Monday 12 February 2024


(Documentary: mRNA Unmasked- the deadly Vaccine)


I want to welcome you to today's program and I was just thinking as we were watching that documentary..
The last text that was on the screen when Noah Harari was talking was "the end of free will". It's worth noting. 
They say what they are going to be doing for the 21st century is the creation of bodies and minds; that the idea of human rights is completely going out the window; that this will be the end of free will. 

I want to remind you that the guy you just saw is one of the chief advisers of the WEF; one of the professor advisers of Professor Klaus Schwab of the WEF. That is their idea and plan; the end of free will. 
So you can't do what you choose, you have no rights... That's the world of the antichrist. 

When things like this happens there are those who recline and feel like they are in a dream and hope and wait for everything to end.
 No, you are not in a dream.
2020 actually happened. 
You had psychopaths who were running the system. 
My calling you for prayer and fasting is because of the future.
And I'm still going to call you to fast and pray as we get along because I told you what their plans were for 2024..because we are really damaging those plans. 
They had plans for 2025 which they wanted to prepare for in 2024...But as we fast pray and speak words in the spirit, those plans can only fall apart. 

I want to read some of the words of Jesus to you.
Luke 19:41-44 NKJV (Matt 24:1-2)
V42- if you had known the things that make for your peace. 
You want peace. But if you had known how to get that peace, or what makes that peace work for you...
V44- Here is where it really gets very touching and moving. 'you did not know the time of your visitation'. 
The word used for Visitation is "Episcopae"
It goes beyond the word visitation on translation. It means the word 'Bishoprick'

In Acts 1 when Judas Iscariot was referred to after he hung himself, Peter refered to it in verse 20. 
The word translated "Bishoprick" is the word "Episcopae"
1 Tim 3:1 Same word is used here.
The office of a Bishop is the office of an overseer. You have something that you watch over and take care of. 
Back in the Garden in Genesis 2, it tells us how God created the man and the woman. He gives you their history and tells you where they went wrong.
God told them to Dress and Keep the garden.
To take charge of it. So, they had to not only dress it, but watch over it. 
In that wise, they had the Bishoprick of the garden.

One of the things that Jesus said to his disciples as his ministry came to a close was to watch and pray. 
Luke 19:44- He says trouble is coming and will overtake you to your destruction because you didn't know the time of your Bishoprick. 
They should have been. Watchful 
That's what they wanted to do in 2020 and many didn't know the time of their visitation. They didn't know the things that belonged to their peace. 
They wanted peace so much, but they even handled the word of God deceitfully. 
They made their God's houses theeatres instead of a house of prayer. 
On prayer days, the churches were mostly empty but everything else attracted their attention. They loved the games, the shows the dances, everything that would get them excited; They wanted church to be fun. 
But where was true praise? 
They wanted to make themselves happy and dance around like animals. 
As long as it made them happy they thought that it made God happy. 
Even those that taught praise seminars knew nothing about praise. From their very expressions of praise you knew they knew nothing.
God's churches were changed to theatres and concert houses. Until many were overrun by COVID and many ministers died. 
Many ministers died in 2020 and 2021 of COVID. It wasn't COVID that killed them. It was the Injections.

Another reason why many died was because they weren't allowed to be treated. 
They said COVID 19 was incurable except by their vaccine. They let many die. 
Those who knew not the word were afraid and passed out. Many elderly ones could not be helped by what could have helped them

The churches knew not the time of their Episcopae. They knew not. 
So when I tell you we've got to pray, we've got to pray now.
I know what they are planning. And if we pray, we will destroy those evil works like we did in 2020.

We have to pray. We know the time of our visitation, our Episcopae, our Bishoprick and we are playing our role and standing in our place. 

1 Tim 2:1-
I'm glad he said for all men. There is a difference between when you pray for nations and when you pray for those who are actually citizens of that nation. 
For example, Praying for all Ghanians is different from praying for the nation of Ghana. It means I'm praying for all Ghanians anywhere they are in the world. 
Think like that. 
He said prayers and intercessions should be made for all men. 
When you pray for the nation, it's so distant and impersonal. 
How do you love the nation until you pray for the people of the nation?
When you pray like that you will see that you are loving the people. 
We know the time of our Bishoprick.
If you want a peaceable life, here is the way: 
Pray for all men.
When you pray like that, you won't need to declare peace. These are things that make for your peace. 

