Saturday 10 February 2024


(The End Game of Transhumanism)

Welcome to today's program. 
This is Day 5.

We are in the book of Revelation and there's something I began to tell you yesterday to help you understand the book. That was to distinguish between Satan's rule in the end time through the antichrist and God's judgement on the nations at the time.
They are two different things. 
Remember Daniel's prophecy that we refer to; where the angel Gabriel explained the vision to Daniel

Daniel 9: 24-25
V24: Each week is 7 years
V25: That's 69 weeks in all. (62+7)
V26-27: Out of the 69 weeks, he just accounts for the 62 weeks.  The 69 weeks come all the way until the Messiah is cut off. 
Then He goes into the 70th week of the prophecy.
Between the 69th week and the 70th week is THE CHURCH. 
Why? Because Messiah offered the kingdom and he was rejected. And was cut off. 
He set up the church because he would bring for another nation that would bring forth the fruits thereof. 

I showed you through the scriptures and through the spirit how long the church has. It's a definite amount of time.

(Video playout of Shaman at Davis)
I told you they are into the Occult full time.
They better own up to it. 

There are different kinds of scientists. We have the ones into science full time and those into spiritualism 
In Christianity, we know there are only 2 kinds of spirits. The ones from God and the ones fallen from God. 
Angels don't accept worship
But Satan likes to be worshipped. 
This Shaman was blowing on them. 
We pass something when we do so by the spirit. 

At least Jesus had miracles to prove his message. We have power to produce evidence. 
That's why when I tell you that God is with us, I can prove it. The lame walk, dead are raised. Those miracles are our credentials, when we preach the Unseen God. 

They tell us to believe the science. 
They were really fooling the people. That was a confession that they had No evidence. Because you don't believe when you have the real thing there. 


When we read about the 6th seal being open..will the tribulation saints be in the earth there? Who are the targets of the Judgements of God? When the 144,000 Jews are sealed, where will the tribulation saints be?
The bride: a city or people?


REV 7:1
Remember when he moves from One Panoramic view to another, it does not necessarily mean it follows in the sequence of their happenings. It only means it's the sequence of the vision not necessarily the fulfillment. You can see later on, something that was to happen earlier. The chapters are not in the chronological order of their fulfillment. 

When the 6th seal is opened it is a revelation of the things that will come to Pass based on that particular seal. It's like opening different chapters that deal with different subjects. Like some books in the Bible do not follow chronological order. 

V1-4:One hundred and forty four thousand were sealed in Israel. Remember they are not protected from all the Judgements that were coming. Even though the Judgements are targeted, everyone would be affected. 
V9- These are the tribulation saints in Heaven. At this time they would have been Raptured. This happens about 5 months before the end of the tribulation period. 

The Bride: A city or people?.
Rev 21:9-12.
It's a City . It will be in the new earth because the old earth would have been burnt up. This city is too big for the land of Israel. 
It's as wide as it is High. 
It's as wide and as high as 6 hours of flight (and it's just a city)
It's a city on the new earth. 
The gates of the city are always open. 
We are the ones in the city.
Every other place in the new earth is being populated by natural men and women. They are like sinless Adam in his natural state. .but we have passed over to the glorified state and we rule with Christ forever and ever.

The Bride is also people- Rev 19:7-9
It's a city but it can't be an empty city. 
V9- those who are called to the marriage supper of the lamb are those who will live in this city. 

Always use the teaching of Jesus and his apostles to understand new testament
Never use your mind.

Matthew 25:1-13
V6: That's the call! They were called at Midnight for the Marriage supper. 
 Rev 17:14- They that are with him are called, chosen and faithful. They are the ones called to the marriage supper of the Lamb. 

Yesterday, we talked about how Daniel kept looking until the thrones were set. 
Let's read some things that Daniel saw in the spirit. Amazing things he talks about. 
But when reading chapter 11, you have to be very careful. 

Daniel 11:21- From this place, you start seeing a character that is so much like the antichrist.  He typifies the antichrist so much that people assumed that he was..until Jesus made it clear that He was not the one. 

