Saturday 22 June 2024


Rev Chris Oyakhilome DSc DSc DD

You have to understand something about your life. You're not living a life of chance. There are some things that are ordered by you, but there is a whole lot not ordered by you. 
Those ordered by you, you can control, but things ordered by God, understand them and flow with it. 
Don't manipulate it or things would go bad immediately or later on.
The scriptures show us several such examples. 

Understand those things that are within your control to change, and those that you are not to change because they are controlled by God, then whatever he was supposed to do in your life will come to maximum fruition.

The best place to be in life is at the center of God's will. Can you know? Do you know? Are you aware? Is it in your consciousness that where you are at this moment is the very place God wants you?

When you know that, you are full of confidence and you know no matter what happens around you, everything will be alright. 
"he that believeth, shall not make haste".
Everything is calculated by God. In God's place, at God's time. Don't be anywhere by chance.
Your life was planned by God to go from glory to glory. That's why he tells us to always be thankful, because everything will be alright. You always win. 
God loves you. God needs you. God wants you and God is happy to have you. 
God is excited about you. He has never had anyone like you. You are the only one of you that he ever had, He has or he will ever have. 
I am unique. I am special to God, therefore I'm going to be the best of me for God. 
I am God's investment in the earth. So I'm going to produce results for God. 

Did you know you are an investment?

You rule over the darkness. 
What is Light? 
God created two great to rule the night. One to rule the day. Light rules!
The moon rules the night. The sun rules the day 
And we are the Light of the world. 

The Ministry of the holy Spirit in our lives:

Saul of Tarsus was Erudite. He was smart, educated. One of the best teachers, Gamaliel, had been his instructor. He had ideas. He was a great scholar. And with all of that, He received Christ. 

What gets my attention is in the book of Acts, where Ananias was asked to go to the street called straight and gave Ananias his name. 
Ananias already knew Saul was a bad guy. Acts 9:13-17
Saul needed the Holy Ghost even though he was already very smart. 
You could never attain your best potentials without the holy ghost.
When you receive the holy Spirit , your life changes. You see what other men can't see. He brings you into a different class. 
Everything before you receive the holy Spirit, is in the ordinary realms of life. But with the holy Spirit, you are in another class. 
The Christian life is impossible without the holy Spirit. You can only have religion or the outwards things. 
The natural man was made in the image of God, so he can go very far. 
Many beautiful things we have in our world today were made from the minds of natural man.
But the thing is, life is beyond all of this. .that's why the more they invent things to make their lives easier, the less happy they are. 

They ask themselves, "with all the knowledge I've got, what's the meaning of life"?

The real fulfillment in life is not in this world. It's in Christ. In Christ is all Joy and God's goodness. 

Having the holy Spirit makes a world of difference. 

Saul of Tarsus received the holy Ghost and we can tell.. 1 Cor 14:18

John 7:37-39
Have you ever poured out from you, rivers of living water? Have you actually experienced it?

Isa 55:10
God's word shall be as the rain and snow from heaven.
Rain, pours out. Rain falls. 

Proverbs 18:4 KJV, AMPC. 
Words ... Like a gushing stream. Life giving...

Acts 10:44
Peter was in the house of Cornelius the Roman centurion on God's instruction when this happened. 

The holy ghost pours out of you in words of life. You minister the holy ghost through words. 
Jesus said "the words that I speak unto you, they are Spirit and they are life". 
I speak words of life. I don't speak ordinary words. 
Until you receive the holy ghost your words are ordinary. Once you receive the holy ghost, your words are words of life. They become Spirit and life. 
Jesus words came with power because his words transported the life and power of the holy ghost. 
He talked to blind eyers and they opened up. 
To deaf ears, and they were unstopped.
He talked to water, to the wind, the waves, the tree... Everything responded to his words because his words were spirit.

You have the Holy Ghost, so you can talk to your body. So, where will that growth come from? With words, you can cut it out and it will dematerialize. Just wrap your hands around your body and speak to it. 
Because the words that you speak are Spirit and they are life. Learn to practice the word of God on yourself. If you can help yourself you can help anybody else. 
Out of your belly flows rivers of living water. 

Acts 6: 
What happens in your spirit manifests itself in the life of others. When you are inspired of God, you become inspiring. That inspiration is passed on to others. 
From just you, you talk to anybody and they hear the word of God. You easily become a soul winner. True soul winners don't stop. Soul winners don't retire. There is no such thing as an Ex- soul winner. 
The path of the just is like a shinning light that shines brighter and brighter...that's more and more souls. 
If you were winning 3 a week, it should move to Maybe 12. How can you stay a whole month without leading anyone to Christ?
You have the most important message in the whole world and you're going to give account to God. 

You can directly witness to someone.
You can make it a collaborative effort with someone 
Along with that, you are putting finances into reaching where you cannot go. 
There are several platforms we have that we can use. 
God's number one job is winning souls because human beings are the most important thing on the face of the earth.

Growth is something you focus on 
If you had 15 people in the cell this week, next week be more. Always set your target and work at it. 
We cannot allow yourself to have lesser of God's standard than those who received the Holy Ghost in Bible days. 
Thank God, it's the same spirit. 

Acts 6:1-7
They increased their leadership...
The word of God increased..
The number of disciples increased greatly. 

When you restructure, you will experience Growth, especially if the people you are appointing are filled with the holy ghost. 

You can't make it by niceties... Looking for nice things to attract the people. What they need is the real holy ghost. They want to know God, to meet Christ, to know the holy Spirit of God. 
If you minister with the real holy ghost, you will always have a hard time getting people to go home. They will always want to stay. 

What is needed in God's churches is the real holy ghost. 

Acts 12: 1-24...
Herod was making trouble for the church....he killed James....then arrested Peter 
God's people prayed without ceasing. (Scheduled prayer/ prayer chain). Because the church was praying, amazing things happened. There was supernatural deliverance. There was Judgment upon the Lord's enemies. 

The word grew and multiplied because more people believed it and shared it. 
Praying without ceasing was what made this possible. 

Acts 19:1-7
Paul traveled to Ephesus. He has to teach them about the holy ghost and fill them with the holy ghost. He started a cell...started using the synagogue... Once there was trouble with the Jews, he moved out
V9- Paul started a church. Paid two year rent. Pastored them for 2 years. .

God did special miracles. 
If you will do special praying and special evangelism, God will do special miracles. 
Until those who were far away started sending their handkerchiefs and Aprons for Paul to pray over them. 
V11-20- Fakes and destroyers came around to destroy the work ..but in the end they had themselves to blame when the demons pounced on them. 
After this incident, people believed more. 
So mightily grew the word of God and prevailed. 

Acts 8:1-8, Acts 11:19-21
At that time, there was so much persecution that many brethren relocated. They relocated because of persecution. 
Always prepare your brethren In the event of relocation for whatever reason. 
These guys went everywhere preaching the word. 
Acts 11:24-26- Can God describe you like that? A good man, full of the holy ghost and full of faith.  As a result of Barnabas's ministry much people were added to the church.

Africa was a dark continent filled with demonic activity. BUT A few didn't give up and brought the gospel here. 
The holy ghost just needs somebody who can say YES. 
He says "open your mouth and I will fill it". 
Can a nation be born in a day?
As soon As Zion travailed, She brought forth her Children. 
When you are ready, you are using that auditorium. 

Finance Convention Day 5 With Pastor Chris, Christ Embassy Lagos Zone 5, 12/09/2024.

Phil. 4:6, John 1:1. All of God's plans, thought, response, speech, message he was all of God and he became flesh and dwell amongst us. ...