Sunday 11 February 2024



I want to welcome you to today's episode

The documentary you just saw is a painful reminder of how far things went in 2020. The deception of the nations.
We have to remember that the bible does tell us about this. 

Revelation 20: 7-
This area just refers to how Satan after 1000 years of being in the bottomless pit is released and he does not change. He continues his deception. He goes again to deceive the nations

Rev 12:9- He deceives the whole world. 
Rev 18:23. All nations were deceived. 
Rev 20:10 Many were destroyed who had come to invade the camp of the saints. And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire. 

I just wanted you to observe this Satanic deception that the world suffered. 
I told you that we were going to read some time to prayer today and we will.
In Reading the book of revelation I showed you the apocalypse of the four horse riders and the fifth one in revelation 19
But the four horse riders you have in Chapter six give us a picture of what the world would be like in the days of the antichrist; a terrible world. 

(First session of prayers)

1 John 2:18 
He says the Antichrist shall come but there are many Antichrists.

2 Thessalonians 2:3. He calls him a Man of Sin. 
If you read it in some newer versions, it says "lawlessness". A man of lawlessness 

I told you the other day, when you hear certain people, especially Leaders from Europe and America, when they use the term "the rule of law", they are not thinking of law the way you think about it. They are not talking about lawfulness, but that you must do things their way. 
When they have a problem with you, they say "No one is above the law"..but they are talking about themselves. It's a coded language. They are trying to say to you "You can't overrun us. You can't do what we don't want". Because often times they do things above the law and they get away with it. What you call the Law is not what they call the Law. What you call the Law is based on the Constitution but theirs is based on themselves. 
I told you that because of what we just saw in the bible. The Antichrist is called the Man of lawlessness.
How could someone who is running a government be called a man of lawlessness?
Because whatever he says or does is THE LAW..and this is not good. 

For example, there was a debate some time ago about certain countries who were their "country friends". And someone said "those you call your friends, look at your relationship with them through history.. they colonized you; they enslaved you. Up till now, you owe them money and they've never let you go. The other guys who they say are your enemies, never came to steal from you or colonize you and there is no history that they went anywhere to colonize. So how can those ones be your enemies?"
Many times, nations don't know who are their friends and who are their enemies. 

Who are you buying grains from?
Who are you buying your rice and your seeds from?
I've told you Farmers in Africa, South America, South East Asia, REJECT FOREIGN GRAINS AND SEEDS. They are going to imprison and destroy you. They will replace your seeds. Soon you will have no food. You will have to depend on them. 
They sanction you now while you have food. 
What are you going to do then when you depend on them for your food?
I'm warning you cos God sent me to you.
You have to be wise. 
Act like a wise man/woman/leader. 
Wise leaders protect their people. 
Otherwise you have no future. 
They told you to stop using coal for electricity. They are setting up coal factories for electricity. 
Now they are telling you to give up your oil.
Everything you have more than them, they ask you to give up.
Save your coal. Save your oil.
Use it to bring down the price/cost of living in your country. 
If you abandon those ones, you're going to have to depend on them for power and for everything
You have to know...this is the strategy of the 21st century. 
They've been at it for long but now it's coming full blast.

Understand the apocalypse of the white horse rider. He has a bow without arrows. 
The bible says he goes forth conquering.
How does he conquer? With intrigues, with deception...he doesn't have to fight. 
They lure you into treaties and agreements with sweet talking and they capture you. They do not come in with arms. 
But he has a bow...that's the symbol of a threat. They signal to you that they will do something to you if you don't bend. 
What does that mean?
He is weaker than you. He has no arrows. If he threatens you, do what you're going to do anyway because he has no arrows. 

Young people don't let them destroy your country. Lots of bad decisions are being made. They say they are doing it to secure your future. You are dealing with elderly men who want to live forever. That's why they are pushing for transhumanism and they want to use you as a test. They can't try it on themselves. They want to try it on others first. They are too afraid to die. 

Remember when I told you in 2020 as they were lying that you will just wear the masks for two weeks, I said they are lying to you. It's two years in the first instance. 
I was right
 Infact, in the corona virus bill in the UK, they had a Sunset clause. It was stated there that emergency powers be granted and they could use that for two years. That's the same thing they passed through many countries. 
But the sunset clause was put there who didn't like what was going on to calm down. 
There was no plan to make it go away.
It was going to get worse. 
The Bible shows us what that world was supposed to look like and what they were planning. 