Not surprising. The bible tels us the spirit of the antichrist that is already in the world. 
We will use his character to describe the character of the man of Sin
This person was Antiochus IV Epiphanes. 
He lived till 160BC

V21-27 NIV. 
This character reminds you of the Anti-christ.
The king of the South was the King of Egypt
 In Prophetic visions where you are given North, East etc.its usually from Jerusalem. 
V28-30 Remember these are historical things. 
He will plot against the Jewish people who follow the God of Israel. 
V31-34: This was why they thought Antiochus IV was the Anti-christ. 

Now we move to the part that refers to the Anti-christ
V35: Definitely Antiochus IV would not live until the time of the end. He only ruled for 10 years
 V36-45: NIV, NKJV (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4)

Revelation 8:1- 
Observe the difference between the life that the Anti Christ brings in, and the judgements of God. 
God starts dealing with them after the 6th seal.
(Rev 6:11-17: God's begun his Judgements and his people are not there. The Rapture of God's people has taken place
 The tribulation saints have not taken place
 This happens towards the end. God removed his people and now deals with his enemies. )
The Seals don't show you what happens before what. 
This whole period takes some time 

Look at 2 different things. 
The tribulation: In a sense you are looking at a general term. That covers 7 years but more specifically it starts the middle of the 7 years. 
But what's God's judgement is not the three and half years; that's Satan's rule. 
But after God removes his people, he starts Judging them, and they know it. 
(Luke 17:26-29- Once God takes his people out, Trouble starts. )

I will rearrange for you the sequence of events. 

 These are God's judgements 
Rev 8:7-13
These things will happen literally.

Rev 9: 1- end 10: 1-11.
This is going to happen within those last 5 months.
7 seals 7 trumpets and 7 thunders.

 Rev 11:1-3
Again, here is another Panoramic view being shown of something that will be happening for three and half years.
The Gentiles will tread the holy city for 42 months. 
V3: at the time of Johns writing, a month was 30 days. So, three and half years or 42 months. 

Luke 21:20-27
This particular way of putting it was only given by Luke with a double reference. Referring to something that happened soon and then something in a distant future. 

Daniel 11:44-45
He will move his headquarters to Jerusalem for 42 months. 

Luke 21:24
"Until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled,". What are the times of the Gentiles? The times that the Gentiles exercise control over Jerisa which is 42 months
Even though Israel is in control of their land today, a day will come when they will leave their lands again. 
Several people are calling for the guaranty of peace in Israel. Even called for guarantyinf there poleaxe of Israel. 
The Antichrist will guarantee this peace and they will trust him.

Rev 11;3-4
Who are the 2 witnesses? V4 
(Zech 4:1-14)
V14: These are not Zerubabel and Joshua. 
Years later, John sees the same thing. 
This is one of the few examples where a language of the prophets was given. 

Rev 11:5-19
V7 . When the 2 prophets finish their assignment, the beast will kill them ,(the beats is not human). The beast is not the same as Abandon/Apollyon, the angel of the bottomless pit. 
V8: Look at the play of words in this place. 
That place is called Soaom and Egypt. 
So, what were the characteristic things?
Homosexuality and  idolatry. Right now, Telaviv is the Headquarters of homosexual activity...later they will move it to Jerusalem. 
V9-10: The whole world will see that they are dead. 
V11-13 They knew it was God, so they will give him glory

God's word is Revelation. 
Everything from Genesis to revelation is a revelation of truth, his will and his plan. This whole book is a revelation. 
So when you read the scriptures, it is addressed to the human spirit. There things you can't grasp with your brain but you can grasp with the spirit. 
With the heart man believes, with the mout Confession is made then Salvation is wrought. 
There is no other way to escape the Judgements coming in this world..only by Jesus Christ. 

Acts 17:24-31


Finance Convention Day 5 With Pastor Chris, Christ Embassy Lagos Zone 5, 12/09/2024.

Phil. 4:6, John 1:1. All of God's plans, thought, response, speech, message he was all of God and he became flesh and dwell amongst us. ...