Monday, 2 September 2024



There's a lot going on in our world today and sometimes there are some who get confused as to what is really happening.
Political divisions today are at record levels.
You hear those in the United States say they have never been as divided as they are today.
There is so much division in the country.
And you find similar things in other countries. 
Why is there so much division?
One side decided "there will be no agreement except you agree with me".
That's the problem.
The problem isn't that we can't find a place of unity, or we can't be united. 
And the Other side thinks "I can agree with you if what you are saying is Okay for me, but I don't mind you staying with what you think".
But the other side says "you either agree with me or you are eliminated".
For one side, there is no 50-50.
Unless we understand the thinking of the political left, we will make many mistakes. 
You can only negotiate with someone who is willing to negotiate and who is willing to yield some ground. 

Sometimes we hear certain terms that get confusing: the deep state, the elitist globalists, and then you think "who are these?"
If you decide to open your eyes and look more closely and clearly, you realize that our world isn't going the way that you just expect it to go based on your profession or previous postulations from philosophers. 
Instead, things are going as the Bible already predicted it would.

If you don't know the Bible, you will be confused in this world.
Because you can't control what's going on, and you find yourself a victim, yet you know that something is morally wrong with joining the other side. So what are you going to do?
There are many who are troubled today, but God's word will help you navigate these very difficult terrain that the world has found itself in. 
Understanding the other side and how they think, and why. 

(Clip on a confession from some individuals who weaponized medical solutions in South Africa some years ago)
Observe what he said. They used innoculations to spread HIV. They told people they were providing help but through the vaccines they were eliminating people. 
They felt it was a fast way to eliminate black people. 
He had the conscience to do it because they were at war, and the black people were the enemy. 
It was to eliminate...eradicate....not to defeat. 
Understand their thinking. 

You see people who have the conscience to go to a nation and infect them with a disease. 
There is an ideology behind it.
What do they think those other people are?
The guy didn't start the war
 He has to be convinced that they were at war and it was whatever was useful for the prosecution of that war was okay, including clandestinely going into those places and infecting them.
Just like the Malaria Vaccine.
There are African Nations that never learn. 
Asian nations, South American nations.
And they have a lot in their history to learn from. 

The understanding of the other side is "We are at War". That's how they think. 
Thank God it eventually failed
How would you have known that that was the plan.
The philanthropist who comes with a lot of money to "help you" is just a Trojan Horse. 
Eugenics is the bottom line. The Eugenicists are not thinking about the color of your skin. Eugenics is Satanic. It's a work of the Devil.
When Jesus came, He healed the sick. He cured them.
But for those on the other side, "these should not live".
I remind you of Man's wickedness and inhumanity to man, as clearly depicted for us with the Holocaust. 
In 2020, when the COVID perpetrators began, I warned you and told you about the so called isolation camps that they were reminiscent of the German concentration camps. 
Most people didn't want to believe that such things could happen in our world, but they did.

So if they say there is no Cure, and they move you to the isolation camps, they feed them for a while, then say "since they will die anyway, let them work for their food", making them work in the fields, then, they eventually eliminate them.

(Video clip on the Holocaust)
The atrocities in those Concentration camps!!
Some of the most Heinous crimes that man has ever known were perpetrated in those Camps. And I tell you, they have not changed. 
The Same spirits!
Look what they did to those highly educated people; Doctors, Engineers, Jews, imbeciles, brought together from various countries in Europe... Millions of people .. taken to their death.
While they were in the Camps, they were thinking they would be freed soon. But they were weren't freed. They moved them into the Gas chambers. 
After many of them were used for science experiments the organizations that committed those attrocities are still with us today.
They transformed into philanthropic organizations. 
They sponsored these things. 

The other day, a guy in the WEF said that by 2025, they expect 6Bn people to die.. said it so casually and happily.
Do not think that the World Health Organization has anything to do with Health. 
It is not a Health promoting Organization.
It's in the founding documents. (By Dr. George Brock Chisolm, the first director General)
The priority of the WHO is population control..
As far as they were concerned, the problem of the world was it's expanding population so depopulation was top in its agenda. 

Cults of Control: UN, WHO and WEF (The evil Trinity)
What their publicly stated goals are, are very different from their agenda. 
How can an organization with such a Mandate, create policies for your health?
Do you really think they will come up with policies to make people get better and live longer? That's against their vision.
When countries were singing up into the WHO , they were being gaslighted/fooled. They thought that what they saw on glass screen was all there was to it. They didn't realize that the "real health" would only be attainable when the numbers reduce.
And they don't like us to talk like this. They want people to think that we are Conspiracy theorists. 

What is conspiracy theory?
It's not wrong. 
All security agencies work with conspiracy theory. So it is even more positive than negative, but they want you to think its a bad thing. 
If you are not a conspiracy theorist, you are foolish. 
You have to have the thinking that there is an enemy out there. The demons conspire and plot, agree together to do something against....
A theory means that you can speculate or review events and circumstances Past, present, and make deductions and postulations. That's being smart. 

The WHO have never removed Dr. George's agenda from their documents. So the WHO is founded on that premise and therefore should not be trusted with Healthcare. 
What they have done over time is to make sure that they cannot be held criminally liable for their actions. They have made it such they cannot be charged to court. All these things need to be reviewed. 

