This is the beautiful month of November and the Lord is with us.
Exodus 19:4-6
V5: God chose you to be a peculiar treasure unto him.
Deuteronomy 32:11-14
There was no idolatry when God led Israel in such an extraordinary way.
God bore them on eagles wings, made them ride on the high places of the earth and made them prosper. It describes amazing prosperity for everyone.
Isaiah 40:31
They mount up: Climb,Soar...
When you read Exodus 19:5-6, you realize he made a promise there which is fulfilled in 1 Peter 2:9-10. We have obtained mercy. We don't have to ask for it. Before you asked, he gave it to you. In Christ we have obtained abundant mercy.
(Hebrews 4;14-16)
He gave us mercy and grace before we had enough sense to ask for it.
You just need to obtain it.
This month is the month of Eagles.
Think what will happen this month and all the amazing blessings.
They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.
I'm borne on eagles wings.... Soaring....
In all the animal Kingdom, The Eagle sees the farthest. It can spot a rabbit while in flight, two miles away. It sees four times as good as the best human.
The Bible tells you, you're going to mount up with wings as Eagles.
Our strength is renewed.
We don't wear out.
Think about a man like Caleb in the Old covenant, who at eighty five years of age said "I am as strong today as I was when Moses said to go out for war".
At 120, Moses eyes were not dim and his physical stature was not abated.
That's the Old covenant
Think what we have.
We have got something better!
Kingdom consciousness is vital. Eternal life at work in you.
They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. That's one of the things the holy ghost does in your life.
Remember the Holy Spirit rejuvenates you.
That same spirit shall vitalize your mortal body.
Learn to live according to new testament principles and life.
I live by the Law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus.
It is working in my bones, ligaments, sinews, every cell of my blood and fibre of my body.
Eternal life is at work in me .
Sunday, 3 November 2024
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