Friday, 6 September 2024


Opening Prayers led by Highly Esteemed Pastor Lanre Alabi

Documentary: Drugs of Doom


Welcome to today's program. 
I hope that you followed that video. 
Several troubling points. To think that those you've trusted for your health may actually be your biggest problem is sometimes very difficult to swallow. 
And these are the same bureaucrats who want to create policies on how we should live everyday in our various countries. these are the same people who control the health systems, ministry of health, public health policies...These are the perpetrators of the wickedness we find in our pharmaceutical industries 

God's word already warned us and told us that in the last days, the world would be deceived through the pharmaceutical industry. It's in the Bible, and it's very specific. I shared the details with you before. 
Those of you who are in that industry, you have to refuse to be used.b
Don't be a collaborator or an enabler of these attrocities. Many people have died because of this evil work 
Nations were deceived. This is Prophetic in the book of Revelation. 
Medicine is supposed to be a beautiful thing.
Being a Doctor, one of the noblest jobs. 
Medical doctors are one of the most respected people in every society and should have so.
But remember, even with the disciples of Jesus, one was a devil.
Whenever you have good things, watch out for the fake. 

Look at all those psychiatrists telling us that their drugs were fine, but the users had a different story. (Plan to watch the rebroadcast of the documentary)
The other professor told you how they have 200,000 people dying in the USA. 
That number mostly died because they followed their doctors instructions. The others died because of medical errors.
If that's in the USA, what's happening in other places where they are  not being policed. 

Video play out: "To see what can be unburdened by what can become" as a  Marxism Incantation.

Sometimes you hear certain people speak and they either sound confusing or funny...and in this case they said it was a word Salad. Those are symbolisms. Those on the same side recognize it... Those who had been initiated. 
That's a bad sign.

Video Play out: Pelossi giving a Master Class on Lying

They train their people political officials, ground force, spokespersons, and those in the news media to lie. 
Kamala Harris said that when she was a prosecutor, with a stroke of a pen, she could get anyone to Jail. Then in 2 weeks she could withdraw you. 
You make such a person President who is trained in abusing power. 
Maybe not now for America. Maybe in the days of the Antichrist they can have such a President.

Video Play out: Mexico has banned GMO Corn. 

Mexico, a neighboring country to the USA, banned corn from the United States. Because all the corn from there is GMO. What is Africa waiting for?
If Mexico can ban corn coming from there, Africa should also ban corn from any country outside their borders. We are surrounded enough with water. They have laced the corn with dangerous chemicals. 
Not only are these different corns coming with infertility, they are coming with cancer, diabetes, heart trouble, hypertension. 
The biggest cause of hypertension in the world is Corn.
And we've got corn in lots of food... Including Baby food.
So you have a lot of Kids growing up Sterile
I pray that our political leaders will take these things seriously. 
You may do what you do today and take actions out of fear or because you want money, but the day will come when your conscience will not be able to rest or sleep at night. You will be hearing the cries of children and the cries of the dead. 
God often allows them to live even longer so they can suffer a lot. 
I warn you. Use your opportunity and privilege on office to do good and make the right decisions for your people. 
It doesn't matter those who supported you to get into office. God is going to hold You responsibe because you are in office.
Give attention to the right advice today.

The WEF want to abolish elections. Better believe what I'm telling you. 
How do they do it? Gradualism. Only that they don't want the process being too slow. 
For example, the advice that they have given some countries to form 'Unity Governments' which is the paralysis of opposition parties is a sign.
It looks nice to a lot of people but it's not a good sign. Because if  they didn't change their ideologies, how did they agree to be together. It's because there is a push. 
If there is no opposition, the public cannot oppose anything since there is no more free speech. Then these other guys can take over. 
We have some countries who settled for government of National unity. 
It's a bad idea as long as their ideas are not the same.
They say they are coming together for the good of the country. Looks very positive, but who are their advisors? And who are they answering to? And why are they against Free speech?
In all such cases, they start hating free speech and they settle for ESG.
Those are WEF recommendations to Nations.
In the GNU, they emphasize getting advice from experts and the most intelligent and gifted people in their countries. 
Who measured the level of this intelligence.?
What they are suggesting to you is Technocracy. 
That's what happens in the WEF and the UN.
The government of the Elites. That would have been nice if these were not Kleptocrats. 

