Friday 5 July 2024


Opening Prayer by Highly Esteemed Pastor Lanre Alabi



Welcome to Day 5 of our Fasting and praying. 
We thank the Lord for his grace, for his presence with us and the ministry of the holy Spirit. 
I hoped that you watched the documentary we just showed you. 
See what's been going on in our world in regards to Covid and it's associated deceptions.
The irony is, they keep doubling down on the numbers. They keep talking about the millions of people killed by Covid. There were millions killed during the Covid. Killed with negligence, wicked protocols and deliberately wrong prescriptions like Nesivir and most especially the vaccines.
Then the ventilators. 
Yet they want to give the impression that these people died of Covid. 
Same way the Climate alarmists are warning us that many are going to die as they died at Covid if something is not done. 
But if you ask the climate change alarmists to Sir for a discussion or a scientific debate, they never wait or agree for an interview.
They get upset, go into conniptions and walk away. 

Matthew 6:9-10
Jesus gave a format of Prayer.
It starts with praise. 
The KINGDOM has come but it's not experienced by people around the world. 
Thats why we pray for the extension of the kingdom.
We extend and expand the kingdom by the preaching of the gospel.
We pray that the will of the Father be done on earth as it is in Heaven.

Many years ago I was preaching to a gentleman who was an associate professor and scientist. I was a young teenager. 16. 
He asked me a question. "Why doesn't God see all the problems of the world? There are lots of people suffering. "
This guy was the son of a Pastor so he had a lot to say. 
I said to him.."that's why I'm preaching to you. Because God gave us the answers to give to the world. It's not his fault that there are people suffering.
Jesus already gave us the message. If people will believe, people will be saved. Their situations will change. .
The first thing Jesus said in the synagogue was "The Lord has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor..." He started with the poor.
(Luke 4:18-19)
What is the gospel to the poor means poverty is over. 
He listened to that and we prayed. .
A couple of years later, he was telling people about Jesus Christ. 

That's why we are compassionate of our world. How can you look away? Does God look away. 

We have been blessed of God with the office of the priesthood. He has made us Kings and Priests. One of the responsibilities of that office is prayer. .he assigned us to pray in a way that he will hear and answer. 
Remember this is man's world. God doesn't do what he likes in Mans world.
Imagine you rented a house from a landlord . 
While the tenure is on, the Landlord can't just walk into your bedroom even though he owns the house. He needs your permission.
Same thing with God. 
He gave man dominion over the earth and all his works in the earth.
Man has to account for that authority given to him and what he's done with it. 
Right now you are in charge. 
If you need his intervention, you have to invite him and tell him about it. 
You have things you must do as a tenant and the things you must do as a landlord. 

Right now, we have authority. We have invite the power and presence of God onto our world. 
Those who are blind will have their eyes open. The blindness will depart from them and they will come into this knowledge of God. 

Evil though the world has a lot of wickedness, they don't have nearly as much power as they think
 The wicked is not in control as they think. 

Remind yourself what Jesus was like. 
I like his dialogue with Pilate.

John 19:6-11
V10:Pilate was speaking from Man's perspective. He had state power
V11-Jesus was saying, he was there because God permitted it. Pilate could only arrest him because it was permitted from heaven..otherwise, He didn't have power at allm

We must think like Jesus. We have the mind of Christ. No one has power over you at all. 
There's no force in this world that has power over you as a child of God. Come to that understanding.
Have no fear of anyone or anything or any situation. 
The only things He permits to happen with you are things you can handle. He knows you can handle them

That's why the Bible says "in everything, give thanks. For this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you". 
Because no matter what happens, you will be on top. You always win. There's no such thing as defeat; Not for the child of God. 

We are going to pray right now for the will of God to be done on earth: the nations and the people, as it is in heaven. So they can experience the goodness of God in the nations. 

Pray a lot in tongues. In praying in tongues, there's a lot that we are doing. We are speaking mysteries. 
1 Corinthians 14:2
Mysteries are amazing and powerful things. Things beyond the understanding of the human mind. You are speaking things in the realm of the spirit. Setting things on course. 
If you really want the will of God to be done, pray a lot in tongues. 
Sometimes, when there are missiles of evil sent against you, you quench them because you are speaking in tongues.

(Prayer session.)

Finance Convention Day 5 With Pastor Chris, Christ Embassy Lagos Zone 5, 12/09/2024.

Phil. 4:6, John 1:1. All of God's plans, thought, response, speech, message he was all of God and he became flesh and dwell amongst us. ...