 

Stand up and thank Him for His grace, thank Him for His love. 

Did you ever hear those people who said they don't pluck money from trees? You remember them? What did I tell you? We pluck money from trees, we do! And they also said that great things don't fall like ripe oranges, they lied. Nice sweet oranges still fall. Beautiful things of life still fall, and they will fall on your laps. 

Suddenly, suddenly, because God's angels have gone out and they are compelling these things to happen suddenly, suddenly. They will cause men and women to put that thing into your hands, that they didn't expect and you didn't expect.
They will be delivered to you. Why? For this gospel, this gospel, this message that God has sent us with. 

Resources, infrastructures delivered to us. Remember what He said, houses you didn't build, wells you didn't dig, farms you didn't cultivate. They've been commanded to be delivered to us. 

Have no worries of anything in your life, greater is He that is in you. Lift your hands and thank Him. Thank Him! We're the seed of Abraham, the world is ours from the northernmost part of the world to the southernmost part of the world, and go all around westward, eastward, everywhere, it's all ours.
It's all ours.

Thank Him! ...Glory be to God, Glory be to God, Glory be to God. Hallelujah! Thank you Lord! 

Thank you Lord for your grace, for your love, for your kindness. Thank you for the grace that you've given us, for the abilities you've given us, thank you for the inspiration. Thank you. Hallelujah 🙌

Finance Convention Day 5 With Pastor Chris, Christ Embassy Lagos Zone 5, 12/09/2024.

Phil. 4:6, John 1:1. All of God's plans, thought, response, speech, message he was all of God and he became flesh and dwell amongst us. ...