Monday 8 July 2024



This is the first communion service in the second half of 2024.
Earlier in today we had our thanksgiving services for the first half of the year. 
Sometimes we need to take our minds through several situations that we were brought through. We have to remember what the Lord has done for us. There is a tendency to focus on the next thing that you want. 
Sometimes we forget to look back at how good the Lord has been to us and the significant things he did for us.
So much to thank him for. 

Let your mind race through how he has been to you; The goodness of God...A TO ⁰Even the rich fellowship of the spirit that you have.
The understanding of his word that you have.
Especially when you realize not everybody's got it. It's God's grace. It's the ministry of the spirit and his work in your life. 
What about your health?
What about your family?
The Lord has been good to you 
What about those that through you he brought the gospel to?
 He brought salvation to other through you. That's wonderful! Worth thanking him for. 


Today marks the closing of our 7 day fast. 
It's very special because the Lord led us to do it and moreso as the first week, of the second half of the years planned by God.

God's plan is also to bring us into another level of grace today. 
Our prayer will be a prayer of thanksgiving for the nations of the world, for Leaders of communities, cities and institutions that have been set up to help men in their journey of life to give them a better life. For Judges in our courts, schools etc.
Pray the same prayer of thanksgiving bfor children 
Let us fill out hearts with appreciation to the Lord. 
Let us be grateful.
We have prayed and this is the seventh day. Now we are thanking him for all of these. 
He knows everyone, every nation. He knows everything. Nothing is hidden from him 
Thank him that His word is made real in our lives; that we are the expression of his grace and goodness to man.

July is a month of Joy
And they are certain things we do in this month of Joy. 
You know it's the joy of the Lord and the expression of that joy is also a sacrifice to God, it's important to realize that. 
He did give us a guidance on  what we should do: and since we stated it we have done it accordingly. 
So, during this month of Joy, as it is convenient for every church, there are those who are able to do it everyday, there are those who are able to do it every week, whichever is convenient for you do it. 
You're supposed to share among yourselves, come together and eat and drink. 
You know we don't drink like the world neither do we over eat and then I also gave you some importance guidance, don't order for food from the restaurant, don't give it as a contract to anyone: let from among you have the food prepared. 

Prepare the food from among you, be involved in it and serve ot amongst yourselves and be merry in the presence of God and thank Him graciously and on those occasions share testimonies and pray together. 
Set them as would he convenient for you, not once only, the least you should have is once each week. 
 It is in sacrifice to the Lord, remember this. 

As we serve the communion today, I want you to put your minds on certain very special things
Matthew 26: 26-28
The new testament is sealed in the blood of Jesus.
We are provided for, protected  and preserved in this new testament. 
Our health is guaranteed.
The testament is the last will a man makes before he dies. 
This is the will Jesus made in His Father's name, and the beautiful thing is He rose again to see to it that nobody cheated you out of your inheritance. 
He said this in establishing His will

1 Corinthians 11: 24 
Do this in remembrance that He left us a will. Through the holy Spirit, that will can be executed. 

Don't live a life without the provisions of his will. 
Jesus was crucified and the will came into effect.
When you break that bread, it's in remembrance of His broken body. 
When you drink that cup it's in remembrance of His shed blood. 
Insist on the provisions of His shed blood as stipulated in His will.
Declare that you live in the provisions of the new testament in Christ Jesus. 

Did you know God wants to bless? See, when you read the Bible, you'd be amazed at what you find. He has such a desire to do something extraordinary in your life. He desires to. You will get to find out at the healing streams. But there's something special today that's already working.

Did you know there's a grace at work, a special grace at work, right now? Something has been released in your life, a special grace. 

What you do is you thank Him for it. Thank Him for it. You are right now, right this moment functioning in an increased grace for your life. It’s working right now in your life. 

Thank Him for it. It’s working in your life right now.
It's working in you. It's working through you. It's working for you. 

Open your mouth and your heart and thank Him. Thank Him. Thank Him. Thank Him. 

Thank you Lord for this grace in which I stand right now, this grace in which I function right now. 
Thank you for this increased grace. 

Something that had been difficult for you before, now will be overcome easily. Now will be achieved easily. Something you need a solution for, now you can have it. It's easier now. With this greater grace, greater grace. 

It comes with ability, comes with speed, comes with favour, comes with power. Greater understanding, greater knowledge, greater wisdom.

Finance Convention Day 5 With Pastor Chris, Christ Embassy Lagos Zone 5, 12/09/2024.

Phil. 4:6, John 1:1. All of God's plans, thought, response, speech, message he was all of God and he became flesh and dwell amongst us. ...