Friday 19 April 2024


(Documentary: The Eugenicist's Playbook)


I want to welcome you to today's program. This is Day 2 of phase 3 season 9.
I hope that you gave attention to the documentary that you just watched. 

Remember Jesus warned "Let no man deceive you". He let us know that deception would be Satan's strategy in the last days. Because that's what he started with. 

Genesis 3:1-5,13
Look at the way he constructed that question. He knew exactly what kind of answer he wanted to elicit from the woman.
The woman said the consequences would be death, and the serpent said "you shall not surely die" other words, God is lying to you. He crosses what God said. He is going to charge God with deception. (V4-5)

Doesn't it sound like today when the misinformants in chief, charge others with misinformation?

V13 NIV- Eve found out she had been deceived but it was too late. She had lost everything. She and Adam would be driven out of the Garden. 

That's what started it and that's how Satan intends to finish it.

He didn't stop with Eve. 
You heard about the Eugenicist's and their ideology a moment ago. The first Director General of the think it was established for health... We all thought so when we were ignorant till we learnt some more and saw that their publicly stated goals are different from their agenda. 
He stated that the priority of the WHO is population control. Dr. George Brock Chisholm.
A year before 1948, he stated that the weaponization of Biology was important as weapons of war. 
He pushed Bacteriology; the study and use of Bacteria as a weapon of war. 
He was more of an atheist because he condemned religion in its totality in his old age. 

If that kind of a guy was the one who became the first Director General of the WHO and worked on its establishment from the beginning, what is the WHO??? What might it be?

(Read article on 'Germ Warfare', Feb 5th 1971)

Don't be deceived
 When you're told about the UN or the WHO holding a meeting, don't be deceived by their Hegelian dialectical interlocutions. They have nothing to do with problem solving. They create them. 
As part of their deception, they declared war on free speech. A war which they lost before it started ..because this is not their time.

This world is ours. We are the only ones with the right to the earth. We are the seed of Abraham. Nobody else has claims to this world except Abraham and his seed according to the bible; and this book cannot lie. We have legal claims. 

These guys use all these big names "world, nations, League of nations, etc". They came from their homes and formed these groups. So what stops other people from forming their groups?
It's like survival of the fittest. The world's jungle justice. Because nobody gave them the authority that they are welding. 
The deep state are non state actors who don't play by the rules. 
When you hear politicians or non-politiciabs use the term "the rule of law", don't think they are referring to the constitution. What they mean is that they are the Law. It means "the rule of the most powerful".
The question is "WHO IS THE LAW"?
Don't say "What is the Law"?
Whatever they say is what must stand. But we have news for them, they are the outlaws. This world doesn't belong to them as they think. They should get acquainted with the story of David and Goliath. The biggies don't always win.

All the Egyptian army went after the Israelites but they drowned in the red sea by the power of God. 
It hasn't changed!
Just a reminder.

There are things that Jesus said that we must take seriously. 

Revelation 13:1-
Remember, in this Cyclorama, John was shown several things in symbols and in signs. 
 E.g. when he spoke about one who sat on the throne who was God, and the Lamb who turned out to be Jesus. 
And he talked about the four beasts that were there. That didn't mean that they were beasts.

It's a revelation full of signs and symbolisms and they require spiritual interpretation.

By tomorrow, I want to show you more about these 7 heads ten horns and the beast. 

This leopard-like beast received great authority and power from the Dragon. 

Remember this beast came out of the sea.
The people worshipped the Dragon and they worshipped the Beast as well. 
Only those who believe in Jesus Christ will resist him
Those who believe in Jesus after the rapture and the Jews who believe are called the Remnant. These are the saints that he overcame.
But he never did and never will overcome the body of Christ.

This is our month of intercession. Intercession requires the understanding of legalities. It is an argumentative prayer. It is a prayer in which you must state your cause, make your claims. You have to declare the legal reasons for your claims. Why you want it that way and why you expect it to be so.