C40 cities...These 15 minute cities being spearheaded by the C40 cities. Which city in your country belongs to the club of the C40 cities? Their policies revolve around imprisonment...
Every heard the slogan "you will have nothing and you will be happy"?
That's the promise of the antichrist. 

When you read the book of Revelation you will understand and that's why God's people have to watch and pray 

Tonight I want to share with you in Prayer with respect to these situations. 
There are many who are Government bureaucrats who are committing a conspiracy of Silence. They are committed to saying nothing even though these evil things that are going on. 
The plan is to dispossess you if your assets and inconvenience you in many ways till you adjust and ask for what they are handing out to you. 
There is so much inconvenience in so many cities to go with your car. They are programming you to live without your car. They are making it as expensive as possible. 
The car is just one of them
 There are other things. 
They make life so difficult for you until you give up and accept the life they want you to live as slaves under them 
They will run the government that they are planning to install and since they will abolish elections, you can't remove them. They are creating a monarchy of some sort without saying it's a monarchy. 
Imagine a world where Klaus Schwab becomes king and Gutierrez becomes his chief adviser. What a world!
If you are not watchful, you won't realize that that's what they want. 

But they are not about to get what they want. This is not their day. This is an effort in vain.
Why do we call the Bible scriptures? Because that's the English term for Sacred writings. 
They are inspired by God. And because they are scripture, they can be used in every generation. They are never outdated and they don't need to be updated. God's word is beyond time. 
If anybody tells you the Bible is outdated, He doesn't understand scripture..
Scriptures can never be outdated. 
God cannot be outdated. 
Think about his miraculous birth and miraculous life. A stream of the supernatural.
Supernatural death: He commanded his own death with his words. 
He had an extraordinary resurrection. 
He resurrected the third day.
40 days and nights, he taught the disciples things about the kingdom of God.
Then he ascended before their very eyes. 

When Elijah left, he was whisked away in a Chariot of Fire but Jesus ascended in extraordinary fashion, proving that he was himself, God.

2 Timothy 3:16-17
All scripture is God inspired. God-breathed
For doctrine, it produces good results. 
For reproof, for correction, for instruction on righteousness. 
It is the instruction manual for the life of righteousness. 

2 Peter 1:20-21
The prophecy of Scripture came by the inspiration of God. The prophets were moved by the Holy Spirit. 
Peter attests that the Epistles of Paul are scripture.  (2 Peter 3:15-16)
The scriptures have power. They produce what they talk about. They are infused with the power of God. Use it for your life. You can bet your life on it
Romans 8:26-28
V26: The word translated 'Helpeth' is a complex Greek terminology. It's a compound word. It means to take hold together with or against. It means we join together to carry out something. Like helping someone carry something heavy. (Luke 10:40)
The spirit also takes hold together with us when we pray in the holy ghost. 
Sometimes, we don't know how to deal with the case, but the spirit helps us.
This is not quite the same as speaking in tongues. These are groanings that cannot be uttered. Deep sighs. Like you are crying.

Oh! How often we should let ourselves go and pray like this! It will happen often when you give attention to the holy ghost. 

You could be thinking about other things when you are just speaking in tongues..but if you focus, position your mind on the Lord and draw from your spirit, it won't be long before the holy ghost takes over with you and at that point, he tells you what's going on. 

V28: He tells you that no matter what happens it's going to turn out for your good. 
We are THE CALLED of Jesus Christ. Hallelujah!

It's important that you pray like this. Let the holy ghost take hold together with you.

Mark 16:16
In my name they shall drive out demons. Expel and Eject them
You're going to learn to do it. 

Joshua 14:6-13
Hebron was a place where the Anakims were. (Descendants of Anak... Giants.... offspring of the mating of angelic beings and women). These spirits were demon spirits who were embodied in physical beings. When an Anakin died, the spirit became disembodied and looking for where to stay. They find another human energy and do wicked things. 
In those days, they had these Giants in Hebron. They were very strong. The other spies saw them and thought of themselves as grasshoppers before them. 

