Saturday 20 April 2024


Opening Prayer by H.E Pastor Yemisi Kudehinbu

(Documentary: The GMO attack on our Health  part 2)


We've got many things to do in the short period of time we've got left. 
I want to touch on several areas. 

The first one is in answering a question on the resurrection and the trumpet when it sounds. 
"I thought they said when a Christian dies he goes to Heaven. Why are they rising from the grave  at the rapture then"?

1 Thessalonians 4:13-14
"Will God bring with him..."
Jesus will come with them. 

To let us know that he is not referring to the second advent, but the rapture, he shows us the next verse. 
He remains in the air, and we are caught up together with them.
So, why do they have to ressurect if their spirits are actually in Heaven?

When Jesus died/was crucified, where did his spirit go? He descended into Hell because he had become Sin for us. He was condemned in our place (all humans). 
Jesus told the thief "I say to you today, you shall be with me in Paradise". This is the right placement of the punctuation in that sentence. Jesus didn't go to Paradise that day. He went to hell. That's what the Bible tells us. (Ephesians 4:8-9)
When Jesus rose from the grave, he was born again. 
When he went to hell, he threw off principalities and powers. He defeated them in Hell and then ressurected. 
Acts 13:33- This is where Jesus was born again. 
When He was raised from the dead, his spirit came back into his body and resurrected. He ascended to Heaven with a glorified body.

In Heaven, you have Enoch, Elijah and all the old testament saints in their physical bodies. 
All those who died in the Lord from after that ascension until now.... and till the rapture takes place, will only be in Heaven with their spirits because their bodies are still here. 

When the trumpet sounds, Jesus descends from Heaven first. By the power of God, they will come together with Jesus (in soul form).. the world won't see them or the Lord duronf the rapture. It will happen so fast though. They will come and pick up their bodies and be ressurected. 
Why? Because they would have to come back to this world and the only thing that can make you function in this world is your physical body. 

So that when we all come back with Jesus at the end of the tribulation period, we will reign with Christ for 1000 years . 

Revelation 13:1-5
Why does He call it a Beast? This is a description of dangerous and terrible enigma. He can't describe it but what he sees ...
This beast has 7 heads, 10 horns and  upon his horns, 10 crowns. And upon his heads the name of Blasphemy. 
It's a strange beast. 
V2: Who is this Beast? 
V3: One of the seven heads was wounded to death then it was healed. 
V4-5 (YLT). He was given authority to make War for three and half years.
Why is this significant?

Daniel 9:26..  "Messiah will be cut off but not until he offers himself" ..that is meant to be the correct rendering.
The flood refered to military might/war
The tribulation period is divided into the 2 parts. ...the second three and half years will be full of wars.

Rev 13:5-6.
"And them that dwell in heaven"
Dwell "tenting".. a temporary tenting in Heaven.  The beast blasphemes those who went from here to heaven.
V7- God didn't give him power to overcome the saints.

Rev 17:1-8
There was a woman on the beast 
In the 60 years preceding this revelation, a lot of saints had been Matryed. This woman was drunk with their blood. 
John marveled greatly at this. 
V8: The beast WAS and IS NOT, and SHALL ASCEND out of the bottomless pit and go into Perdition....
The Beast is currently in the bottomless pit. 
In John's day, It was not. 
During the tribulation period, he will ascend from the bottomless pit. 
That beast is currently in the abyss. 
That place is not for human beings. The beast is not human. 
V9: the Great whore that was sitting on the beast was actually sitting on 7 mountains. So those 7 heads are 7 mountains.

V10: These 7 mountains mean something more. There are 7 kings over these mountains. 
In Johns day, 5 were fallen, 1 is and the other hasn't come and when he comes, he is limited to a short time. 

V11: This is a mystery- How something is a whole and becomes a part of a whole when put in several parts. 
He is one of the seven. Then he becomes the eight when he comes back. 

V12: As at John's day, those 10 kings did not exist, but in the future, they would have power for one hour or within an hour with the beast. 

V13: These kings will give their authority and military power to the Beast. 
E.g. Today, you have the secretary General of the U.N who doesn't control military power. Then you have the NATO COMMANDER who controls Military power.