The prayer of faith most times is a one time statement and it's done.
Intercession Involves others. If you don't do anything about it, things could go bad. You step in other behalf talking to God, declaring why it should be done for you need to be clear about your legal claims 

Luke 10:18-19
I discussed these 2 verses in Phase 1, Day 4 in quite some detail.
I explained what it meant by serpents and scorpions. 
The power to tread... Psalm 44:5
To tread in English is to place the foot, stomp down, crush...
Psalm 91:3-4, 108:13. Isa 14:24-27, Luke 10:19, Matt 23:33
Jesus was talking to people when he called them "Serpents"
Serpents are a generation..the offspring...
He was saying "You are the children of the Devil". 

Scorpions:Ezekiel 2:6
Both groups are people.
These are those who have taken upon themselves to fight God's people, deceiving and being deceived. 

Jesus gave us power to tread over ALL the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you. It doesn't matter what they try. These are the words of Jesus. You've for to keep these in your heart.

2 Thessalonians 2:3-7 KJV, NIV
The son of Perdition - Somebody who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshipped. He goes as far as calling himself God. 
Something is holding him back so that he will be revealed at the proper time. 
Our job is to see to it that he does only what he is supposed to do at the proper time. He's got to wait till the proper time...and we decide the proper time.
We've got a job to do...when we are done, and the Master says "number completed", because He is the only one who's got the record, He marks it with the sound of the trumpet. 
He is waiting for us to get the job done..
And we are at it. 
So, while we are here, we keep holding it back because we are full of the holy Ghost. All of God's authority is vested in the name of Jesus and He has given us that name to live by.

Mark 16:15-
You've got to believe the gospel of Jesus Christ. There is no other way. 
Some ask "Is Baptism compulsory"? Why won't you want to get baptized. It is proof of your complete belief in him, it is a sign that you are done with the world. 

Church pastors ensure that you organize water baptisms regularly and frequently. 
Have the souls baptized as the disciples were baptized. Not by sprinkling. Baptize means to Immerse. 
Baptism was one of the types of washings they had in the old testament. 
But John washed by Baptizing that's why he was called The Baptist. 

If you are not Baptized and the rapture takes place, it doesn't mean you won't go to Heaven. But that's why the local church is important ...there is order in the house of God. 

Mark 16:17-18
Casting out demons is one of the signs to follow the believing ones.
Use that name!!!
Whether physical or spiritual serpents, you are in control.
If you drink (imbibe/suck in/absorb/assimilate/receive) any deadly thing it shall not hurt you. It doesn't have to go through your mouth.

These signs are things that are natural with those that believe. 
In these last days there will be a difference between God's people and others. 
One of the requirements of the manifestation of the truth in anyone's life is the knowledge of that truth. 
The knowledge of the truth activates it's powers. 
My people die for lack of knowledge.

They know not... So they shall die like men

Noah Harari doesn't know what he is talking about saying they are the gods. 
We are the gods!!!!
He is talking about pseudo science.
But here is truth, and we prove it.

This is why we are teaching God's word so that God's people know who they are. 

When you start talking like this, some people will think you are braggadocios. But you just know who you are and it will be difficult to shut you down or shut you up. 

When they brought Jesus before Pilate, he was quiet until Pilate told him "Don't you know who I am? I can kill you ".  Then Jesus spoke up... The summary of what Jesus said was "I know who I am". He knew who he was. 

Don't let them joke it around you. Declare '"I have the life of God in me. It flows through every fibre of my being. Every cell of my blood". We don't get infected. 

You didn't get attacked by COVID, you got attacked by Ignorance. You were ignorant of the truth. Even when your body was shaking, you should have declared "I have the life of God in me". You didn't do what you were supposed to do. Did COVID tie your mouth?
You should have been talking right. Because your life goes in the direction of your mouth.

Thank God he told us how to sanctify our food. It is sanctified by the word of God and prayer. That's how you sanctify your food especially today when you don't know which one is real now. Receive your food with thanksgiving and sanctify it with the word of God and prayer. 