Revelation 6:1-2..
He went forth conquering and to conquer. 
V4- The Antichrist comes in and the second one is the second beast 

(Rev 13:1-14.. He came in at the beginning of the 7 year period and by the half way point , the ten kingdoms have him more powers. The second beast talked just like the devil. 
V15- This is Advanced AI. He will answer prayers. He will call you by name. His image will be in the cities. Already today, there is face recognition. Some TV sets go off if you stop looking at it. They recognize eye balls. 
In those days, imagine looking at a big screen that recognizes your eye balls, and calls you by name, and promises you a miracle. E.g. there will no longer be a need to carry a baby for 9 months. In 6 months, a full baby can be incubated. 
People would worship that beast! 
This False prophet will cause that those who will not worship the image of the beast should be killed.  (Rev 6:3-4 Jesus talked about it. Hatred. Killing one another. Satanism
 Idolatry being the order of the day. Very sad. )
It's the abolishment of human rights. All the rellfreedom that people used to talk about will be arrogated. It will be martial law. Remember that's what started happening in 2020. People were thrown in Jail for going out in the street. Pastors were locked up for opening their churches. 
This things are on record. They happened. 
They hope you forget. 
They sent their officials who had the audacity to enter into church and drive people away some of those officials even said they were Christians. 
In Canada, they arrested several Pastors. 
China extended theirs. 
All for a Digital virus that did not exist. 
I asked them many times "who purified the virus? Who isolated the virus? Are viruses found in nature?"
Let them tell us..."what is the origin of viruses?"
And those who thought they knew (professors) realized they didn't know anything because they went to school but never asked the right questions. 
It was Man made. It never existed in nature. 
Because they wanted to deceive the whole world they said it jumped out from the bats. How did it jump in in the first place?
How come every bat didn't have it? How come every pig doesn't have it.
So where did the ones that got it, get it from?
It was man made by Anthony Fauci and his group
 They were also responsible for HIV/AIDS. 
Now, all that information is out. He can't hide anymore

They impose martial law. This is the world they want. 
Those who did it then from the WHO  are the same people there now. There has been no change in leadership. 
WHO is more than contributions from countries. There are interest groups. 
Who are the largest donors of the WHO?
They were behind the COVID debacle

Reve 6:4... There was so much fear in 2020. People didn't know what they were afraid of. They didn't know if they were more afraid of the virus or their government. Their government was waiting to get instructions from God knows where. 
All they would get was a letter from the US ambassador or the WHO. 
Governments were just waiting to be instructed.

Look at all those who died that were not given honorable burials. 
These are monsters of remorseless cruelty.
They didn't care how you felt. 
Loved ones were not allowed to carry the body of their dead. Hospitals were forbidden.
I want tout to remember because they want to do it again.
Humans have short memory. 
It's something they want to do again but you will not let them

Rev. 13:16-17 This is Economic Dictatorship. Mandatory digital identity. That's what it's about. 
(Video playout)
This President first said he would not mandate vaccinations. 
They said it's not appropriate. 
Do you want to trust those guys?
They changed everything because it was a lie from the beginning.
Even wearing of Masks was not supposed to be mandatory.
They will say things were evolving that's why things changed why did you mandate vaccines for a virus you hadn't understood yet?
That's why they constantly changing the rules...yet you had a vaccines that would not change. 
They insisted on mandating Vaccines which they also said they couldn't understand yet. 
They came back with boosters so that every year you renew your vaccination.
Interesting! The deception!

The people who did these things to the nations are still in office in those strategic organizations. ..the UN, WHO, Commkn wealth, etc. they don't expect anybody to take actions against them because they are the Law. But that's just for now. 
If they read history, they would know that the lying tongue is but for a moment. It has no future. It never wins. Not even the antichrist or the devil 
I showed you from the scriptures, their end. 

V17. No one would buy or sell unless you had the mark of the beast. Then the confiscation of private property. They are already fighting on this. They want you to have no rights to private property. Based on Francis Guartons Eugenics. 
I told you Transhumanism is just an euphemism for Eugenics. They don't believe certain people should live. 
WEF says the world has a lot of useless people so what should they do with all the "useless people"?
That's what they wanted to do with COVID. 
The evil of the COVID Vaccines is in its mRNA constitution. 
With this they are able to have access to your DNA and that Vaccine makes your DNA editable. 
I told you that was the end game/end goal. That was exactly what they wanted; to change the human person to become their ultimate toy. And they are still at it. Don't give them a chance. 
Don't give them a chance in your country. 
They seek to do it in several different ways. Through education, through the arts..., they go after Celebrities and try to win them to their side. It's all about money. They offer them money and those ones fall flat on their face.
Don't listen to them
Several of them that said they were getting vaccinated so you should get vaccinated, lied to you. Several of their friends are dead now. But they won't give you that information. 
Some played the smart game. There was nothing inside the needle they pushed into their bodies on TV. They used water and then told you to go take the vaccine.
Didn't you know that the animals that were tested with the Vaccine all died?

