Wednesday 10 January 2024


Panel Discussion:

This year 2024 is the year of Redemption and that statement is loaded with  meaning.  

Pst.  Dr.  Emeka Ezeh:
The same scriptures are legal documents.  It is using the authority of the scriptures to ensure the nations are redeemed.
This year nations are going to step out of bondage. 

Evang Dr. Eddy Owase:

Pastor Chris
Say in the name of the Lord Jesus, I'm done with this cult and our of this agreement because it's devilish. You will be out! And nothing will happen to you. The name of Jesus Christ is greater than all names. When you proclaim the name of Jesus, the demons responsible for that Covenant will all bow. 

Pst. Deola Philips 
This year you will find yourself being moved by the spirit of God. 
For example, David was moved to get to the camp just in time to hear Goliath's boasting. Then it dawned on him that he was the redeemer. This year we will come to problems as the solution. We must speak and declare. Satan has no power over me. Jesus Christ is Lord over my life. We must be bold to declare who we are like Jesus did. Circumstances, situations, policies have no power over you. 
David declared that he would defeat Goliath even though he had no weapons, and he did. 
In one moment, the destiny, state and estate of Israel was changed. 
We must locate ourselves. 
We have a message for the world. We are ministers of reconciliation declaring to the world that God is not counting their sins against them.
We must preach the gospel to the world that Jesus paid for all their sins. 
Today, being communion service day, we are showing forth the death of Jesus. Righteousness, eternal life, wealth is ours. 
Every promise is fulfilled. 
2 Peter 1:4. 
Promises here, refers to a guarantee. A voucher to cash. 
You redeem it by speaking faith filled words. This is one year where we will manifest all the grace of God in excellence.

Pastor Chris 
(Video playout on Africa Debt: Talking about why African nations are in debt)
It plays very clearly into what I was talking about on the 31st.
The African countries borrow money that they don't need. They sign agreements to not grow their own seed. Why are you importing chicken, rice when you don't need to. They are different ways of destroying what you do. They sponsor terrorism to get the farmers away from the farms. So you are dependent on your creditors in their currency. They are growing their country at the expense of their country. 
Our leaders know this. But the fear of the CIA killing them stops them from changing anything. It's a shame. 
BUT, this year, we will pray, speak God's word and Use the word. 

On that Occasion when David was going to see his brothers , he was sent by his Father. He didn't know what was going on and he wasn't old enough to go to war. While he was there, he heard Goliath threatening the army of Israel (like those afraid of the CIA). Even king Saul was afraid. 

The Philistines had a relationship with Israel (just like the world bank and the IMF). They made sure that Israel had no weapons. Only King Saul and His son, Jonathan, had swords. So they were allowed to have that as long as they were subservient to the Philistines. 

You have to prepare for the unimaginable..beyond expected...the impossible...the only way to prepare for this is filling your life and heart with the word of God. Only with your heart full of the word will you know what to do When you arrive at the place of the unexpected, the unimaginable and the impossible. 

One of the benefits of David defeating Goliath was having his family free from taxes. Don't underestimate what God can do through you. He can use you at the place unexpected for victories unimaginable and for those things thought to be impossible. 
Think what God can do through you. He can give you wisdom and guidance. Become tough. God wants more Davids...Giant Killers. 
There were other Giants apart from Goliath Of Gath but they were all brought down by David's men
Be tough for God. God wants to use you.

This year we will continue with our prayerathon. We will pray ceaselessly. This year, Get involved. 
For the churches, Expand the number of those that are praying everyday. 
We are in the most serious part of this whole thing. So every group must be increased. At the very least, double what you've been having before. Restructure, recalibrate, reorganize. 

Secondly, Unending Praise. We are continuing. It is costly. It's expensive. But that's what makes it worth it. Why would you want to do for God what Costs you nothing? We are not stopping. 
Previously, people were mocking God with their dances in the church. God sent me to correct it by showing you the right way through the word. 
The music in the house of the Lord must change. If you want to do it for the Lord, you must do it the right way. If you live after the flesh you shall die.
Romans 5:13
It's not just about singing the name of Jesus. It matters what words are used. 
I've taught severally on the subject and we have to do what is right. You can't give God whatever offering you choose. You have to give him the worship and praise that he has asked for. You serve Him according to his own instructions and not your choice. It is plainly stated in the word of God. 
Be a part of sponsoring the Unending Praise. Get involved in it. It's not an old testament was not according to the Law. It was done by David the man of God, by the spirit...that the restoration of all things would be according to the Restoration of the tabernacle of David (not of Moses which was according to the Law Acts 15:15-17)
With this, the Gentiles will come in. 
It's amazing that this was what was used that the message going to the Gentiles was spoken of by the prophets. Don't take it lightly. 

During the praise nights, we want a service in all the churches. We will sing the same songs on those occasions. Be a part of it from everywhere. Let them come to church and sing his praises. It's a special offering. What else do you do for God? If you can't do this, what else will you do? 
This is 2024. If you want God to do for you something remarkable, you have to do for him something remarkable.

First HLSLHS is March 15th to 17th.
It's going to be extraordinary. 

Part C
Our work around the world has been very successful and impactful and one of the reasons for that is that the Lord has blessed us with amazing people who work with us in the ministry around the world.

Finance Convention Day 5 With Pastor Chris, Christ Embassy Lagos Zone 5, 12/09/2024.

Phil. 4:6, John 1:1. All of God's plans, thought, response, speech, message he was all of God and he became flesh and dwell amongst us. ...