Monday 29 July 2024

Healing Streams Live Healing Services Day 3

July 29th 2024

Rev Chris Oyakhilome DSc DSc DD

Luke 13:10-16
While Jesus was still teaching, he called the woman and spoke words to her and laid his hands on her.

Two things I want you to observe
Jesus said it was Satan that bound the woman for 18 years.

Mark 5:25- about the woman who had a haemorrhage. She spent all her living yet for worse. She spent until she was broke from pain.

Years ago, when the government agencies began to go against programs that showed healing...first they claimed the miracles were fake and the testimonies were spurious.
They took them off air.
What happened was that the pharmaceutical companies lobbied the government to take off the programs off air because they felt the programs were a threat to their profits.
They don't like it when people get healed
But why should it be a problem?
They like to have lifetime customers. They want people to keep patronizing them.

I'm not against doctors or medicine. We have hospitals. There are good doctors and pharmacists. Luke was a doctor.
But we have a problem who use the guise of medicine to cause problems for other people
E.g. the vaccines. There is no scientific evidence that vaccines ever worked.

The governments of nations make rules and insist their people should take the vaccines because those who make the vaccines have used their funds to bully the governments to mandate vaccines.
These things should not be allowed anymore. They have been the cause of autism and they have to stop it. And we will stop it.
This world doesn't belong to some group of people. It belongs to God. We are the works of his hands. We don't belong to some people.
Whenever they have ideas or policies, those policies don't have to be enforced on us.
You can enforce laws that are for the benefit of humanity AFTER you have proved it is for their benefit.
Laws were made for man, not man for laws.

Despots don't like us to talk like this.
Who are you to decide how we speak?
You are either listening or not listening. You don't have to be angry.
I didn't come here by myself. I didn't get here by myself. I was sent by God.

The Bible shows us that this woman was being oppressed by an evil spirit. Jesus was right. He proved it. He set the woman free from the bondage of Satan.

Demons don't care who they oppress. They destroy people's lives. They move people against others. That's why we have to learn to pray.
Together we are going to pray that God will give the leaders of nations a compassionate heart. It's important that leaders have compassion towards their own people and not make laws that frustrate their own people.


Yesterday I talked to you about the life that Jesus has given us. I explained that this eternal life that he has given us has a definition. The organic and existential attribute of deity.
An important factor to that is that it must have Extrapolatory evidence of the divine character.
This is so important.

Romans 1:20 KJV, AMPC
This refers to Extrapolatory evidence of his divine character.
So men are without excuse.

When Jesus came, what was he like?
He was one of a kind, Unique, God's only born..

Colossians 1:15
He is the image of the invisible God.
Image in Greek is where the English get the word Icon. He is the profile/ icon of the invisible God.

John 14:8-9
For their religious mind, this was Huge.
He had talked so much about his oneness with the Father. When asked to show them the Father, He said he was the resemblance and profile of the Father.
Jesus Christ is more than a man.

Hebrews 1:3
Jesus is the outshining and radiance of God's glory
He is the express image of His person.
"Express Image" means "Exact copy", fascimile, Perfect imprint.
Jesus is the character of God.
The character plays a role.
When Jesus came, He played a role. He acted God.

John 1:18
To declare: to display, to rehearse. Like playing a character in a play. Playing your role on a stage. Jesus played the character of God. Jesus rehearsed the divine naturez essence and character.

John 14:9-11
Jesus stated that he was not alone. The Father dwelt in him
The works depicted his character. He displayed the works of God to show us the character of God.

They could not dispute the works that Jesus performed as the works of God. They knew the scriptures.

Believe in Jesus Christ. When you do, the question of consciousness ends. You are brought into a real relationship with him.

When you believe in Jesus Christ, He gives you the same life. You receive the with him.
Paul the apostle was an educated man. But when he got to know Jesus, he had to have revelation. You cannot know God with your erudite mind
There is a humility that is required to get to know God. It takes humility to discover him.

Galatians 1:15-16
Paul had to have a revelation of Jesus Christ. It's not something his brain could have calculated

Ephesians 1:15-17
He prays that God will give them the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of God. He knew they could not calculate God with science or discover him in History
That's how you pray for people who don't know him, that the Lord will open their eyes and understanding. God is a spirit and those who worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

You can't serve God with your flesh or just your mind.
Romans 1:9
The life he has given us is more powerful than any sickness or disease or infection
No sickness can take a hold of your body because the Holy Spirit parambulates your body.

Philosophers and scientists of this world will tell you it's not possible to be always well. But Jesus gave you eternal life. Once you know it, you decide that's the kind of life you're going to live.

Psalm 107:20
It is his word that is coming to you right now
Proverbs 4:20-22
How can you know the sayings of God unless somebody shows them to you?
They are life and health...
Health means medicine to cure.
God's word are medicine/a cure to all your flesh.

Job 33:19-23 AMPC

Finance Convention Day 5 With Pastor Chris, Christ Embassy Lagos Zone 5, 12/09/2024.

Phil. 4:6, John 1:1. All of God's plans, thought, response, speech, message he was all of God and he became flesh and dwell amongst us. ...