That was the result they wanted. They wanted to be sure it could kill.
Yet, they went forward with it because it was never to help your health
Those who were championing drastic and massive reduction of population in the world, are these the people you want to make a vaccine to save your life?
The scientific idea of vaccines is to treat the disease with the disease. They first infect you with a weakened form of the disease to "strengthen the immune system" to fight it if eventually the body comes in contact with it.
It was a Massive lie. 
It seemed to make sense until...countries where there was no fibroid or cancer, fibroids and cancers arrived. Polio arrived. 
All these things they made vaccines for, the sicknesses arrived in those countries. They were never there. 
They said "Prevent the disease from a healthy person by giving them the disease"

Those of you who have kids and are rushing to give them vaccines after birth, you are destroying those children.  now they have the potential to be sick of what they were never born with. 
Tell them to disclaim what I just told you scientifically.
What I'm saying is not new.
There are lots of people who have raised their voices about this before but what they did was to silence them.
So they gave more money,  lobbied the governments to make vaccinations compulsory and to not allow unvaccinated children to be allowed in schools.
Take your schools back from these remorseless monsters. 
I told you Sue them about the Content and the functionality of the Vaccine. Not about whether or not the child should be vaccinated because they already have that entrenched in the regulations in several nations. Don't fight the legality of the vaccinations. Fight the vaccine itself. 
Get the right scientists to speak on the subject. Not politicians.
The Polio vaccine is a Failure for those who want to be helped but for them it's a success because they are able to make you sick with polio and eventually kill you 
Now they've made the young people in many nations sterile because they want to reduce your population to nothing. 
More and more people are having difficulty with reproduction. Because of the vaccinations

I told you about autism in little kids. There are certain vaccines responsible for it. These are not wild claims. I've been mustering to sick people so I meet a lot of people. Many children were given vaccines that made them autistic. 
It is in the books in several countries. The plan is to terminate autistic children. Hitler did it. 
The plan is to get many kids infected through vaccinations, then they will be sidelined by government regulations and and set aside for extermination. 
When I tell you let us pray...I'm telling you serious things. 

Look at what they are doing to the farmers.. They're trying to cause shortage of food. Then they allow their own companies to be the suppliers of food. Food that you cannot regrow or reproduce so that you will never again be self sufficient.
You become dependent on them.
 you want to give your sustenance to some company you don't even know?
Then they have you targeted and decide how long you're going to live while they send you poisonous substances. 
So no matter the protests they may have...that will not be enough. That's why I'm asking you to pray. 
The people who are doing this are using spiritual power. Even the antichrist will be possessed. 
It's written in the bible. 

Those who are masterminding these things are using spiritual power,  it just government authority. They are soaked and dipped in the Occult. You can't fight them with protests or arms. No. They know how to use those things in the realm of spirits to paralyze those working against them. So you must use a higher power of the spirit to overwhelm them. They are into blood covenants and sacrifices. Into Satanism. They are spiritualists to the core. Don't look at them in their suits or their sweet talk. They are into Devil worship/Satanism. These are idolaters.

Yesterday I showed you. They brought a Juju woman to come and demonstrate before them. You saw what she did there. That's to show you what they are into. You think that woman just came there to play? She blew spirits on each one of them. You think they will be same? 
Jesus blew on the disciples and told them to receive the Holy Ghost. 
After this, they are going to say they don't know where migraine came from, or they start seeing things in the night . 
The bible says, the whole world worshipped the beast. And anyone who didn't worrhsip the beast was commanded to be killed. 
So, one world religion. 
The beast made himself God. 
He himself entered the temple of God in Jerusalem and declared himself to be God and that the whole world should worship him.

Listen, if you don't follow the right path now, that means you are programing yourself to follow the wrong path. 
If you don't listen now, you are programing yourself to be deceived. 

One of the reasons you have so much deception in Europe is because of the lie they told them for so long in Greek Mythology. 

The information they gave them about life after death and about food vs Evil is where the deception is. So they do Evil without a conscience because they were raised that way. 
Secular humanism easily moved across Europe. And once you are caught up in it's trap, it will be easy to pull you into transhumanism and post humanism..

(Prayer for nations,country leaders)

Finance Convention Day 5 With Pastor Chris, Christ Embassy Lagos Zone 5, 12/09/2024.

Phil. 4:6, John 1:1. All of God's plans, thought, response, speech, message he was all of God and he became flesh and dwell amongst us. ...