Thursday 4 July 2024



John 7: 5, 7-8
Jesus was addressing his brothers from the same mother. They were preparing to. Go for a feast in Jerusalem. He told them he wasn't ready. His own brethren didn't believe in him. 
They see him at home. Even though he performed miracles, how could he be the Messiah?
They couldn't understand how a lot of people believed in him outside. of course their mother would have told them the story...but ... 
(The Jews at the time considered Jesus a Bastard.)
So, at what point did they believe in him?
After the resurrection...they saw him levitate before their eyes. 

John 7:7 AMPC
We're not different because we have the same spirit of Jesus. That's why we denounce the world and its wickedness and we reveal that it's doings are evil.
Those vaccines, there is evil behind it. 
And we have been proven right every step of the way. 
The things we have said about the GMOs too. People didn't get more for less; the got death. 

John 16:8 AMPC 
The holy Spirit convicts the world of sin through us as we bring his message forth. 
That's why when we pray for sinners, we pray that God will guide them to realize their works are evil. 
The gospel is; Jesus Christ has been judged for everybody. If you believe in Jesus, the judgement that would have been laid on you was laid on Jesus.

Romans 8;1-
There is no condemnation/Judgement because Jesus Christ was Judged for you. 

2 Corinthians 5:18-19,1 Peter 2:24
God isn't counting men's sins against them, because he laid the sins on Jesus. Jesus became the sin bearer. 

So when we pray for sinners we pray that they will come to terms with this revelation that Christ has birne their sins and they don't need to live in sin anymore.

2 Corinthians 5:14-15
If he died for everybody, then everybody died. 
Now that you realize that he died for you, don't live unto yourself anymore. Live unto him who gave his life for you 

The most beautiful part of all this is, he nor only sacrificed himself for us, he actually gave us something. 

John 3:16
Anybody who believes in him...if you believe, you have everlasting life. That's remarkable!
John 6:47- If you believe, you got it. 

1 John 5: 11-12.
 God HAS given to us... it's not a promise. 
Don't pray for eternal life...or try to get it. You have it. It comes by believing in Jesus.
You then live like you got it. 

Many live like they don't have eternal life because they read the Bible but don't understand it.
You have to know that you have it. 
It will change everything. 

Those born after the first Adam are referred to in Scripture as Earthy. 
1 Corinthians 15:47-48 KJV, AMPC 
The first man headed the first creation. 
The second man heads the new creation.
Jesus is the second and last Adam. 
All those who are not born again are Earthy.
Everything about them ends in this earth. What a wasted life. 
They try to immortalize people by naming a street after them or making a statue. 
Yet statues can be brought down. New governor's can change street names. 
Where are the old Pharaohs?
They've gone to Hell.
Where are the Caesars? 

We are of Heaven and we are Heavenly minded. You think the thoughts of Heaven . How things operate in heaven is the way you think..
V49 Act like the man from heaven.

Pray for those who don't know God that their hearts will be guided to the knowledge of the truth. 

I was telling you about prayer secrets... Mysteries in Prayer. 
There are certain inexplicable things in prayer and we learn them as we study the word. 

Exodus 17:8-14
Moses had done many miracles with the rod of God in his hand. 
Amalek provoked a war with Israel. When Moses raised his hands, Israel prevailed. When Moses let down his hands, Amalek prevailed. 
Aaron and Hur had to hold up his hands to be steady till Joshua destroyed Amalek. 

God instructed Moses to write it down/take record of what happened and show Joshua what happened.
Joshua was not there on the hill to see how he won. They didn't know how that the winning the spirit. 
But there was a secret that Aaron and Hur discovered. They realized it was about the hands. 

Lamentations 2:19
There is a secret about prayer that God's people have to understand. 
Here they needed deliverance for their children. 
God told them to cry out in the night. 
Something about praying in the night is another secret. 
This is why walking in the spirit and listening to the holy ghost is so important. 
In the beginning of the watches.... Refers to the wee hours of the morning. 
He also said to Lift your hands towards Him. 

Sometimes, you find there is a child that's wayward. The devil has captured that child. You see that son or daughter is heading to hell. You are going to have to pray and use these principles. 
Sometimes it is sickness or disease. You have to deliver that child. 
After 12 midnight.... At the beginning of the watches. Pour out your heart like water. Then lift up your hands. 

There is a story in the Bible... An interesting story 
Matthew 15:22-28
The doctors couldn't help this woman because the daughter was previously vexed of a devil. 
Even after Jesus ignored her...and even told her that He was only sent to the children of Israel, she worshipped him. 
She yearned even for the crumbs 
The master was impressed with her faith
Her faith made her daughter's healing possible. 

Even though you were hard headed and took the vaccine. Now, if you believe in him, you can be healed fast. 

Jesus had mercy on the woman. 
Her worship brought the first response. 
If you have been praying and it seems like you are not getting a response, worship him and you will get a response. At least, a dialogue will begin.

The lifting of our hands to God is very significant. 
What we read in Lamentations 2:19
Think about what happens in the inner cities in so many countries. There's so much to do. 
Anyone can be delivered. 

The things God tells us to do are spiritual. The armor he tells us to use are spiritual. We are dealing with spirit beings. 

1 Tim 2:1-2, 8-
He doesn't give you reasons for this. But it's significant. 
V10-12 - He tells women to get dressed with good works. A woman is not to usurp authority over her husband. (Not just any man). 
He says couples need to live peacefully or else their prayers will be hindered. 
The unity in the home is a key to answered prayer. 
These are Prayer mysteries.

Psalm 141:2.
The lifting of hands goes up to God as the evening sacrifice.
The evening sacrifice helps you to obtain promises; You get an announcement of something good that God's given you. It can cause blessings to come to you.

When Solomon offered to God a thousand burnt offerings, God asked him "what do you want?"
The next time, Solomon gave God 22,000. 
That night God spoke to Solomon again.
This time, Solomon obtained promises. 

When you look at what others did, you learn prayer secrets that made them get the kind of results they did. 

Genesis 8:20- 9:2
At this time the rains had subsided. 
Noah's first act was a priestly act. 
The Lord smelled a sweet savour from Noah's offering. That was what made God make that promise. Right there, Noah obtained promises and blessings from God. 

Your incense can be made strong. 
Before God you either qualify or don't qualify. 
Jesus was obedient. That was why God gave him a name above every other name. He obtained promises for offering himself in obedience. 

Hebrews 11:32-33
These men knew how to obtain promises. 
God was forced to announce the promises. 

For the next one hour, do something in the spirit. 


Finance Convention Day 5 With Pastor Chris, Christ Embassy Lagos Zone 5, 12/09/2024.

Phil. 4:6, John 1:1. All of God's plans, thought, response, speech, message he was all of God and he became flesh and dwell amongst us. ...