Sunday 17 March 2024



Glory to God! Hallelujah!
Wherever you are in this great world today I want you to know God's presence is right there. 
Remember, He is God. 
He can be everywhere at the same time. He is Omnipresent. He is there in your room
 There in that hospital where you are. There in the prison. There in your car. 
It doesn't matter where you are, he is there. 
He loves you. He wants to help you. He wants to bless you. That's what he wants to do.

Yesterday, so many were healed all over the world, and today, the power of God will be manifested in your life. 
And you that are in this auditorium, God has a special blessing for you. 
In just a few minutes, you will be dancing and praising God. Your life will be changed forever. It doesn't matter what your case is. Remember, there are different kinds of meetings, programs and events. 
This one is for Healing.

Luke 6: 17 -19 NIV
He went down with them and stood on a level place. 
Those troubled by Evil spirits were cured. 
People tried to touch him. Power was coming from him and healing them all.
People wanted to touch him for different reasons. 
On another occasion, as many as touched him were healed.
On another occasion, he laid hands on them.
Sometimes, he just spoke words and demons fled. 
Power was coming from him and healing them all. 

Do you realize the same thing is happening right now?
His power is not only for those in this room. It's coming through the screen to you right there where you are. It's coming to you. 

The power was healing them. That's wonderful!
It's working for you right now. 
It's healing you now. 
It doesn't matter what the case is.

(Healing session) 

When you receive salvation or a healing in your body, it just means that God has begun his work. He is carrying out his purpose in your life. 
Everyone has two destinies. 

One is a natural destiny, based on all the natural factors of life. It is called the animal destiny; the biological part of your life. Whatever circumstances betide you, that's the way you're going to go.

Then, there is the divine destiny. It is God's plan for your life. God doesn't force anybody into his destiny because he created you to be responsible for your decisions. That's why God can judge you. Because he gave you the right to make decisions.

His divine destiny for your life requires your cooperation, acceptance and faith in him. That destiny only begins when you say  YES to him..

If you never say Yes, your life will go in the direction that mere circumstances guide you. But here's the problem with that; you become vulnerable to spiritual entities like demons who take advantage of human beings. If you are living the mere biological life, they will take advantage of you and make you think you are responsible for those actions. They will push you into doing things you had never done. there  are people who are aware that they are in relations with evil spirits. 

If you are perfectly whole in your body and you don't serve God with your life, of what use is it?
You will be open to demonic leading. Demons will lead you into destruction. 
God saves you to make you his partner. He wants to live in you. And you and him become one.
The bible says the one who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with him. 
You will be in fellowship and oneness with Him.

You have to start learning the scriptures to understand the life he wants you to live. 
This is one of the reasons why you go to church. You learn from those who God has given understanding of his word to guide you. It's like a family; it's the older ones that raise you. Then you learn the culture of that family. 
The Kingdom of God has a culture. 
There is a life you are expected to live in Christ and unless you are accurately taught God's word, you will make assumptions. 

When you receive salvation/you are born again, a new life has been imparted to your spirit. You are born into Christ. Christ is now your new home and environment. You have a new life in Christ.

2 Corinthians 5:17
It's not a promise. You are a new creature. This is how God sees you. You are a new person in the spirit. 
Your old habits are gone. 
You have a new life in Christ Jesus.

Colossians 2:6-7 KJV, NIV
Now that you have received Christ, live your life in Him because he is your new home/environment.
You have to be taught the word of God. 
Your life full of thanksgiving.

You may just have begun in Christ. Now you have to be rooted and built up in Christ. You have to be strengthened in the Faith. Because temptations and trials will come to you. The devil/people will come to you and try to deceive you.

Remember, after Jesus was Baptized, Satan came to challenge/tempt him. "if you are the son of God".
The devil will challenge you "if you are truly healed..."... Don't listen to him. Just maintain the faith 
Say "I am in Christ and all things are made new and all the new things are of God" (2 Corinthians 5:18)
Now that He has reconciled us to himself, he has given us the job to tell others about Jesus Christ. Tell others about his love, grace and salvation. Tell of what he's done in your life. 
Once you are healed, testify. You are learning to obey instruction. 

