Wednesday 7 February 2024



(Documentary: Paid to Lie , Pt 2)

The nefarious and mendacious media are all part of Satan's agenda. They are paid to lie..
The bible says that lies are for a short time and that all liars will find themselves in the Lake of fire. 
Pray for the Media; for those who have yielded themselves to falsehood. 

This is Day 2, Phase 1, Season 9.

When you hear the term 'a new world order', what comes to your mind? 
What do they mean?
It was George Bush Snr who made that term popular. He didn't create it, but he made it popular.

Yesterday I explained to you what they actually mean when they talk about the rule of law. 
When they talk about a new world Order, they are referring to the same thing as the rule of law. It is actually an euphemism for a global ecological pecking order.

These are masters of diplomacy. They know how to use language. That is a real subterfuge. 

For example, in the WHO pandemic preparedness treaty, not many understand that their plan has got nothing to do with health. In that treaty (which they don't put out there for everybody to see), it is so voluminous with lots of repetitious language with legal terminology that the layman would be bored to read. It's thousands of pages just so that you allow it pass. They tell you the friendly things you'd like to hear. 
But that document seems emergency powers. They want to be able from the WHO hQ to declare a health emergency in your country far away.  In that document, they are the ones to decide that there is a health emergency in your country.
And with that decision, they arrogate to themselves by that treaty, the power to declare emergency rule.
Your parliament and government will be suspended and your government will be ruled by Decrees. 
That will be THE END of your nation state. 
This is what is in that treaty. 
They would have the power to control your country.

During the COVID lockdown, the governments were locked down and run by Decrees and they were taking counsel from the friends of the WHO. (Like lobbyists in the tobacco or pharmaceutical industry)
These people are heartless because it's a Satanic work and Satan is heartless. 

This thing is not so much about money as it is about control. That's why they don't care how much they put into it because they know that money is nothing. If you have the control, it doesn't matter how much a person's got. 

You find the grandchildren of the Eugenicists coming to hatch out what their grandparents planned long ago. It's about Eugenics and they world they would like to create. 
But we will not live in their world. They will live in our world. Until the rapture of the church, we control everything. 
Their plan will not work. 
We are still praying.


When you read the book of Revelation the insight you gain is beyond eschatology for ethics. It helps to position you spiritually, mentally, emotionally. It helps to guide your hopes. You realize that we are not doing what we are doing for nothing or just for this world. It's beyond this world. 

I showed you a diagram. (The book of Revelation in chapters)
Chapters 2&3 are warnings to the churches. 
From Chapter 4 to 22, he is dealing with things that will be hereafter. 

By Chapter 4, the rapture has taken place.
Chapter 4&5 are about activities on heaven
Chapter 6-18 is about Judgements. 
Chapter 19, the Lord is coming to the earth to complete the Judgement and begin his millennial reign..

The book is not put in order in a chronological way. It's like a panorama. 

Revelation 4: KJV, AMPC 
V1:  After the warnings to the churches....He is looking into Heaven now. 
Whose voice sounded like a trumpet? 
It was not Jesus's voice. (Rev 1:1). It's that angel who is showing John.

V2-3: AMPC helps with description. 
Sardius is like reddish glowing stone...
It's all like stones...

V4-  AMP. There are 24 THRONES..not just seats. These 24 thrones surrounded the main throne. Who are these 24 elders?
Remember that on that throne, we didn't see a form...just like different lights/stones

V5: The seven lamps of fire are not the same as the 7 candlespirits. The 7 lamps of fire are the 7 spirits of God. 

V6: "Beasts" in KJV means "living creatures" in the AMP. It's different from a beast that's a poisonous deadly animal (used for the beast associated with the antichrist). They are awesome inspiring creatures. 

Have you ever seen a being that is full of eyes? Some angels have eyes in their wings. 
These 4 creatures have eyes around them. 

V7: The first creature was like a Lion. Second like an OX. Third had the face of a man. 4th like a Flying eagle. 

V8: They have 6 wings each. And they have eyes on their wings and underneath their wings. Day and  Night, they praise God continually. Unending praise. 

Remember, these are not angels. The bible doesn't say they are angels. 

The KJV gives you the best when it comes to prophetic language. 

V9-11: We are dealing with activities in Heaven here. 
As these 4 awe inspiring creatures declare words of worship, the 24 elders cast themselves on the ground, take of their crowns and worship. 

Chapter 5:
V1: There is a writing in the book, but the book is sealed with 7 seals. What in the world is in that book?

V2-4: No one could open the book..or even to look at the book

V5-6 (Colossians 1:19, Zech 3:9, Zech 4:6-10)
Those 7 eyes are the eyes of the Lord which run to and fro the whole earth. 
The fullness of the godhead, the seven spirits of God dwelt in Jesus. That's why they knew who he was. He was God in human flesh the totality of deity dwelt in him. 
Jesus was Crucified because they said He stole God's glory. They condemned him with the condemnation of robbers. It wasn't a coincidence that he was crucified between 2 robbers. (Philippians 2:5-9). He didn't think it was robbery to be equal with God because He was!  He was God in flesh. He was VERY GOD AND YET VERY MAN!

What did John see? In the midst of the throne, and the elders and the beasts, he saw a Lamb like it had been slain, having 7 horns and 7 eyes. 

