Thursday 18 April 2024


(Documentary:The GMO attack on Health)


I want to welcome you to this phase. There is so much for us to learn. 

Most of what you've been eating was modified a long time ago...and this is one major cause of hypertension among so many people in African countries. 

United States and China do not consume corn as much as Africa (as per digesting it into your system). They use it to produce a lot of products which they export to Africa. 

The unexplained hypertension that your grandfather suffered with, probably had to do with corn. Nobody ever told them that it had anything to do with their problems. 
Now we are digging out stuff and sharing with you. And there are a few people who don't like us telling you this; They are the monsters of remorseless cruelty. 

We got to chapter 12 the last time. 

Revelation 13:1-2
In 2021 we showed you the image of a leopard with wings and the mouth of a Lion.

Daniel 7:1-8
This is a vision with a lot of symbolisms. 
For example, Having 4 heads signified that 4 kings would come out of the power represented. 
The fourth beast was different. It destroyed whatever was before it. It had 10 horns. 
He is dealing with Kingdoms, Empires, Kings/Leaders. 
In Daniel's day, the Kingdom was Babylon. (the Lion)
Persia was the Kingdom that replaced the Babylonian Kingdom. (The bear)
The third Kingdom was the Greecia Kingdom which turns out to be what we read of;  The Leopard. 
The fourth Kingdom is the Roman Empire which comes out with these ten Kings. 
V25: Observe that He calls this one a King. He will "wear out" or harass/persecute/trouble the saints for three and half years. 

Revelation 13:2
The beast looked like a Leopard. 
Had the feet of a bear.
Had the mouth of a Lion..
But he is essentially a Leopard. 
This is the Greecian empire returned with these elements of Persia and Babylon. 

(In 2021, they came out with the symbolism because in the spirit, they are saying it's time for their idolatry)

Remember in  verse 1 the number of heads. 
7 heads, 10 horns,and 10 crowns. 
It is the horns that are crowned. 
He is not yet telling you about the powers of the 7 heads, but the power of the 10 horns. 
The name of blasphemy was upon the heads. 

This is consistent. It's been on for so long. Blasphemy of God because of Idolatry. 

Read verse 7 from the Young's translation. (YLT)
"....and there was given to it Authority over every tribe, and tongue and nation"

How come he got power to overcome the saints? (Dan 7:25)
Because they are the saints of the tribulation period. There are 2 groups. 
The first group is in Revelation 12:13-17
The church is never called "Remnant" in prophetic language. That term is always used for the people of Israel. 
All those who believe in Jesus Christ during the tribulation will face persecution because the church would have been raptured. First flight would have taken place.
Everybody else that will come to heaven among those believing, will all be killed. 
Nobody would come in the kind of rapture that we had. 
Those are the souls seen at the bottom of the altar crying for vengeance. 

Prepare for the Rapture of the church!
The church will NEVER be given into the hands of the antichrist. It's not going to happen. 
That's why we have to stand up against these Satanic characters and emissaries sent out to the nations. But we are not afraid of them.

Isaiah 26v19-20 KJV, SEPTUAGINT- This is remarkable. 
"The dead shall rise, and they that are in the tombs shall be raised and they that are in the earth shall rejoice. ..."
The indignation refers to the wrath of God; the period of judgement which will take place in those three and half years. 
The whole period is 7 years when God deals with the children of Israel in the Calendar of God. That will be the 70th week of Daniel's prophecy. 
We are between the 69th week and the 70th week.

What we read is about the resurrection of the dead; the rapture of the church. 
During the tribulation period, the children of Israel will flee into Moab and Edom. 
That will be the time of Jacobs trouble..not a time of Rest. 
These were mysteries that was why they were not understood. 

These mysteries were given exclusively to Paul, yet there had to be prophetic references. 
Acts 15 :13-17
V17: The holy Ghost helped James to see the reference there. He quoted this scripture to show them that the Gentiles were to be brought in (during their debate regarding the matter)

The rapture is imminent. 
2 Peter 3:1-4,8- 9, 15-(TLB, KJV)
These are no exaggerations. A thousand years are as one day to God, and one day as a thousand years. He is specific. 
The context and the subject are very important. .
V9, 15-16: The reason for the delay of the rapture is because God is long-suffering towards us. 

Romans 11:22-25
Israel (as a nation, not as individuals) is blind in part to Salvation for now (but they will later as a nation) until the fullness of the Gentiles come in. See V25 in AMPC.
..until the full number of the ingathering of the Gentiles come in.
There is a definite number of people that must believe in Jesus Christ all around the world. That's what God is waiting for. Once that number is attained, the trumpet will sound. 
He is waiting till we win the souls we are supposed to win.
Who knows when that last man will believe?
We need to reach that number, not just for them to hear the gospel, but to have them believe the gospel. It's a harvest! 
The most exciting time of the Farmer's life is the Harvest time.
This is the day! We are winning souls. It's so easy to win souls. If you will just open your mouth, the power of God will transmit from Your mouth and they will believe.

The ingathering is happening big time and it's happening fast. 

1 Cor 15:51-52 KJV, AMPC 
Everybody is not going to die. 
The trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed.
It's going to happen suddenly.

1 Thessalonians 4:13-17
The first trumpet will be heard by the dead in Christ. 
The second trumpet which is the last one is the one where we will be caught up to meet the Lord in the air. 
The Lord will descend from heaven but won't touch down earth. 
In a twinkling of an eye, our bodies will cease to be terrestrial. It will be transformed into a celestial body.. then we will be gone. 
All the media houses will be looking for answers. 
Then all of a sudden, all of the will form one media house. Global news Network.

We will have no need of all the trinkets and funds we leave behind. Any money that wasn't used for the gospel at that time, all the extra espees, church buildings, all those things...
We will be gone. 

My brothers and sisters in Christ, this is going to happen soon.


Finance Convention Day 5 With Pastor Chris, Christ Embassy Lagos Zone 5, 12/09/2024.

Phil. 4:6, John 1:1. All of God's plans, thought, response, speech, message he was all of God and he became flesh and dwell amongst us. ...