The Jews didn't heed the words of Jesus. 
Less than 40 years away, those words came to pass. 70 AD, the Romans attacked and Jerusalem was ploughed up...just with the description that Jesus gave, everything they were proud of was gone. Those that were not killed were sold for nothing to other nations. 

They did not know the time of their visitation.

Prayer session

Psalm 37v 32-34
The wicked watcheth the righteous and seekth to slay him
Thats the mind of evil doers. 
The book of Esther tells you a story about a man named Mordecai and how Hamman, one of the Honored Kings officials, wanted to slay Mordecai the Jew. But he felt it was dishonoring to go against Mordecai alone, so he decided to go after all the Jews.  And he was rich enough. He told the king not to worry about it, that He would pay. After convincing the King that the Jews were troublemakers.

That's what they are saying about the church today especially those that speak in tongues. The only reason they are saying that is because we are scattering their boiling pots. So they are angry. But we have come a long way. 

Hamman built these tall gallows so he could hang Mordecai on them. Hamman was a wicked man. He was the enemy of the Jews. The agagite. 
But God went ahead of him 
It turned out that the Gallows that an built, He was hanged on it. 
And it shall be so for the Hamman's of the world. 
The scriptures cannot be broken

(Prayer for fellow Christians, Your pastors, ministers of the gospel around the world)


Revelation 6 is a very important Chapter in the book because it throws light into the major theme of the book. 

Rev 6:1
The first thing that is revealed after we got into the activities in Heaven in chapters 4&5, is the White horse rider who has a bow and was given a crown and went forth conquering and to conquer. 
V4- No more peace on earth
V6- This showed that there was going to be inflation and scarcity. 
V8- There is so much killing and dying. 

It's important that we identify this being so you can understand the kind of world ... You heard this guy say they want to change the human constitution /what a human being is like. The DNA is the substance that houses the genetic code of a human being. That's where information is, the protein producing element/instruction is there. That's what's responsible for the human nature. How you live and what is consistent with your nature and reproduction.

For humans, it is normal to walk with your 2 legs and stand upright. What is responsible for every human being carrying that consciousness is in the human DNA and it is passed from one parent to child. So there is a consistency to human life and human way of living. That's why when something is different we know...because there is a pattern where it is supposed to go. 
Like when you see Siamese twins you know "this is not right" and you see doctors trying to separate them. 

In Genesis 6, you would read that fallen angels (those who fell by mating with human beings). They mated with humans to reproduce and they don't have the human DNA. So they corrupted the seed. What they produced was Unclean. That's what the Bible calls Unclean. It's not normal or perfect in nature. It was naturally and ceremoniously unclean. That's where demons stayed. 
Remmeber the seed of life comes from the male. The body is given by the female. 
The life of this angelic being that transformed himself to come to a human body was transmitted to the woman. The result was an unclean spirit in a human body. Because the mix was unnatural, even the humans they produced had a different DNA. Some were Giants, some had hind legs of horses, etc. all kinds of shapes. Unusual sizes of Giants....
This continues...
When those people died, their spirits, because they were not human spirits, could not go to hell. 
The angels that caused it originally were out in prison.
The unclean spirits could neither go to Heaven or hell. They are the ones causing havoc in the world. They are not normal created spirits by God. They are unclean. 
This is the very same thing that Noah Harari and his colleagues in the WEF are being inspired to instigate in certain societies. 
They think that a human being is all about a body and that's where they are wrong.
The human spirit is encoded in the DNA. 
They don't know this but I'm telling you now. 
There is no such thing like creating a human of their own.
If they do so without anything from a natural man, it will not live. 

That's because the DNa of a human yhas the spirit of man in it. It is encoded in every part of your body. 
So when they create a being and get any part from another human to get whatever they want to do done, it will bring in a human spirit but the problem is, it will be a corrupted human spirit. 
When they do this, they want everyone who is going to live in this world to be of the standard they have made. They want everyone to be genetically modified. They want to get under your skin. Why? Of course, for your DNA. The facts have been laid bare. 
Why? To modify the human person. So you become a genetically modified person (GMP)
That's the world of the antichrist.
They don't want normal people. 
Normal human rights will be over. 

