Saturday 22 June 2024



Who is a Protagonist? 

Activism is different from Protagonism. It's rigorous support. It proposes action and confrontation.

But Protagonism has got an edge of leadership. A protagonist is a Champion of a cause or mandate. 

Every cell leader is a Champion of the course. Rigorously involved in the work and inspiring everyone around him to do the same. 
He mobilizes everyone in the direction of his inspiration. 

If you don't understand activism Protagonism and advocacy as a cell leader, you can't have cells everywhere. 

Jesus was a protagonist. 
The way he called and equipped his disciples. 
Mark 1:16-20
He actively sought out, selected and empowered his disciples. He didn't wait for them to come to him. He went to them.

Our Man of God is a chief protagonist. He explained the role of the church: prayer, ministry and Protagonism.

Ten attributes of a protagonist Cell leader. 

1. He has an understanding of the times and of time itself: Since the year 2020, there has been an urgency in the work that we do. The season we are in is not a season where we can do things lackadaisically. It is a season where the littlest is counted from a thousand. He is also conscious of the limited time we have left. Every second, minute matters to. Isa 21:11 (TLB)

2. He is active and ready. You must be challenged to a vibrant life of Christian ministry. Romans 12:11. Look at the examples of Jesus and allow the adrenaline to be pumped inside you. To be active means you are a ready soldier. The army is a place of discipline and toughness where excuses are not allowed. As a leaders you shouldn't make excuses for missing church services. Endure hardness. Discipline and loyalty must not be wanting. 

3. The protagonist Cell leader is an activist. We won't hold back. The message we have is not an opinion. We have an ideology that our message is required by all. We order the world aright through prayer, ministry and Protagonism. 

4. The protagonist Cell leader is an expansionist. You can't be satisfied anymore with 20 Cell members. Pastor said to start with 200 members. The relentless unapologetic spread of our message .. you must be militant- bold forcefulness in the pursuit of our goal. Not giving up, giving in or surrendering. No one can tell you that you cannot use a particular venue for an outreach. Be intently and excessively focused on the course. 4b. A protagonist is an occupier. Everyone had one opportunity. What are you going to do with yours. Jesus said 'Occupy till I come'. We have a mission to occupy and saturate.

5. The protagonist Cell leader is visionary and innovative. We must come up with the best strategies for soul winning. Between now and IPPC come up with an innovation to reach 1000 because you have a unique way of reaching them with the help of the holy Spirit. He has a unique ability to do the unimaginable and unthinkable. We must recognize that God has given us a certain type of leadership in the world. We bring solutions. We make things happen. This makes us pace setting cell leaders. Read Hebrews 11 to understand our lineage. 

6. A protagonist Cell leader is lambent and Luminous. Matthew 5:16- You are a direction giver. You must give light to a thousand. 

7. A protagonist Cell leader is impactful. John 4.

8. A protagonist Cell leader is a passionate redeemer

9. He has a passion for God, for people and for excellence 

10. He is an effectuator. He makes things happen.

Finance Convention Day 5 With Pastor Chris, Christ Embassy Lagos Zone 5, 12/09/2024.

Phil. 4:6, John 1:1. All of God's plans, thought, response, speech, message he was all of God and he became flesh and dwell amongst us. ...