Friday 21 June 2024



Paul was a striking apostle. He expressed his confidence regarding accomplishing his call. 
Romans 15:19-20
"I have fully preached the gospel of Christ"
He said "I arrived to preach the gospel not where Christ has already be named"

2 Tim 4:7-8
We will be picking strategies from Paul's mission. .He understood his calling, he kept at it and he was certain that he did it. 

THe apprehension of your role.

Some of our churches started as a cell. (E.g. SA zone 5)

What is Christianization? It's a term for the specific type of change or occurrence when someone is being converted to Christianity.
 it is the process of making someone a Christian 
When a nation turns to Christianity as it's official religion.
The conversation of previously places to Christian uses and names. 

Many nations in Africa received Christianity through missionaries that were sent. 
Now, we are much more than the few missionaries that came to Africa back then. 

The doctrine of loveworld expansionism is the doctrine of expanding our reach through the relentless spread of our message. It is a relentless spread. It is unstoppable. It is undelayed. 

GLOBAL: It connotes the whole world. It begins with the idea of totality. All your neighbors, all schools , all bankers on your city.... It becomes an ever widening scope. All streets, all towns, all cities, All nations, all languages. 

Acts 1:8
They started from Jerusalem, then Judea, then Samaria... then unto the utmost parts of the earth 

Christianization can also have a negative connotation. Like when they use force to subdue people into being Christians. 

We are at war and Global influence is fully military in orientation. We are deliberate about our goal to exert influence on government leaders such that their decisions are guided by our message and the truths that we hold so dear. 

Lessons from Paul:
1. His apprehension and articulation of the vision and his readiness to take Action. 
Acts 26:15-19, Romans 15:15, Acts 9:5
Paul personalized the vision. 
What is your personal expression of the vision that was given to our man fo God, Pastor Chris?

2. His communion with the Lord in charting his course.: He didn't seek mans opinion. He conversed with the Lord about charting his course. 
We don't know if anyone else is doing the work, we remain focused. 

3. His quest for Knowledge and full possession of the gospel. A soul winner must have full possession of the gospel. No one used the word 'knowledge' like Paul. Epigenesis is the one which relates the knower with the known. Paul is credited with Epignosis. 
Ephesians 3:2-9. Philippians 3:10

4. His conviction/Passion and Diligence in Soul winning: Paul was a master soul winner like the Lord Jesus Christ. He was a man on a mission. Acts 20:26-27, 1 Corinthians 9:16-23

Why are we doing what we are doing? We are bringing the culture of Our Kingdom here till we take over. Till everybody begins to reason the way the Man of God taught us. 

5. His consciousness of his goal for Expansion; Romans 15:19-, 2 Cor 10:15-16 AMPC . Paul had his mind set on expanding the reach of the message. He also installed this in the churches under his charge

6. His confidence in the power of teaching and training: Acts 20:20, Acts 19:8-. Acts 18:11
The Bible doesn't tell us that Paul organized crusades, but his public speaking engagements, he turned them into teachings and trainings. This resulted in his brethren shaking things up in their various places until Paul himself was arrested for  doing this.

Paul taught everything and raised younger ministers to do same.

7. Paul's passion for Church planting. There will be no expansion without Pioneering. Paul planted churches everywhere and laid out structures for their growth and expansion. 

Paul is gone now. He is in Heaven. But our Man of God has done far more than Paul did. Right now, we have no excuse. 
We must raise leaders deliberately because the work is Large. 

8. Paul's prayers and his prayer guides. 
 From the first chapters of Philipansz Ephesians Colossians you find Paul putting down his thoughts in prayer. You also see his prayer guides. Col 1:3-4... These prayer guides were a demonstration of his faith I their prayers. 

In our Christianization of the world there will be miracles, signs and wonders. He conscious of the miraculous.

Finance Convention Day 5 With Pastor Chris, Christ Embassy Lagos Zone 5, 12/09/2024.

Phil. 4:6, John 1:1. All of God's plans, thought, response, speech, message he was all of God and he became flesh and dwell amongst us. ...