(Discourse on American Politics)
In 2016, they said they had an insurance policy in the event of a Trump win. In 2024 what they have said is, a policy for the PREVENTION of a Trump win. 
Why should there be a policy of a prevention of a Trump win. It's an absolute illegality. 
That why even an attempt on his life was to be part of the solution.
It should be the Constitution barring someone from contesting. 
Democracy is a smoke screen.
America and some other countries are constitutional republics.
A simple definition of a democracy is a government of the Majority. 
But when you look at it more closely, it is a Dictatorship of the Majority. So the minority has no voice. There again, is totalitarianism by the majority.

But that's not what we want.
Remember, the majority crucified Jesus. They called for his death. Were they right? No, they were wrong. The voice of the people is not the voice of God. Most times in Scripture, the voice of the people was not right. 
Thats why the United States still has an electoral college. Which is what's good about the constitutional republic.

Democracy wants the constitution abrogated. 
That's why they hate free speech.
There is a war against free speech today. 
God's people should take this seriously.
We came out of dictatorship of yester years by the blood and sweat of many. How can we go back to that Tyranny.
That's what the devil wants to bring back. 
Hate speech is free speech. You should be free to say what you want to say even if what you are saying isn't right.

Even Satan came to tempt Jesus with words and Jesus replied him with words. 
If someone is attacking you with Hate speech, that's why we have courts. 
New laws against Hate speech was all a deception; a subterfuge. Because they wanted to come in and stop free speech. Why? Because they want only their narrative to be heard.
We have to say NO. 

It is absolute nonsense to go after those who say what you don't like in their online posts. It's totalitarianism and we cannot accept it. 
Those of you in the UK, you must pray and take a stand against this. 
The one of France is even more laughable. It's more serious than the others. They got The founder of Telegram arrested. Pablo Durov. 
They are after not after Telegram really, they are after X and Elon Musk. 
X is the only platform in the world where you can actually say what you want. 
It is the last Bastion of free speech in the world and they want to stop it. 

The foolishness in Brazil has to stop too.
There is History! There have been dictators like that in History. They might have gone on for long, but not forever. Their day will come.
God created man in his image. 

Man has to be a free moral being otherwise, he is less than Human. Words are the most potent things in the world
 A man's personality is destroyed whose words are hidden. Only when a man speaks do you know his person. So let him speak. Good or evil.
Free speech is not only free when you like it. It is free when you can accommodate someone you don't like..
So, we have to support Twitter. We cannot allow what they are trying to do now to continue. They cannot be the police officer the world on their own terms. 
I'm excited about the message of this month because the Lord knows what is going on in our world and he tells us what to do.

This month we are continuing with our Great Grace. 
In your prayer, you will know how to deal with these things.
Free speech will never go away. It's from God. It is consistent with mans personality. You can't give it and you can't take it away. 
It is not a right given to us by some government authority. 
Eliminating Free speech is self deception. It will not go away. It's too late.

This month of September 
I John 5:4
Whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world...
Our Faith Overcomes the world!
The world is Cosmos, that means, the world with it's systems, arrangements order and governments. All that is in the world.
Our Faith Overcomes the Order, systems, Government and powers of this world.

I John 5:1-5, 10-15
Anyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God. 
V4: Whatsoever means not only person's.  It could be products or words. 
WHATSOEVER is born of God. 
V5: We will never be overcome because we are born of God. 
They have tried to eliminate Christianity for over 2000 years but we are still here. 

1 Tim 2:1-2
He gives us the HOW; the authority to pray in his name and receive answers. 
He knows what the world is like.

Romans 8:37-38
Beyond all these things, we are more than Conquerors. We have crossed; beyond victory.

Psalms 82:6
Why does God say that to you?  That you are gods? He tells them from the first verse that the world was going in the wrong direction. The gods were the ones supposed to provide the solution. So in the the seventh verse, he shows the repercussions of not doing anything, they die like men.
He telling us that we have to Stand up and answer our name. 

Psalm 74:20-21.
You need to pray like that. "Lord don't let the oppressed return ashamed"
The weaponization of the system against anyone is Oppression. Pray against oppression. 
Even the poor and needy should not return ashamed.
There are nations that are being oppressed today. Dictated for and by those who are more powerful than their government. 
They are told "you better do this, or else".

So you've got to pray like the verse above.
May those who hope on God not return ashamed. 
There are people incarcerated for what they are not guilty of. 
Pray for them. Don't neglect them so God will remember you. 

This is the month of Conquerors.
God is saying "Where are my conquerors? Where are my Victors? I have said you are gods and all of you are Children of the most high"

Stand up, make your voice heard. Let your voice be heard in heaven and heard on earth. 
You're going to speak for God, speak for freedom, speak from liberty. Don't be quiet, He is given you the victory. 
This month, we are standing up and declaring the victory of Christ over all the satanic forces and we are subduing them. 
This month we must tame them in the Spirit. 
This month, it is from glory to glory, from faith to faith, from grace to grace.


(DOCUMENTARY ON FLOURIDE: THE LETHAL KILLER) Several years ago, programs that promoted divine healing had problems with government . For a l...