Thursday 8 February 2024


(Documentary: The deceptive Tentacles of Climate Change).


I want to welcome you to today's program. This is Day 3, season 9 and phase 1. The Lord is guiding our minds in the direction of his thinking. He is leading us. Guiding our spirits. 

What you just saw is part of Science for hire. Data manufacturer. Fake researches. We have fake scientists who are paid to manufactured data and make up resources that they never had; of course sent by technocrat psychopaths to pay them to do these things and device the unsuspecting and ignorant. 
They hate the fact that the world is seeing more and more successful people. 
They watch nations and you have to understand the reason for poverty. 
Not because your country is poor, but because there are those who are committed to promoting poverty. 
And of course speaking a clean language on poverty alleviation to give you the impression that they want to help you. 
For example, COVID vaccines. How much help did the world get because of the vaccines?
They won't tell you that many have died because of the vaccines. 

The collaborators and their contortionist mendacious media... With their help, how can truth be known? How are you going to know when the one whose supposed to tell you is the chief faker. 

The Bible tells us of the deception in the last days. Jesus warned. Don't let anyone deceive you. There is no better source of truth than the bible; the word of God. 
If you know the word of God, the spirit that inspired the scriptures will help you know how to distinguish between truth and falsehood

The climate change is a hoax and they know it. 
There are lots of questions they dodge because they have no answers but they have to support their lies with more lies. .that's why they want to rob others of their ability to say anything and they cry that they want to protect others from misinformation. When they are the chief misinformants. 
They say they want to protect children from online misinformation.
They want to stop you from being able to speak or to ask the right questions.
Dictators don't like questions 
Even God allows questions.
Jesus was asked questions.
When you tell the truth you're not afraid of being asked questions. You've got answers for them
One of the hallmarks of democracy is supposed to be debate...but that is something they now hate. That used to be the beauty in Democracy; in houses of parliament; in the courts. 
That's why they hate the courts and want to have activist judges on the benches. 

You've got to pray. You can't just sit back and watch these things happen. When we pray, we can change things. 
If we pray, everyone else will be able to do what they need to do to stop wicked things from happening.
These are spiritual things 
Those who do these things don't do it empty handed. They consult demons and spiritualists. And unless you have spiritual power that's above them, you can't subdue them.

Don't enslave the people. 
They are using fake science. When did science become law?
Development must be allowed. 
Questions must be allowed. 
Just remember, the dictators of yester years are not extinct. 
They have the same mind. They are just not in uniform..
When we say Uniform...we know that sole soldiers are also badly treated 
( A lot of the development of this world were actually done by soldiers)
Your life doesn't change because you are in mufti or uniform. It's about the state of your heart. 
For us christians, we are soldiers. So you have to have the heart of a soldier. Be tough like soldiers. 
These dictators are so not because they are in the army but because they have a satanic mind. 
The Creator gives us the power of choice. 
Let's not stand back and allow things that we don't have.

The scriptures tell us what to do in all circumstances.
"When you are oppressed, Pray.."
If you are sick, it tells you what to do.
So we shouldn't allow ourselves be deceived.

God's kingdom is functioning right now. 
He sent us with a message to send salvation to the ends of the earth. And he told us to create the right atmosphere for others to live in. That's why I tell you, they will live in our world. We will not live in their world. 
I look in my bible, and I don't see the dominating us. They are not there and I'm going keep it so.


Yesterday we went through 4&5. 
We left 2&3 to be dealt with later. 

I'm going to read a few scriptures to prepare you for what's in Revelation 6.

Luke 21:31-36
V35: "as a snare"- they are going to be taken by surprise. 
V36: Pray ALWAYS...not that you will be accounted worthy to escape these things.

Luke 19:41-44
He wept over Jerusalem. 
V43- He is talking to Jerusalem. This is referring to an invasion. They had a visitation of peace but they rejected the offer of his Kingdom. ..

Luke 21:12-24
V20: There is a huge difference between what Jesus says here and what Matthew tells us about when they see the abomination of desolation. They are referring to 2 different times. Luke is talking about something that will happen much earlier (happened in 70 AD), then moves into what others talk about. 

Matthew 23:29-24:1
V38-This is one of the most painful periods of the masters ministry. 
Jesus Departed that temple to never return for 2000 years. 
This is where you start counting from
Luke 13:33-35

In chapter 1 of Revelation, We have John in this vision and it was a much so, he turned to see who was talking from behind him and all of these pictures of prophecy he was seeing ...and then he was instructed to write the things he had seen, the things which are and the things which shall be hereafter...

(Recap of Chapter 1, 4-5)

Revelation 6
Remember these are still activities taking place in Heaven. 
In the book of revelation you need to know what God does different from what happens on earth by man's own actions. Then what are God's responses to mans actions.

V1: John just says he opens the seals. We don't know if it's the first seal or the fourth seal. 

V2: When you see someone riding on a white horse, you would think it's a good thing. But in this case, not so. 
We have to see what the Bible says about those who held bows because it was one of their weapons of war 
(Psalm 11:2- the wicked bend their bow
(Psalm 37:14: Bend their bow to cast down the poor and needy
(Psalm 46:9- The Lord breaketh the bow
(Jere 49:34, Psalm 58:7)
What about Christ? What instrument or weapons are associated with Him?
(Rev 1:16- Jesus has a 2 edged sword in his mouth. Not in his hand. 
(Rev 19:15- Out of his mouth growth a sharp sword.
(Rev 19:21- Remember these are symbolic. 

