Friday 9 February 2024


(Documentary: Science For Sale)


I want to welcome you to today's program.
This is Day 4 and it's just like we only got started. 

The video that you just saw helps to reemphasize the dangers of deception. Jesus said "Let no one deceive you". 
You need to be able to say NO to deception. 
Millions of the vaccinated are dead now. They are not telling you the truth of the vaccine injuries. 
Do you realize that there is no scientific proof that any one person died of COVID absolutely? Not one proof. All they say is "covid-related". That's why at the beginning, they didn't want any post mortem results so that there would be no proof as to what caused the death..and many fell for it. Till this day many news stations continue to lie that many died because of COVID. 
There is only ample evidence that many died as a result of vaccine Injuries.

In the UN meeting, G7, G20..they keep making these references. The WHO keeps telling us of the terrible pandemic where many died. How can they not know that nobody was diagnosed absolutely with COVID as the isolated case. 
Was there an isolation or purification of the virus? There was none. There was no COVID diagnosis. They know it was all a deception.
As long as they are in office, they are protecting themselves so they are immune to questioning. But they are not immune to Justice. 

Do you know what God said to Cain after he killed Abel? "The blood of your brother is crying to me". Abels blood had a voice and so do the blood of the victims of this carefully masterminded deception.

Get your Government to reject the genetically modified maize seeds that they are providing. Don't take them. They tell you it's a hybrid but it's a scam
 A hybrid suggests that different existing natural seeds have been merged together to form a new one. But it's not a hybrid. It has been substantially and medically modified. 

Why do you think the pests are avoiding them? Because they are sensitive! They know something is wrong. It's better to spend your money on sending the pests away 

Most of these seeds you can't regorw them. You will be dependent on government. You must buy them Everytime. 

They have been modified to be injurious to health. A lot of them cause Cancer and infertility and sperm neutralization. 

They decide what seeds go to where.
I call on African and Asian leaders and even even south American leaders (Latin America. To be precise). Wake up! Refuse to accept these imported seeds. They will destroy your food. 

There can be cross pollination so that from those seeds there can be an infection as they grow. The same things that can naturally transfer. Some are transfered by birds, Insects, humans 
So when your organic plants get infected, they start behaving the same way.

Remember, when the vaccines caused fibroids, did they tell you?
All who had fibroids were vaccinated as kids. 
Did they tell you that fluoride in your toothpaste makes people sick and has the capacity to cause Cancer. 
Yet the way they advertise it will make you look for fluoride. 
Did they tell you what the fluoride can do?
There is a warning on the pack that it is poisono... Yet they make it sweet so that little Kids can suck it. 
Did they tell you?
Did your government tell you?
Because most times, the minister of health is bought off. .you need honest and patriotic leaders. That's why I tell you to pray for your govern and leaders so they are not deceived. 
There is so much deception in the world and there is more desperation than ever before. 
The perpetrators of Eugenics have not given up.

Recently, some individuals who got some weird injections had mRNA in them. 
Some children got injected and after they came back home, they didn't want to hear anything about God or prayer. 

(Video play out 28th July 2021. Words spoken since 1917)


Chapter 6:
V1- It's a book of revelations. The lamb was supposed to open the seals of the book and read what's inside. But John is in the spirit. When you read, it's not letters you master. Your imagination creates pictures. That's called Understanding. 
What is in the book is being revealed. It's called Apocalypses. 
These are the apocalypses of the different colored riders. 
The book is a prophetic vision.
God is not sending a white horse rider or a red horse rider. 
The book is REVEALING something that's going to happen. 
The church would have been raptured at this time. 

How many horse riders are in the book?
There are 5...
2 of them are accompanied. 
It was Satan who sent the first horse rider and authorized the second and third horse riders. 

V6 is akin to when Satan went to afflict Job and God said 'dont touch his life'. I showed you yesterday why this announcement was made. 

V8: What's the Green revolution about? It's not new. These are not plant friendly people. They are trying to starve the plants of CO2. The bible is very clear about the color of the Pale horse. It's green. And it's symbolic. 
One quarter of the earth was killed (of those who had not already been killed by the other 2 horse riders). There is a lot of population reduction in the book of revelation. 

Let's go back to verse 21-

Rev 6V2- the revelation of John is so important. 
2 Thessalonians 2: 1-
The Day of Christ here is referring to the second coming of Christ; the day of Judgement. 
V3-Christ will not come until the apocalypse the son of perdition. (Until he is revealed). 