Jesus let's us know..don't look out for a physical Giant because they are the same spirits possessing new spirits today. 
Jesus said "In my name they shall cast out demons".
They occupy humans today causing sickness and infirmity. They also cause people to do wicked things. They occupy cities and cause evil.
But Jesus gave us power. 
You have to take over Hebron
You have to take over your city and country.
We wrestle not against flesh and blood. (Ephesians 6:10). You are a spiritual soldier. 
In Joshua's day, there were physical Giants. But in your day, the same spirits are here using the same mentality to frustrate, to make sick and to kill.

Joshua 15:13-NKJV
Joshua gave Hebron to Caleb accorytonthe word of God. 
Caleb drove out the three sons of Anak from there. He cast out the three devils from there. Glory to God!

Those demons can take over a home, or a child or business or a city. It doesn't matter what they take over. Use the name of Jesus to drive the out. Christ in you is the hope of Glory. Use what you've got. What you have is more than enough. You have the solution. Use the name of Jesus. 

Acts 3. Peter spoke to the man at the gate called beautiful...such as I have I give you... In the name of Jesus rise up and walk. 

The CDC website of Canada says that all medicines have side effects. 
Many of those side effects could lead to death.
Don't live your life on the instructions of Doctors. They can help. Thank God for the help they can give, but in today's world, there's a lot of difference. That's why we showed you that documentary. 

Can we send devils out of a City or anywhere we don't want them? Emphatically YES. Even they know it.

Mark 5:9-10. 
Whatever Jesus could do, we can do In his Name! They listened to him back them, they will listen to us now. And they do. 
You've got to cast them out. 

Sometimes, you've got to do some more than just talk
 It requires prayer and fasting. 
Matthew 17:18-21
There are different kinds of demons and in some cases, you will need to fast and pray. It will give you sensitivity and your faith and your words will be sharper at that point. Fasting does something to your spirit. It sharpens you. 

Cast those devils out of your town, city and institutions. Command those devils to leave and they will obey you. They will respond to you. 
Then fill the place with the word of God. .fill your life, your home, your church, your city with thr word of God. 
Talk about Jesus. Preach the gospel, spread his love message. Talk about his redeeming power. 
And the word of God will grow in your city and nothing will resist it.

Acts 19:20.
It prevailed in the city of Ephesus which was a terrible place. There was a lot of idolatry at Ephesus but the word of God prevailed. It grew mightily. 

This is the month of Conquerors. Yes, we are Victors. Use this month. The grace is abounding. Cast out devils. Cast them out in the name of the Lord Jesus. 
When you are in church, pray for your city and country. Raise your hands. Command the demons of darkness. Identify those evil works being done by demonic forces. Speak words and command the demons to leave. They will obey you. 
If you want to assure yourself ahead of Sunday. Fast again on Sunday.
You will experience a Change. 
There will be a Change in the spiritual atmosphere. 
What are you going to do when you face the Master and he says "why didn't you cast out devils?"
He gave us authority, let use it.
There are demons causing a lot of Havoc in many places. 
They say they have surplus vaccines in Europe and want to send it to Congo DRC one of the most blessed places in Africa. 
WHO has been there for decades, yet there is no rest or peace in that place. They don't want any solution
 It pays them to have trouble in that place, while they continue to milk that country. 
The pilfering has been going on for decades not they want to use vaccines to finish them. Their population will go down by death or infertility. 
The WHO DG was happy that Europe is sending vaccines. .but it's a war. In the mind of the perpetrators it's a War. They come shaking your hands as Philantropists, promising you vaccines and billions of dollars. But they never pay Africas debts. 
They say they want to give you healthcare..but it's Healthcare on their terms. 
African countries must reject them.

We know a better way. We must pray. 
And we must cast out devils. The demons that instigate people to do these kind of things. To trouble nations.
Use the name of Jesus against their deceptions and manipulations. 
Sometimes they are the ones instigating protests
 Not Every protest is good. 
Who is the one Instigating the protest and for what purpose?
They won't let you protest against things like clamping down on free speech.
When there is hunger and pain, the protest against the government sometimes doesn't work.. 
The so called Philantropists stop the government from using the funds that they got from improving their countries.. 
Pray now using the name of Jesus and on Sunday in church, make sure to do it. 

Prayer session


(DOCUMENTARY ON FLOURIDE: THE LETHAL KILLER) Several years ago, programs that promoted divine healing had problems with government . For a l...