"A crown was given unto him". Jesus was never given a crown. He was born King. He was never made a king. He is the one that gives crowns. 
(Matthew 2:1-2, 
So who gave this antichrist his power then?
(Dan 8:24, 
(Dan 11:38-39- Here is one the reasons why people believe the antichrist will have a Jewish origin. There is no way the Jews will accept a non Jew as the Messiah 
(John 5:43
(2 Thessalonians 2:8-9 NIV
(Revelation 13:2- Satan gave the beast his power.
(Rev 13:11-15. This is the beast that was responsible for the death of those souls found in heaven

V3-6: The black horse spells food scarcity. There is going to be inflation in the earth. 
 He declares inflationary measures in the earth 
I will show you the reflections of what we have. 
He said "See that you don't hurt the oil and the wine"
There is going to be a lot of hunger in the earth. This is before those multitudes were taken from the earth into heaven. He needs the oil and the wine as a sign that he gave them before.
(Luke 10:30-37- Jesus is telling us a story. The Samaritan bound the man pouring oil and wine. V35: Gave the innkeeper 2 pence. They were paid a penny a day. This indicated that He was coming back in 2 days time. )

The children of Israel at that time will be there and this is the last week of Daniel's 70th week in prophecy. 
God has returned to the calendar of the Jews at this time; He is binding up their wounds. 
This is his ministry. 
First is the Judgement ...but don't touch the oil and the wine because he will use it to bind their wounds. 
(Hosea 6:1 -2 He will heal them with the oil and the wine.  He didn't say within 2 days. But AFTER 2 days....God says he will purify the sons of Levi through the difficulty that they will go through. This will be the second half of the 7 years. )
I showed you before how he told us twice that one day before the Lord is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as 1 day. 
The reason for reversing it is so that you don't assume but understand the definiteness of his timing. For him to tell you this twice is to let you know the significance.
Jesus said after two days is the passover. 
There it was evident that even though it was literally 2 days to the passover, he was referring to something more. 
John tells us about the passover from Bethany. He came to Bethany 6 days before the passover. Bethany is a Date house. 
6000 years he came to the Date house. 
Where did he go to Heaven from? Bethany! 
As a sign that he was the one who came looking for Adam then "Adam where art thou?"
How old was Adam when he died spiritually? 33!!! 
How old was Jesus when he died on the cross? 33!!!!

7-8: Pale horse means Green horse. 
These are personalities (death, hell...described as 'him')
The Bible talks about the keys of death and hell. 
Power was given to them; Death and hell- as individual personalities. 
(Rev 20:10- 14 The antichrist was arrested when Jesus came. And the false prophet. And they were cast alive unto the lake of fire. And Satan was bound and put in the bottomless pit for a thousand years. 

V9- It is the souls that were seen. Because of their constitution, they are different from those who have been glorified. These were persecuted and killed because of the gospel. 
Jesus told us to watch and pray always to be worthy to escape. These were souls who did not watch and pray, and as such did not get raptured. 
After the rapture, it is only through Death, that anyone will enter Heaven. 
These souls had been killed but their own blood were poured out as Libation.
(Leviticus 4:7
(Leviticus 9:9
This is why their souls were found at the Bottom of the Altar. 
You don't want to be here after the rapture of the church. None of God's people should be here. 

V10: They had not yet entered into their inheritance. Their souls were in a certain condition, under the altar. These were disembodied spirits. They are calling for vengeance because they had been killed. 
V11: At this time, there are activities in the earth. And these ones are in heaven waiting for the activities on the earth to be fulfilled. 
When their souls come to heaven, there would still have to be a resurrection
(Rev 19:1-10...  Everybody will be there at this point from OT to NT. We are all together now for this amazing party that Papa God throws for us. 
(Rev 20:4-5... A man can die and he will see his soul coming out of his body like a ghost. If he comes back, it would be said that he came back to life because his soul came back to his body. Same way, these souls had to take back their bodies. The rest of the Dead did not live again.

Remember, There will be trumps at the rapture.
1st group: The dead in Christ
Then... In a twinkling of an eye we are gone. (Second group)
The third group... The multitude from all nations
4th group - The 144 thousand
5th group- The 2 witnesses which the whole world will watch ascend. The spirit of life from God will come into them and before the whole world, they will come back to life


Chapter 7:
V3: We do have our own seals. We have been sealed of the holy Ghost. These were sealed for a reason. 
V4-8:  The sealed ones are the 144,000 Jews. 
V9-12:  This is another Panoramic view. This was happening in Heaven, before the throne.  These are those that came by the next flight. 
V13-16: referring to the souls that were under the altar. 
Chapter 8: Seal number 7

We need to discuss the 6th and 7th Seals because of the activities happening on the earth at this time


Finance Convention Day 5 With Pastor Chris, Christ Embassy Lagos Zone 5, 12/09/2024.

Phil. 4:6, John 1:1. All of God's plans, thought, response, speech, message he was all of God and he became flesh and dwell amongst us. ...