Colossians 1:26-27
Did you notice, in the previous verses he was talking about YOU in Christ. 
When you are born again, you are born Into Christ. You can trust him with your life.
But this verse was a mystery that was hidden but is now revealed to his saints. It is Christ IN YOU the hope of glory. 

When you come to Christ, you are immersed into him...and then, he makes you his holy temple. So that he can live in you: Christ in you!

Remember when he said "I am in the Father and the Father is in me".
He wants to do that with you now.

The holy spirit brings to you the presence of the Father.

Jesus said " My father that dwells in me
 He does the works". The Father in him is the Holy Spirit who was doing those miraculous works. 

He is the one that lets you know that the word of God is true.
He confirms God's word in your heart.
He guides you to know how to please the Father. 
It doesn't matter where you live or what you do, you need the holy spirit. 
Without him, you are like one without light. 
He wants to live in you.

One day very soon, Jesus Christ will come back. 
The only one that can prepare you for his coming is the holy spirit. You need him today. 

Romans 8: 10-
When God has healed you, you don't want to be sick again. There is a secret revealed to God's children. 
Many have ignored "Christ in you the hope of glory"
That's how you live a glorious life. 
It's not enough to be in Christ. Christ must be in you. 
And the only way he comes to live in you is through the holy spirit. 

Romans 8:10-11AMP
Though your body be dead because of Sin, the holy spirit gives it life because of Righteousness.

V11- which spirit? The Holy Spirit. Jesus was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father. 
If that spirit dwell in you...that Same spirit shall also quicken/make alive/ vitalize . He will vitalize your death doomed body.
This is the secret of the Christian life to have continual health. 

Every human is born from the womb and headed to the tomb. The tendency of the human body is to die. It's like fire that has a tendency to burn out. 
So the holy spirit vitalizes you 

V12: The flesh means the body and it's senses. This is the animal life. We shouldn't live the animal life. 

V13- What are the deeds of the body? The practices or transactions of the body. If you put to death the transactions of the body
.. (e.g. a man contracted a disease) or the emotions of the body. If you thought the spirit,put to death the transactions of the body, you shall live. 
You can live a glorious life through the spirit.

1 John 4:4
You hail from God. Your origin is from God.

You have overcome them. What did you overcome?
V1-3: Those false prophets that work with the spirit of the antichrist . These are not prophets that preach false doctrine about Jesus. He is talking about people who champion causes. These are not people in the church who are misleading others. 
They are against church. Against the Christian doctrine. Against the bible.

V4-5 The world hears them. These are the people who are spokespersons for the world. They take charge of politics, education or agriculture...
They speak of the world. Their message is about the world. They are not talking about God. They feel they are prophets of science. They want the whole world to be one organization. 

V6: They are in error. We have overcome them
 Glory be to God. 

You remember COVID. During covid, they cancelled churches and said that was how life was going to be. But I said no! In the name of Jesus, it will be as we say, not as they say. 

So I say to you, by tomorrow, I'm going to be praying for your country and your family. 

Get everyone to participate. Teachers, traders, politicians, politicians. 

Everyone needs to be a part of it. 
How our world needs peace, help and direction!

We have overcome them because greater is he that is in us

Everyone who is a Christian leader or politician in government, you need to have the holy Spirit because without Him, you will be struggling. You won't know the difference between what's right and wrong. Leaders can be deceived to make bad decisions. 

To live your life without the holy spirit is to live without light. How does a man live without God in a world made by God. 

Call to Salvation

Finance Convention Day 5 With Pastor Chris, Christ Embassy Lagos Zone 5, 12/09/2024.

Phil. 4:6, John 1:1. All of God's plans, thought, response, speech, message he was all of God and he became flesh and dwell amongst us. ...