Monday 25 March 2024



Thank you for all you did for the Healing Streams. 
When we work together like that, nothing can beat us; with the grace that God has given us we can always be successful and victorious. 

Pastor Ifeoma suggested a name for this and she said 5 Days of Destiny.... 
It does mean that in this 5 days, one's destiny will be clearly established in the message that is coming forth. 

I am going to share some thoughts with you to prepare you for this week: When God wants to do something very special and unique in your life, He gets you prepared. 

There is a lot of changes happening in the world today: except and unless we are faster on how those changes confront us, we will be victims. We have to make the right decisions and the decisions that you make this week will have a lot to say or decide what results you get. 

Exodus 19:5 KJV, NIV
Look at the weight of this scripture and imagine you were one of those hearing this from God... 

Imagine you have 10 items of the same product, it's up to you to determine which is of higher value... 
God says you will be my treasured possession, that's extraordinary. 

Everything I read to you from the Old Testament was fulfilled in Christ for the church, whatever was good for the old Testament, God gave to the church and more. 

Exodus 8:22 NIV
When darkness hit the land, the Israelites were not affected because God was separating His people. 

Deuteronomy 14:2 KJV
I want you to think because this belongs and refers to you. 

Titus  2:14
When Jesus gave His life for us, He saved us for a purpose, to consecrate unto Himself. 

If everyone says to you, think you're special? You say Yes I am Special. 

1 Peter 2:9
In the Old Testament we read, it was a promise if they will fulfill their part of obedience, but in the New Testament, Jesus obeyed God in our place, died in our place, resurrected in our place and is seated at the right hand of God in our place, that means in the mind of God we are seated in a place of divine authority. 

So now you live in His marvelous light, darkness has no place in you. 
You must see what God has said, endorse what He has said and speak in line with what He has said, that is How the word works for you; if you say things that are contrary to the Word, it won't work for you. 

(Pastor gives an illustration of  a movie production about acting the script) 

Some people's role in the script is just to pass by, but they must pass at the right time and exact moment. 

A good play is one where all the actors did well, they followed the script. 

This is a script that has been concluded because in the end WE WON... So this is the time to study the script and play your role accordingly. 

We will meet the Master and He will inquire of us, did you play your role accordingly OR you did your own thing? 
We have a script and this script says you're special and unique to be treated differently by God

Psalm 129:4

In Christ, each one of us is a definite member and everything that belongs to the church belongs to you. 

The more the world is deceived about the gap between the rich and the poor... The poor will get poorer, the rich will get richer. 
Jesus said the poor you’ll always have with you. But in Christ you can decide what you want to be!!

In life you must decide to be what God wants you to be. If you're in Christ, there is no reason to be poor, Don't locate yourself in an earthly environment, locate yourself in a Spiritual environment. 

In the earthly environment there are struggles, pain and frustrations, this is why people steal. 
Rise above the systems of this world. 
The moment you realize that God has connected Himself to you, locate yourself in the spiritual and you'll find that the life you live everyday isn't controlled by earthly circumstances. 

God's gives supernatural guidance to those who are His peculiar treasure you need it in your life.

Psalm 32:8-9 NIV
Living life without God's guidance makes things challenging and life difficult. God wants to deal with you differently, you must walk with Him

Exodus 33:14 TLB
See why we don't have to struggle for Success. 
This week, don't miss this. 
The most important thing is hearing. 

Romans 10:17 KJV
What you hear today, tomorrow you return you hear some more

Jesus said good measures, pressed down, shaken together and overflowing... If you would do that with the word of God, you will see the results. 

There is more that is being taught, the capacity to transport the individual with the message into the realms of the substance of the message. 

Bishop McClendon was sharing something earlier today with those who were are.. 
Who goes first? 


Judah means Praise. 

Jehosaphat understood this.

All the word of God is on seed principle.

Once the Spirit of God tells you what to do, boldness comes, you become fearless. 
The world is full of people that are confused, but once the Holy Spirit takes charge, everything changes. 

Genesis 24:21-22 KJV
It doesn't matter where they put you, what matters is if God is with you. 
God didn't save Joseph from the false judgements and accusations, a bad situation doesn't mean God isn't with you. 

Faithfulness to God is important not only in good times but if there are bad times. 
God was with Joseph and He gave him favour. 

2 Samuel 9:1-7 KJV

David looked out for any remnants from the house of Saul to show kindness because of his covenant with Jonathan. 

Covenant kindness is not the kindness you express based on how you feel, it is a kindness of God that you’re obligated to express. 

David showed Mephibosheth kindness because of his covenant with his father Jonathan.

This week, you’re going to be so successful, you’re going to be so prosperous.

Blessing - berakah
Blessing is the invocation of prosperity, to summons into action to bring something into existence . 
Prosperity can be invoked where it  didn't exist, you bring it into operation. 

Deuteronomy 28:1-9 KJV
In the Old Testament it was the Lord will and the Lord shall, for us it is done because Jesus obeyed. 
For them He said they will be a treasured possession for us He said we are a peculiar people. 

I am blessed in the city and in the field, it doesn't matter where I go. Prosperity has been invoked and I am walking in it. 

When God's blesses, prosperity is invoked. .   I am blessed.
We become a spectacule to Angels.... This will change the way you walk, put spring into your step. 


You can't compare our prosperity to Joseph's.

There is a daily budget assigned to you, how could you ever live one more day of your life in need; now that you know claim all the arrears. 
I take advantage of my daily heavenly budget, 

The prices are going up not for our destruction, it's happening for our benefits. 
I will always rise and far above inflation. 
Inflation doesn't work against me, I am already inflated. 
The higher the tide, the more you float. 

Deuteronomy 28:10 -
Do you know they are afraid of you? 

This week, the Holy Ghost is going to be ministering to you. 

Go to the middle of your note, draw a line in the middle, to the left write

And on the right, write

If you do any of the two on the left side you'll be a lender, if you do the one of the right you'll be a borrower. 

This week, the Holy Spirit is going to be ministering to you to be one on the left side or both and giving to the consumer. 

Every Nation who encourages  production and consumption becomes Great,  every Nation who encourages community becomes poor. 

God is directing me this week to he a super producer and distributor. 
God wants me to be a producer and/or a distributor. 
The producer and distributor is a giver. 

If you become a producer and distributor you'll grow wealth and that's what God wants to make you. 
It is more blessed to give than to receive, you can't give what you don't have.

Lord I have wisdom to be a producer. 
God will open your eyes to what consumers want and there are multiple consumers around you that the world wants. 
I am about to bless a needy world, I am about to distribute to a needy world. 

No 1 principle for Success - Look out for a human need and reach out to meet that need. 
What's the human need in your community? The Lord is giving you wisdom to meet it.

It's your Year. 
You're about to beautify the lives of others. 
Extricate yourself from all those things that keep you a consumer. 

Lift up your hands and pray.

Finance Convention Day 5 With Pastor Chris, Christ Embassy Lagos Zone 5, 12/09/2024.

Phil. 4:6, John 1:1. All of God's plans, thought, response, speech, message he was all of God and he became flesh and dwell amongst us. ...