Revelation 19:11-14
This is a revelation of Jesus.
This army is clothed in fine and clean white linen. (19:6- 8)
This one was not given a crown. He has many crowns. 
The army with fine linen are not angels. The fine linen is the righteousness of saints.

2 Thessalonians 1:6-7 
The Lord Jesus shall be REVEALED. (apocalypto) same word used for the revelation of the man of sin.

But the apocalypse of Jesus will not happen until the apocalypse of the antichrist. 

2 Thessalonians 2:3
This is the entry of the man of sin. 
The second coming will not take place until the antichrist has had his day. He is limited to his work for 3 and half years. That's why he wants to start earlier. 
But we are the ones to say "No, you're not". 

2:4- He will go as far as telling the whole world that he is God and many will believe him to their destruction. He will collapse all religions into one and he will be the head of the new religion. Everyone will agree with him and vote him. But you don't vote God. 

2:5-7 (NIV). He will come into operation at the proper time. Whatever held him back then should keep him back now. 
We don't have a problem with politicians,etc. but we have a problem with the spirits using them and those are the spirits we address. 

The church is the body of a man, Christ
 Don't expect a She..
The bride is not the church. It comprises of everyone from the Old Testament.
The church is not addressed as a She. 

The lawless one won't even have the opportunity to meet Jesus. He doesn't get that honor. 

Isaiah 26:2
It's called a righteous nation. The Kingdom was given to the church. 
26:20- Some people ask "Why can't we find the church specifically shown in heaven. All we see are it's representatives"
This verse says "Hide thyself". Not even John can find them. 
This verse is not to the Jews. Because they will be hiding in the mountains of Moab. They will be fleeing to not only that place but all over the world 

Revelation 6;9-11
Let's look at something about the sixth seal. 
The 6th seal takes us to the end of the tribulation and now they can see the Master. 

Matthew 24v 1-15
Distinguish between what Jesus said would happen before the tribulation and what will happen during the tribulation (The 7 year period of Daniel's 70th week).

The time of Jacobs trouble it the time of sorrow. 
When Jesus taught, He taught on the Kingdom and didn't give indications of the church and what will happen to the church. (Except when he says I will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail) He doesn't talk about the rapture. He talks about returning. 
V15- He is referring them to Daniels prophecy because he knew Daniel already said a lot. 
V16- the mountains of Moab
V17-20: What flight? When they flee from the land of Israel. 
V21- This is the second half of that tribulation period. 
V22- It is shortened to three and half years. There is a definiteness there. 
V29- 30: Jesus tells us what happens after the 6th seal (Rev 1:7)

Acts 2: 19-20
It will be completely dark in that day. 
In the spirit, when a place is dark, the Christians are the things you see as lights. 
Rev 6:13

Daniel 7:1-9
The Antichrist and the false prophet will be cast alive straight into the lake of fire 
Daniel Sees the previous kingdoms that were eliminated in quick succession.
Then he sees a little horn that's so blasphemous .
Then He saw Revelation chapters 6 to 20. 
The apocalypse of the man of sin begins in this place
Dan 7 V15- -18: The saints of the most high shall take the kingdom
V19-27 the little horn is the man of sin who is eventually revealed in chapter 9. 
V27 is the abomination that makes desolation which Jesus was talking about. 

Dan 11:36- 39 (NIV)
V37 KJV- This guy will be a supporter of gay life, he will be into transhumanism and everything. 

Dan 11:21 NIV- This is his style. He will seize the kingdom through Intrigue.
8v 23- a Master of intrigue.

Only God's word shows us the truth.
The holy spirit imparts the wisdom of the scriptures to you and you will not be deceived. 
Many are deceived. In the USA when is child is 2 years old, he would have taken 16 uneccessary vaccinations.
 Now they want to eradicate Polio which they brought. 
Don't be deceived. They afflicted the men with strokes and the women with infertility and fibroids which develop into Cancer. Helped by the terrible GMO foods. 
Now they are advertising that they have lab made beef. 

Prayer for the nations

Finance Convention Day 5 With Pastor Chris, Christ Embassy Lagos Zone 5, 12/09/2024.

Phil. 4:6, John 1:1. All of God's plans, thought, response, speech, message he was all of God and he became flesh and dwell amongst us. ...