V7: The Lamb with 7 horns and 7 eyes ce and took the book. 
V8: When the Lamb took the book, the 4 beasts and elders fell down before the lamb. 
V9: These 24 elders and 4 beasts begin to sing a new song
(Some translators don't accept that the 4 beasts or the 24 elders are human. It simply means they cannot accept that the Lamb is Jesus. How did the Lamb redeem men to God? They are forgetting symbolisms. That this is a spiritual vision where you see symbolisms, not an open vision where you see things as they are)
These elders are the representatives of the "church. I'm using the term "Church" in a broader way. We are dealing with "The Bride" which is both the Old Testament and New testament church put together...who will be in that city. 

So who are these 4? And who are these 24?
We are told about the 12 apostles and the 12 Patriarchs. And we know there are those who are more respected than the 12 apostles and Patriarchs. 
When the 4 spoke, the 24 fell down.
Abraham is called the Father of us all. Take him away from the 24.
So where is he since he is greater than all of us?
I'm just asking questions 

Before Abraham there was Noah. So where is Noah? (From whom the whole earth came forth a second time).
I'm only asking questions at this moment..
It's the Father's own place to give all the revelation. 

Adam? Where is He? 
Enoch pleased God ..the bible gives him as a great example
 But you have to look at one who given cover for everyone.

The Bible tells us about 2 brothers. One killed the other. The one that killed was called "of the evil one". Another one had to be born...named Seth...from whom came all the living today. 
These four cover all of the church. 
These were the beginnings...
Adam started it all...Then trouble came...Seth started A new beginning, then Noah came... Then a new beginning through Abraham (monotheism began)

V9-10: They were redeemed from every kindred and tongue and people and nation. 

V11 - KJV.  That's a huge number of Angels. John couldn't estimate it. 

V12: They are still singing to the Lamb. It's no surprise. He is the Lion of the tribe of Judah, but he wasn't seen as such. In this case, He is seen as a Lamb. The Lion of the tribe of Judah is a title. 
It is a spiritual vision so everything there is symbolic. Jesus doesn't look like a Lamb. But in the symbolisms of spiritual visions, this is what appeared to John. Use that to see the beasts he talked about and there will be no confusion
V13: How can one man hear all these things except by the spirit? He heard them from the earth, under the earth, the sea...

V14:  We can see from these descriptions, the positions. At this time, we don't see the Lamb on the throne. There was always a distinction between the one who sits on the throne and the Lamb. 

(The Lord's day means when he resurrected. The day of the Lord is a prophetic term for the day of Judgement when he comes. Revelation 1:10, 1 Corinthians 16:2. Acts 20:7)

(There is a difference between a false Christ and the Anti-christ. Matt 24:24, 5- These are false Christ's. But AntiChrist is different. 1 John 2:18. 'Anti' means against/in stead of Christ. )

I'm reminded in the word what happened with the children of Israel. They had several battles with the Syrians. 
2 Samuel 8: 1-15
V4: David devastated them.
V6: Here is the strategy David used.
He put Garrisons in different places. 
We need to have Garrisons in all those places.
In the WHO, the UN, the WEF.
Garrisons everywhere. 
God's people need to recognize that God has planted them in those places to do his work.
Find your place! It's the spirit's strategy
 If you are working anywhere, God expects you to set up a Garrison. That's your Job. It's a sign to you that God has brought to do his work there. You represent him there to keep those people subdued under the hand of David. 
You are planted there to ensure that they don't make bad decisions and they are subject to the Lord. 
You've Got to be bold. God wants people who are bold
God has not given us a spirit of fear. He has given us a spirit of Love, Power and a sound mind.
Power must be demonstrated and put to work otherwise it's not power. 
Paul said I spoke unto you not in enticing words of man's wisdom, but in the demonstartioj of the spitit and in power.
Your faith should not stand in the wisdom or theories of men, but in the power of God. 
The Kingdom of God is not in words but in power. 
I told you that the perpetrators of COVID 19 are unrepentant and I told you that what they have in mind is to control this world. That is why they will never acknowledge their errors or apologize. Because it was not a mistake. They are in pursuit of an agenda. They are not going to be repentant. Instead they will double down on their efforts. 
This is a satanic agenda and they want to pursue it to a conclusion. 

Tomorrow, I'm going to show you God's timeline. I will show you that what they are doing is not supposed to happen now. Everything they are doing is in the bible but this is not the time. The only people who can stop them in their tracks are those who are born again and filled with the spirit. 
They are mad at us but can't do nothing. 
We have overcome them completely because greater is he that is in us.
If we keep quiet they will subdue us but if we refuse to keep quiet, no one can defeat us. 
Don't put your faith in the general public and hope they will rise up in arms. 
No! They use spiritual power. 
We use what we have: Spiritual power. It is greater than every power and every foce in this world 
We proclaim that name over every nation and every city
Use that name right now.
Declare peace and prosperity for your country in the name of Jesus. 
The eyes of your leaders are open to see truth. 
Pray against all Satanic influences. 
Their eyes will be open. They will be perceptive to be able to know between truth and falsehood.

The Bible tells us that God puts thoughts on the hearts of men. He is able to.
Pray that he will put thoughts of guidance and peace in the hearts of the leaders of the nations, that will guide them away from error. That he will protect the leaders from bad advisers and bad advice. 
Pray that he has mercy on the nations.


Finance Convention Day 5 With Pastor Chris, Christ Embassy Lagos Zone 5, 12/09/2024.

Phil. 4:6, John 1:1. All of God's plans, thought, response, speech, message he was all of God and he became flesh and dwell amongst us. ...