Many Eschatologists describe these scenario as the Revised Roman Empire. 
These Kings will give him power and he establishes the eight kingdom. 
He comes in as a Peaceful ruler. 
He signs the treaty with Israel and other allies and then false peace is introduced to the world. After three and half years, he breaks the treaty. He is then given full authority

(Like what with see with the WHO demanding for more power. They established themselves to control the world through Health policies not health services. They plan in the Month of May 2024 to get nations to sign over their sovereignty to the Director Gen of the W.H.O. So that he can have power to declare whatever he wants and enforce it. He would be a puppet to the non+state actors. The Nations need to reject that document. You've got to Say NO. If you sign that thing, you are selling your country for nothing. Don't do it. This is what it's been about for a long time now. If they get that sovereignty, they will take your land, your food, your army... Your army and police will not be under you. They will be regulated and run from outside your country. You will have no country)

V13-14: They will give their power to the Beast. But the Lamb will overcome them. 

Revelation 13:5
What's the difference between the Beast in chapter 17 and the one in 13. 
This one in chapter 13 came from the sea
The one in chapter 17 comes from the Abyss and goes into Perdition/destruction. 
V7: He was charged to make War with the saints and to overcome them.
God allowed everything because that's the time. 
It is the church that is inhibiting him from carrying out his works. 

The worship of Satan would be mandatory. 
These people who are against religion amazingly transform themselves into religion. 
Those who tell us that matters of faith should be excluded from discussions are telling us to believe in science. That's a contradiction. 

What is science anyway? It's never a conclusion. it's a work in progress. Science ceases when the product is concluded. They've forgotten. 
As long as it's still being developed, it is science until it is concluded. 
You cannot stop at a point and say "this is it" and then enforce claims of science. 

Imagine if we stopped years ago...there would be no mobile phones, computers or planes today. These pseudo scientists want us to stop at their own limitations.
We must not allow them get away with this fraud. 
Science is a work in progress. You don't enforce claims of science. .
The world must not be limited to your limitations. It takes too much pride to expect us to be subjugated to your claims. You want us to believe that you are more intelligent than all of us. 
They want to deliver the world to A.I.
They want to build a super brain of some kind.
The A.I can even project dreams. 

Be careful of dreams. After the holy spirit came on the day of Pentecost, God never used dreams to lead any of the apostles . 

I told you before; the antichrist will be a transhuman. Remember he is called THE BEAST. 

V11: "Lamb" here is referring to a goat. Those who do the Goat sign are ignorantly being enlisted in the family of the goats. Don't let anybody put that label on you. Those who believe in Jesus are not Goats. Jesus said "My sheep hear my voice".

This second Beast came out of the earth. It's more generic to mean it's human. 

Coming out of the sea presupposes someone that comes from the Nations/multitudes. That means he is well accepted. (Rev 17:15 )
(Daniel 7:3,17)

The beast was wounded and defeated at war but got healed. 

So, who is this Beast?
2 Thessalonians 2:3-12. He is the son of Perdition.

Who is the son of God? God in human flesh. JESUS is the Human personification of the word. 

Who is the son of Perdition? He gets worshipped. 
Revelation 11: 1-7
Referring to the 2 prophets who will be preaching to the Jews during the tribulation period. The beast in verse 7 is the Beast of Rev 17. But that Beast is a spirit because it came out of the bottomless pit. 
(1 Thessalonians 4:16 - God is behind what he does. But you don't see God. You see his son)
The beast is the one that becomes the Antichrist as a Man. 

How can we identify this Beast?
Rev 13:2
He is the evil spirit of the Satanic Trinity that's behind all those evil works. 
Lucifer was God's vice regeant over the earth. He wasn't functioning in Heaven. That's why he said "I will ascend". He didn't have power over all the angels. There were other very powerful angels. There were cherubs, seraphs and thrones. These are extraordinary beings. This prince of evil that we are talking about was one of the most powerful angels. There were several of them in that class. But Satan was wiser..he was very wise and he corrupted his wisdom. How then did he become their boss?

