Tuesday 19 March 2024



Wherever you are in this world today, the presence of God is right there where you are. 
I have an important message for you today. It's coming from the words of Jesus. 
Simple words from the Master, Jesus Christ.

John 14:15-
Remember Jesus at this time was talking to his disciples and he was giving them final instructions before his death. 
These instructions are so important.

V17- This comforter is the spirit of truth. The people of cannot receive him because the world cannot see him. They depend on their senses. 
I told you yesterday about the 2 kinds of life. The biological life that depends on the senses and the one that comes from God.
The world only receives what they perceive with their senses. 

V23: This is remarkable. The word translated 'abode' means 'residence'. That's wonderful. 

V25-26: That Comforter is the Holy Ghost. The holy spirit will teach you all things.

John 16:8-
He will REPROVE... it means to CONVICT and CONVINCE. This is the work of the Holy spirit. 

When Jesus Preached, many didn't believe in Him. Certain individuals believed and received miracles, but many weren't convicted. Why? Because the holy spirit had not been poured out on the people. 
Because the holy spirit has been poured out, men can be convicted in their hearts.
The reason you are convinced about Jesus, even though you haven't seen him, is because the holy Ghost put it in your heart that He is the son of God.

Many have never asked themselves "Why do I believe in Jesus Christ"? You believe because the holy spirit helped you believe. 
He helped you to know that Jesus Christ is the son of God.
You have been convicted in your heart. That is why when you do something wrong, your conscience whips you. Your conscience is the voice of your human spirit. 
You may feel like silencing your conscience but somehow in your heart you know.
Why? Because the holy spirit teaches you, and helps you.

V9-13: Some may ask "How do I know the true way?" There are so many people talking about heaven, God .etc... 
When the spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth.
I cannot be confused because I have received the holy Spirit. He guides me into all truth. 
Many times, when people get sick, they don't know the reason for their trouble. They try all kinds of drugs. Sometimes even the drugs are the problem.
Well, the Holy Spirit was sent to guide you into all truth. He can help you know the problem and also the solution. 

He doesn't just talk for himself. The Father's secrets are given to us from the Holy spirit. 
He will show you things to come. 

V14: The holy spirit glorifies Jesus. He will take that which belongs to Jesus and show it to you. 

He brings you the presence of the Father and the presence of Jesus. 
He will guide you into all truth. 
He will show you the future. 
Because he loves you.

Finance Convention Day 5 With Pastor Chris, Christ Embassy Lagos Zone 5, 12/09/2024.

Phil. 4:6, John 1:1. All of God's plans, thought, response, speech, message he was all of God and he became flesh and dwell amongst us. ...