We are all at different levels of faith but that's one of the reasons of these teachings. You don't know the day of evil or crisis when you're going to have to need that message of Faith. The time is now to build your faith strong. 
When you got born again, there was a supernatural experience. Something took place in the spirit. A new nature came into being. A new man came into being. The human life was supplanted by the life and nature of God. That's what it means to be born again. The life and nature that Jesus brought to this world was imparted into your spirit. The human life came from your father, the human body from your mother. Now you have the life of Christ in you. You are not what you used to be. 
If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature. 
It doesn't matter what you were born with from your Parents (a disease or infirmity), once you're born again, all of that changes. But you have to know this truth.
The acknowledgement/epignosis of the truth activates it's power. 

2 Peter 1:1-4
Grace and peace is multiplied unto you through the knowledge/epignosis of God. 
His divine power has already given unto us all things that pertain to life and godliness through the revelation/precise knowledge of God. It's a knowledge of relationship. 

Peter only used this term in his second epistle after he got acquainted with the writings of Paul. 
We are called to glory and excellence. 
My life is a life of glory and excellence.
I walk in divine excellence. 
V4: We are Partakers/ associates/comrades of the god-kind.

He has brought us into a special place by birth.
 1 Peter 1:23- 
Jesus Christ was the living word made flesh. 
Now we are the word in flesh. We are the word of Christ. 

I'm born of the word so I live by the word. 
They can't understand us when we say we don't live a human life. 

Hebrews 5:13, 1 Peter 2:1
Milk is the fundamentals or babyhood stage of God's word. 
There is the meat of the word and there is milk for babes. ...and there is strong meat

You are a babe if you still practice malice, guile and evil speakings. Get the message and grow. .
In Christianity there is growth..have understanding of God's word. What he gave us in more than adequate the challenges of this world at different levels of life. 
You don't face the challenges as a loser or in defeat or in fear. 
You come into every level of life as a Victor. 
God brought you there to demonstrate his glory. You are here to demonstrate the victory of Christ.

I am a victor always and forever.

Remember, one of the reasons that you are informed with truth is so that you can walk in it. 
As much as you can, reject GMO foods. 
Not because you yourself might be at risk when you know the word, but there are others whose faith is not like yours. And as long as you are patronizing those things, you are sponsoring the production and distribution of same thereby putting others at risk. 
So you have to put pressure on those who produce and distribute them.
God will provide alternatives for you as you do so.

We have to send a strong message to the inventors of evil things. 
A lot of these products that are not good and intended for evil things should be rejected. 
I gave you information about toothpaste with fluoride. They never told you that if you digest or ingest sufficient fluoride, it will lead to cancer. 
They lied to you that when you get to certain age, you will get certain sicknesses. How did they know? Because they were programmed. They knew what they sold to you. Most of the doctors that tell you these things don't have a clue. 
You never know it was in the drugs, food, milk etc that you had been drinking. 
Now they tell us the average life expectancy in a country. They know because of the things they've sent there. 
You heard what Henry Kissinger recommended. Part of it was war to eliminate the young men. 

God's word says "the rich ruleth over the poor and the borrower is subject to the lender". 
So when you borrow money from IMF and they tell you there are things you must do to cut down your population, they know what they plan to do. 
They sterilize people through vaccines in schools. All over Africa, young people are having difficulty giving birth. They planned it long ago. 

So, you've got to take action by rejecting those things. We can make better things. Better cornflakes, better toothpastes, 

It's time to respond. 

Planned parenthood and environmentalism is all Eugenics. They never cared about environment one bit. Social Hygiene. What a nice name. It really means separating bad people from good people..and they decide who are good people. 
That's why we showed you that documentary on Eugenics. 
Give attention to these messages. 

Call to Salvation.

Finance Convention Day 5 With Pastor Chris, Christ Embassy Lagos Zone 5, 12/09/2024.

Phil. 4:6, John 1:1. All of God's plans, thought, response, speech, message he was all of God and he became flesh and dwell amongst us. ...