Matthew 4: 5-6
How did he get all that power. God didn't give it to him. How did he get it?
1 Tim 2:14. The devil only deceived Eve. 
So what happened with Adam?.
Romans 5:12- 14. By one Man (not one woman). Adam transgresses willfully. He was not deceived. He committed treason against God and lost to Satan. That's how Satan became their boss. 

2 Corinthians 4:3-4
He is called the God of this age/aion/ course of this world/the systems/the way things are run. He set them up. He influenced his kids. Satan is the god of this world
John 12:31-33.  He was the prince of the Cosmos. He wasn't only the god of the age, but the god of the earth as Adam was supposed to be. 
Jesus came and rescued the cosmos from him and delivered it to us. 

John 14:31. The word "hereafter" has multiple uses. He is not suggesting the sweet by and by. He is talking about something more immediate. 

John 16:10-11
Satan gets defeated by Jesus and He takes over the world and delivered it to us.
Now we are not of the world system. 
And we rule this Cosmos. 

That Beast is identified as the Prince of Greecia (the Leopard). Persia is the Bear. 
These are the 7 kingdoms...
Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greecia, Rome (the one that is). Then the prince of Greecia comes again.

We are dealing with a very powerful prince of darkness only subject to Lucifer. 

When Michael the archangel disputed with him over the body of Moses, he could only say the rebuke thee, because adamic power is higher than angelic power. 

You should not be afraid of the devil because he is using Adamic power (first Adam), but you are of the second Adam. 
God gave Adam authority/power over all his works. That's amazing! Think what he lost, but then, think what we got. We got something better. 

I want to talk to you a little bit about our intercession. 
When you think about what's going on in the world, you better know how to pray. No one can do your praying for you. 
We have been given authority to restrain the antichrist spirit. 
That very powerful spirit that became the prince of Greecia. No wonder how Greece took over the world in a short period of time and look what they did
He was the prince of darkness that worked with other princes. He was a very influential angel. Some spirits are more wicked than others. Some demons are more powerful than others.

This Prince of Greecia this time had the feet of a bear and the mouth of a Lion. He has traits from Babylon. 
He has been through all the seven empires.
The Antichrist spirit has been shown through different empires. He has been there working against God. 
He is called that Assyrian. He is called the antichrist. 
Note how this spirit works:
The Antichrist is the beast given power by Satan but who is the spirit that possesses him? The prince of Greecia. The Antichrist is the fleshly manifestation of the prince of Greecia. He is the son of perdition. Man can free themselves because there are forces of darkness working against them

Except we use the name of Jesus Christ.
Some men receive dreams from demons, then they wake up and manifest the evil things they saw in the night 
We are the only ones that can stop them.

Isaiah 43:26 RSV, AMPC 
God is ready to argue with you. Set forth your case. ..
Isaiah 1:18 SEPTUAGINT-, MSG.
The intercessory prayer is an argumentative prayer. 
You present your case. 
He wants someone to stand in the gap and present reasons why things must be this way or that way.

Isa 41:21 KJV, 
Luke 1:1-7- the elders of the Jews understood the scriptures. They know they could argue that the centurion was worthy of Jesus attention. They provided strong reasons. .
(If Pastors can take advantage of this and present their case as to why this brother or sister should get this miracle.) 
Are your reasons strong enough?
The effectual FERVENT PRAYER of a righteous man makes power available. 
When it comes to intercession, you've got to feel it on the inside. 
You have to pray like your life depends on it. 
Produce your strong reasons. 

This is the day of Salvation. This is the day of the church. We cannot allow Satan and his kids run things. He told us to pray. And if we pray correctly, there are results he told us we would have. The nations of the world are beautiful and they belong to God. 
The nations don't belong to the WHO, the UN or the WEF and their sponsors. 
Declare that your nation is not for Sale. 
You are not giving it over to the devil. 
Proclaim the name of Jesus over the nations
Proclaim the name of Jesus over your country. 

(Prayer session)

Finance Convention Day 5 With Pastor Chris, Christ Embassy Lagos Zone 5, 12/09/2024.

Phil. 4:6, John 1:1. All of God's plans, thought, response, speech, message he was all of God and he became flesh and dwell amongst us. ...