Daniel 7:8,11, 24- Dan 8:9-10, 23-25 NLT
He calls him the little horn, then calls him the beast. 
The dragon gave him his power. 
But in the end, he will be broken but not by human power. He will be a master of deception.
The Bible tells us that the antichrist spirits are already in the world. With any opportunity they wreak havoc. 
This is satanic. They want to gain time 

Dan 9:26-27: He will come to the limelight through the treaty that he will sign. For the first 3 and half years, he will be known as a man of peace. But in the middle of the week,  he transforms.

Luke 22:1-
Judas Iscariot was one of Jesus's disciples. He was one of the apostles sent out to win souls. For a good three years, he was with Jesus. 
V3: Satan entered into Judas after three years of Ministry. 

In the middle of the first three and half years, the devil enters into the antichrist.

Revelation 11: 4 - 7(The two witnesses)
"The beast that ascends out of the bottomless pit", tells you that it's not human. This is a spirit that comes and kills them.

Revelation 17:1
Talking about a great Harlot that sits on many waters. Understand the significance of this vision. 
V3: He is seeing another sign. The beast on which this woman sits has seven heads and ten horns. 
V4-7. I explained to you why John was astonished. Because he was familiar with Greek Mythology. And in the Greek mythology, they talked about Zeus who saw a beautiful woman named Europa and he transformed himself into a nice looking Bull
And went and sat down near Europa. Europa, fascinated by the Bull, climbed on the Bull,not knowing it was Zeus. Then Zeus eloped with her and raped her. 
Here, John is amazed because he is seeing that the story is true. It happened in the spirit. 
Now he is being shown who exactly. But he knows the people are being deceived because they thought that Zeus is a good spirit. If Zeus is the Father and Europa is the mother, what are these people born of then? Something terrible is wrong
V8- That's the beast we saw in Chapter 11:9 that killed the 2 prophets 
He was.. but in John's day, he was not on earth
..but he will ascend from the bottomless pit and and go into perdition. 
V9-: Referring to the woman on the beast.  The 7 heads on the beast are 7 mountains. 
V10-11: In John's day, 5 were already fallen (Egypt, assyrian,  medo persia, Babylon and Greece). In Johns day was Rome. 
The Other will be made up of the 10 horns. 
The other that has not yet come Is 7th.
The Beast himself that the woman was on is the 8th. He is one of the first 7, but he will also be the 8th one. 
The princes of Egypt, of assyria, of Babylon, Persia, Greecia...
If He was... He can only be among these first 5.
Is not...he cannot be of Rome.
He was before Rome. 
So, he is either of those 5 princes. 

V12: This beast that comes out of the bottomless pit receives power to rule among Kings. That means he will put on a body. 
Are they going to know that they are dealing with a spirit? 
They come into a place of authority same hour with the beast for one hour. 
V13-14: They all come into office and right way, the beast needs more powers to be able to carry out his work. 
V15- The waters that the whore sat on were actually people, nations, tongues.
V16-18: "That great city" at Johns time was Rome. Spiritual Rome is the whore. This is the seat of the Vatican. Political Rome and Spiritual Rome will be destroyed. It's called Babylon. 

We are trying to identify who that beast is
Revelation 13:1- 
Observe... The first one came.oit of the bottomless pit. This one is coming out of the sea. 
When an image in a vision is coming out of the sea, it means it's coming out of Human. 
It has exactly the same number of head and horns as the beast that came out of the bottomless pit. 
You see the horns has crowns because they are ten kings. 

V2: The beast was like a leopard. With the feet like a bear. His mouth like a Lion. 
The dragon, the devil, gave him his power. 
He gave him his seat and Great authority (not all of his authority)

V3-5: This is Satanism and idolatry going together. The Antichrist signs the treaty for 7 years and in the middle of the 7 years, he breaks the treaty. 
Then this evil spirit enters into him
 He was of a similar character to a leopard. 

Daniel 7:1-
We've got a Lion, a bear and a leopard. 
The Lion was the Kingdom that was in that day. 
The prince of Persia was The bear
The prince of Greecia was the Leopard. 
(Daniel 10:12-14,19-20)

In the days of John, the prince of Greecia was in the bottomless pit. He is the one identified with the leopard. You will see that this beast is similar with the man of sin. 

We were dealing with the personality of the man of sin/perdition. 
This is the spirit that embodies the antichrist. 


Finance Convention Day 5 With Pastor Chris, Christ Embassy Lagos Zone 5, 12/09/2024.

Phil. 4:6, John 1:1. All of God's plans, thought, response, speech, message he was all of God and he became flesh and dwell amongst us. ...